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You Make it Real {A Harry Styles Fan Fiction}



"In that moment, nothing moved. Everything was silent. Except for him. He looked straight into my eyes as I nervously stood, unwilling to break my stare. His oversized hand seemed to move in slow motion as he pulled it to his mouth, lightly placing his palm over his chin, rubbing it slowly. Wow, he was sexy. Pictures and videos were enough to send me over the edge. But, standing there right in front of me, Harry never looked so good. I knew he was pretty tall, but nothing compared to what I saw from ten feet away. He removed his hand from his chin and moved it to his glorious hair and ran his long fingers through it seductively. Maybe the seductive part was on accident, but who fucking cared? He was perfect."

Author's Notes: Each chapter will have a song as the title and I will make a note when you should play it if you want to listen as you read. Enjoy!


Andrea Taylor-Styles

Andrea Taylor-Styles

Harry and Karen's daughter. 3 years old.

Ashlee Bennet

Ashlee Bennet

Step-sister of James; Hangs out with him and Piper.

Charles Nielsen

Charles Nielsen

Piper's father

Cory Nielsen

Cory Nielsen

Piper's younger brother

Daniel Kamp

Daniel Kamp

James' father and the detective on Piper's case.

Dr. Michelle Edwards

Dr. Michelle Edwards

Piper's long-time therapist.

Harry Styles

Harry Styles

James Kamp

James Kamp

Attends a class with Piper. Genuinely nice, sensitive guy.

Karen Taylor

Karen Taylor

Harry's ex-girlfriend

Liam Payne

Liam Payne

Linda Furst

Linda Furst

Riley's mother.

Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson

Marie Nielsen

Marie Nielsen

Piper's mother

Matthew Hartin

Matthew Hartin

Piper's deceased ex-boyfriend

Niall Horan

Niall Horan

Piper Nielsen

Piper Nielsen

21 year old at University in Orlando, Florida.

Rebecca Bradford

Rebecca Bradford

Mean girl that lives in the same dorm building as Riley and Piper.

Riley Furst

Riley Furst

Best friend of Piper. 20 year old student at University in Orlando, Florida.

Samuel Furst

Samuel Furst

Riley's father.

Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik


  1. Chapter 1

    Piper and Riley are on their way to the One Direction concert, excited to use their meet and greet passes.

  2. Chapter 2

    The girls meet One Direction

  3. Chapter 3

    The girls get an unexpected invitation.

  4. Chapter 4

    Things get steamy ;)

  5. Chapter 5

    More smut

  6. Chapter 6

    What will things be like the morning after their night together?

  7. Chapter 7

    Another steamy situation.

  8. Chapter 8

    The group goes to the beach but it's different than any beach experience the girls' have ever had.

  9. Chapter 9

    More beach and goodbyes.

  10. Chapter 10

    Piper and Riley drive away and Piper has a breakdown.

  11. Chapter 11

    Harry and Piper try to get used to being apart all the time.

  12. Chapter 12

    Piper and Riley look forward to seeing the guys again.

  13. Chapter 13

    The boys go back to the Piper and Riley's dorm.

  14. Chapter 14

    Will things be more romantic now?

  15. Chapter 15

    Harry and Piper utilize the little amount of time they still have together.

  16. Chapter 16

  17. Chapter 17

    Piper finds out some surprising information about Harry.

  18. Chapter 18

    The group goes to Disney.

  19. Chapter 19

    Harry has one last surprise for Piper before he leaves.

  20. Chapter 20

    Tears and goodbyes.

  21. Chapter 21

    Piper meets a guy from her class and she gets used to every day life without Harry.

  22. Chapter 22

    Harry's P.O.V. on being gone.

  23. Chapter 23

    Piper confronts Harry about her accidental confession from the night before.

  24. Chapter 24

    Harry prepares for his surprise trip to Florida and him and Piper experiment with the perks of a long-distance relationship.

  25. Chapter 25

    Harry arrives in Florida and meets Piper's family.

  26. Chapter 26

    Piper and Harry react to seeing each other at Cory's party.

  27. Chapter 27

    Piper tells Harry who Matthew is

  28. Chapter 28

    Harry has a chat with James and spends some quality time with Piper's family.

  29. Chapter 29

    Harry and Piper spend some more time with her family

  30. Chapter 30

    Piper and James have a study session gone wrong, leaving Riley and Cory alone.

  31. Chapter 31

    Harry finds out about what James did to Piper.

