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My Young Ones


Nate is Niall and Hannah's 'little boy'. Well, not so little now. He is now 17 years old and being dragged away from his homeland of Ireland to go back to his birthplace, London. Let's just say he isn't too happy about this even though it's for a good reason. He loves Ireland and has many friends there, basically living his comfortable life. So, you could imagine it wasn't all happy words being thrown around when he found out he was moving away on his last year of High School, what people say is the 'best year of high school'. Not only was he coming out to London with no intention of wanting to be there but, he had another thing bothering him.

Violet, or commonly known as Vi, is Liam and Pauline's daughter. She is 17 just like Nate, only that Nate is a day older. She has never moved from London but usually visits her aunts and Liam's family during the holidays in Wolverhampton while her parents go visit the Horans. Vi never really went to Ireland since she was always wanting to go to her Father's family during holidays. But every year she grew older, she always thought of Nate and how they used to be close. Somehow yearning for that feeling of friendship and maybe even more.... Now she can't hide from him and is going to be seeing him a lot.


Ben Payne

Ben Payne

Son of Liam and Pauline Payne; 18 years old.

Clarity Tomlinson

Clarity Tomlinson

The daughter of Louis and April Tomlinson; 12 years old.

Darcy Styles

Darcy Styles

Daughter of Harry and Lily Styles; 16 years old; Twin of Will.

Dylan Malik

Dylan Malik

Son of Zayn and Perrie Malik; 13 years old.

Harry Styles

Harry Styles

Once the flirtatious one in One Direction; Now happily married to Lily Hastings.

Liam Payne

Liam Payne

Responsible one in One Direction; Father of Violet Payne.

Lily Styles

Lily Styles

Mother of Darcy and Will; Wife of Harry Styles.

Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson

Funny one in One Direction; Husband of April Springs.

Nate Horan

Nate Horan

Irish; 17 years old; Senior Year; Loves football and music.

Niall Horan

Niall Horan

Irishman of One Direction; Father of Nate Horan.

Violet Payne

Violet Payne

Known as Vi; Daughter of Pauline and Liam Payne; 17 years old.

Will Styles

Will Styles

Son of Harry and Lily Styles; 16 years old; Twin of Darcy.

Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik

Mysterious one of One Direction; Husband of Perrie Edwards.


  1. Just the sneak peek!

    This was posted in The Party Of My Life

  2. Chapter 1

    Moody is an understatement

  3. Chapter 2

    First day in school

  4. Chapter 3

    A moment to adjust.

  5. Chapter 4

    Mystery Girl

  6. Chapter 5

    Memories In The Past


Aww thanks, I hope you have a wonderful day to

REALLY? AWWH Now I feel terrible for updating so late :(( ASJDVHBKVA STUPID SCHOOL AND BROTHERS FIGHTING OVER THE LAPTOP. Ugh. Thanks for sticking around, love. :) I hope you have a wonderful day.

Eeek yay I don't care how long it was that I had to wait you updated and that's all I car about!!!! Your fics were some of the first I read on this site and I love them so much!!!!!!!!!

Of course! I always try my best! Will seriously update soon.
I hope you feel better @sickcurlsanduptightquiffs!!! But could you please just try to write a little bit whenever you had time, instead of giving up one day of your life to write it???
fascinated fascinated