Behind Closed Doors {Larry Stylinson}
Harry and Louis have secretly been together for two years now. When they run into issues (which is often with management always on their asses), they think back on the highlights of their relationship to strengthen them when there seems to be no hope. Will these flashbacks be enough to get them through the remainder of their contract unscathed? How will people react when the secret is revealed?******Even though I ship Larry, I obviously do not know facts about their love lives. Remember, this is Fan FICTION so if you are anti-Larry, I suggest you don't read any further. I RESPECT ALL SHIPS SO PLEASE RESPECT MINE :)**************

Cara Delevingne

Eleanor Calder

Harry Styles

Jason Parrish
Executive manager at Modest! Management

Liam Payne

Louis Tomlinson

Niall Horan

Simon Cowell

Zayn Malik
Chapter 1
Harry is upset with Louis about something and thinks back to their first kiss.
Chapter 2
Louis thinks back to when the rest of the band found out about his relationship with Harry.
Chapter 3
Harry and Louis find a little alone time. (Get's mature)
Chapter 4
Louis reminisces on his first time trying to make love to Harry. (EVEN MORE SMUT)
Chapter 5
Harry and Louis have more alone time and all of the boys celebrate the end of their tour.
Chapter 6
Louis thinks about the first time management tried to come between his relationship with Harry.
Chapter 7
The group has an earth shattering meeting with management.
Chapter 8
Louis and Eleanor pretend to be a couple in France.
Chapter 9
Harry and Louis find some time to "talk" in private.
Chapter 10
Harry and Louis spend a lazy afternoon together.
Chapter 11
Louis and Harry wait impatiently to get back from their night of heterosexual publicity.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Harry and Louis receive a rude awakening.
Chapter 14
Harry misses Louis and thinks back to being with him at his mum's.
Chapter 15
Louis and Eleanor get back from France.
Chapter 16
Harry becomes aggressive. Will he let it go too far?
Chapter 17
Louis decides to confront Harry but receives another shocking surprise.
Chapter 18
Harry tries to deal with his emotions
Chapter 19
Louis reminisces back to when things were less hectic
Chapter 20
Harry has some visitors that try to make him feel better.
Chapter 21
Louis arrives at Harry's flat once again.
Chapter 22
Liam goes to Louis' flat with no idea what's going on.
Chapter 23
Liam calmly talks to Harry about the situation.
Chapter 24
Harry and Cara team up against Modest. Will they succeed?
Chapter 25
Harry shows up at Louis' flat.
Chapter 26
Harry and Louis discuss everything that has happened.
Chapter 27
Louis thinks back to the time Harry forgave him for kissing Eleanor a bit too passionately.
Chapter 28
Louis and Harry meet with Jason.
Chapter 29
Harry and Louis plan on having the rest of the lads over for dinner.
Chapter 30
Harry leaves for Milan and a surprise guest is accompanying him, which Louis isn't happy about.
Chapter 31
Harry lands in Milan & Louis spends the day with Niall.
Chapter 32
Harry and Nick go to a party in Milan.
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Louis wants to have phone sex again and thinks back to the first time Harry blew him. ;)
Chapter 35
Harry and Louis spend their last day apart.
Chapter 36
Larry reunites ;)
Chapter 37
Louis and Harry meet Des Styles (Harry's father) for lunch.
Chapter 38
Louis tries to comfort Harry
Chapter 39
Louis talks to Des privately.
Chapter 40
Morning glory ;) haha
Chapter 41
Ziam intervention.
Chapter 42
Louis plans a big surprise with Liam and Eleanor's help
Chapter 43
Make-up sex and whatnot ;)
Chapter 44
Dinner with Des and then... well... you'll see ;)
Chapter 45
Louis get's things set in place for his first surprise for Harry (among a few)
Chapter 46
Harry and Louis make it to their first stop along the way.
Chapter 47
Harry and Louis arrive in Ireland while their friends prepare for a big surprise.
Chapter 48
Harry and Louis spend a romantic day in Ireland
Chapter 49
Harry and Louis spend time in front of the fireplace
Chapter 50
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