  32. Chapter 32

    Riley confesses to Liam and Harry fully reacts to what James did.

  33. Chapter 33

    Piper tries to be intimate with Harry to help her get over her traumatic experience.

  34. Chapter 34

    Piper talks to James' father and Harry decides whether to take action or not.

  35. Chapter 35

    Piper realizes what Harry has done and confronts him about it.

  36. Chapter 36

    Cory disappears and Piper won't tell Harry why she's worried about him.

  37. Chapter 37

    Piper and Harry look for Cory when he doesn't return home.

  38. Chapter 38

  39. Chapter 39

    Harry tells Piper about what James said and the couple has to say another goodbye.

  40. Chapter 40

    Piper get's a surprise visit.

  41. Chapter 41

    Piper has a hard time deciding what to do about James.

  42. Chapter 42

    Harry deals with more than Piper even realizes.

  43. Chapter 43

  44. Chapter 44

    Piper goes to her therapy appointment and feels relieved to discuss everything freely.

  45. Chapter 45

    Piper prepares to go to London with Harry.

  46. Chapter 46

    Piper and Harry arrive in London.

  47. Chapter 47

    Riley waits for Liam to arrive in Florida.

  48. Chapter 48

    Piper spends time with Harry and Andy with an unexpected visitor.

  49. Chapter 49

    Riley and Liam get back to the dorm. Will they run into Cory?

  50. Chapter 50

    Piper talks to Karen on her way to spend the night with Anne and Gemma.

  51. Chapter 51

    Halloween back in Florida.

  52. Chapter 52

    Karen and Harry go to court to battle for custody over Andy

  53. Chapter 53

    Cory, Riley and Liam leave the party & Harry and Piper try to beat Karen and Anne back to the hotel.

  54. Chapter 54

    Riley, Liam and Cory are back from the party, hoping to recover from the terrible night.

  55. Chapter 55

    Piper and Harry have brunch with Anne, Gemma, Andy, and Karen.

  56. Chapter 56

    Cory returns home and they all go to Piper's court hearing against James.

  57. Chapter 57

    The jury comes to a decision at the trial.

  58. Chapter 58

    Riley and Liam spend some time together before going to see her parents.

  59. Chapter 59

    A month later, Piper and Andy prepare to meet Harry in New York.

  60. Chapter 60

    Piper decides whether to confront Harry about what she found in his hotel bathroom.

  61. Chapter 61

    Surprising morning? (I can't think of a better description without giving stuff away haha)

  62. Chapter 62

    Explanations and promises.

  63. Chapter 63


  64. Chapter 64

    Piper reads the letter from Matt

  65. Chapter 65

    Harry wants Piper to get her mind off of Matt.

  66. Chapter 66

    Harry is trying to win Piper's forgiveness.

  67. Chapter 67

    Piper and Harry spend time at the auction while Riley tries to talk to Cory.

  68. Chapter 68

    Harry and Piper make-up

  69. Chapter 69

    Piper's family, Karen, and Riley arrive in NYC.

  70. Chapter 70

    Harry doesn't understand why Piper is upset and she get's much needed time with Riley.

  71. Chapter 71

    Liam and Harry talk before Piper comes back.

  72. Chapter 72


  73. Chapter 73

  74. Chapter 74

  75. Chapter 75

    FINAL CHAPTER DON'T HATE ME AT THE END (WARNING: depressions triggers)


awwww thank you so much! where is this awards nomination? lol I didn't know about it, but thank you so much!!!! :) I'm gonna start the sequel now ;) should be up today or tomorrow!

I just voted for you for the best harry styles fanfic, and best tragedy, and best romance, and other ones I can't remember!!! You are an amazing writer and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us for the sequel!! Not to push you or anything but when do you think the first chapter of the sequel will be up?

I know :( i didn't wanna give anything away but i was cringing! haha

omg thank you <3 that's soooo sweet of you. :D I can't wait for the sequel! ahhhhhh!!!!!

Excuse me as I go cry for a minute. And to think that just last chapter I asked if Cory would get happier as the sequel went on.

But on a happier note, thank you so much for this wonderful story. And yay for the sequel! I cannot believe this is the first fan fiction you began to write. You are such an amazing author! Words ain't good enough to describe how good you are, if you know what I mean ;)

ourboysRthebest ourboysRthebest

It made me so sad to write it. :(

@Corinne Elizabeth
Awww don't cry hon! xx I'll try to start the sequel soon!