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My Young Ones

Just the sneak peek!


Hi, the name's Nate Horan. I'm 17 years old and I'm now moving away from my dear home Ireland and moving to London, full of big shit if you ask me.
You may say I'm just mad but, I am, to be honest. I used to live in London in a small neighborhood with my dad's bandmates but, when their band stopped for a 'while' 10 years ago since they were busy having us, children, we moved to Ireland. Where my dad was born, we stayed in Mullingar since my dad is proud to be form there and now, I am too.
But, let's go back to why we're moving to London again, the whole shit reason. I mean I should be happy for my dad since the whole reason we're moving is because the band is reviving! Whoop-dee-doo. Yeah, so. We're moving back to that old neighborhood where we used to live and going to live next to my Uncles and Aunts. We see them every year during like Christmas since Uncle Lou's birthday is the day before but, they moved to the U.S. and haven't really gotten around to visit since he's stationed in SycoMusic there and we're stationed here.
So here I am, going to see all my Uncles, Aunts, and 'Cousins' again. I haven't seen them in ages and to be honest, I don't know what to expect. I remember being close with a girl named Vi, or Violet Payne to be more clear. She's the daughter of Uncle Liam and Aunt Pauline but, I haven't seen her since we were 7 due to the times Uncle Li and Aunt Pauline visited us, she was left behind with her grandparents since she wanted to. They're not bad parents, they just let Vi decide where to spend her Christmases.
I am currently on a plane going to London and I'm writing in my journal as we speak. I'm getting sleepy. Write soon about my horrible shitty move.
Bye, Nate

I closed my journal and shoved it in my handbag which laid beside me. I glanced over to my side and see my parents asleep cuddling each other. Time to sleep.


Aww thanks, I hope you have a wonderful day to

REALLY? AWWH Now I feel terrible for updating so late :(( ASJDVHBKVA STUPID SCHOOL AND BROTHERS FIGHTING OVER THE LAPTOP. Ugh. Thanks for sticking around, love. :) I hope you have a wonderful day.

Eeek yay I don't care how long it was that I had to wait you updated and that's all I car about!!!! Your fics were some of the first I read on this site and I love them so much!!!!!!!!!

Of course! I always try my best! Will seriously update soon.
I hope you feel better @sickcurlsanduptightquiffs!!! But could you please just try to write a little bit whenever you had time, instead of giving up one day of your life to write it???
fascinated fascinated