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You Make it Real {A Harry Styles Fan Fiction}

Chapter 67


My legs were crossed under the table and my knee bounced rapidly. I don’t know why I was so on edge, but it probably had something to do with the pretentious assholes that me and Harry were surrounded by. It made me sick to see all of those people feeling as though the deserved a party for donating. Not only that, but they needed a party to donate more.

It had always bothered me how so many wealthy people didn’t do as much as they could. I knew that Harry and all of the guys were extremely interested in donating their money and time to help those in need. And they’re fucking busy as hell. Harry’s mum advocates for several charities. Hell, my parents donated all the time when I was young. We were always volunteering for different organizations. Why the hell do these people need the motivation of a high class party to hand over a seemingly small amount of money that could impact so many people.

“What are you thinking about? I can tell it isn’t good.”

I had intended on continuing to ignore Harry, but that was beginning to feel impossible. If I didn’t get these dumb feelings toward these pompous people off my chest, then I may have bursted.

“I just hate looking around and seeing so many people here for the wrong reasons. It’s all so they can prove to each other that they’re rich and ‘care’ about people. If I had half the money they have, then I’d give half of that away. I don’t get it.”

Harry leaned over the round table, which was thankfully secluded from the rest, and clasps my wrist lightly with his right hand.

“I know, love. I figured you felt that way. I’m sorry- I wish there were something more I could do than place bids on a bunch of shit no one needs.”

I couldn’t help but to grin proudly at him. I knew how much Harry cared for other people; it was evident in the way he treated complete strangers who badgered him in the streets. He’s always kind-hearted and respectful.

“Thank you, Harry.”

I said it quietly, due to my thick pride, but remembering the reason I was there- because Harry
donated a large amount of money on my behalf, after knowing me for a short time- made me realize how much he had done for me. All of this shit with Matthew had torn us apart in a matter of minutes and I completely threw away everything we had built.
Harry was looking at the menu, but his eyes shifted up immediately at my words.

“For what?”

He closed the menu and set it down on the table, giving me his undivided attention. So, this was when we were going to talk. I suppose it was as good a time as any. Neither of us would make a scene here and Andy wasn’t around to be petrified.

“For everything. I’ve been ungrateful these past few days. I mean, I don’t agree with how you
handled the situation, but I can understand why you were upset and wanted me to get over it quickly. No good is going to come from me meditating on the past and trying to help someone who obviously doesn’t want my help. I just got caught up in it because he used to mean so much to me, Harry, and he probably always will. But, if I’m being honest with myself, he isn’t the same guy I knew as a teenager. That boy is long gone and I know that even if he were to technically come back, he would never really ‘come back’ as the same person everyone misses,” Harry slides his hand back to me and I give him mine in atonement, “I’m sorry that I was so selfish and I’m sorry for ignoring your attempts to help me. Being here now reminds me of everything you’ve done for me and I’ve basically made myself unworthy of any of it.”

I definitely didn’t plan on crying tonight, but the sobs came anyway. I used my free hand to dab the tears away without ruining my makeup. I looked up at him and his face was ridden with concern and deep thought.

“I suppose it’s my turn then,” I laughed despite my tears at his blunt attitude and I wondered how I must have looked to everyone around us. He squeezed my hand a little tighter and I stroked my thumb against his.

“Piper, I’m so so sorry for the way I acted. Absolutely nothing constitutes that type of behavior and
I hate to think that you might see me differently because I let my temper get the best of me. I had no right to fight against the skeletons in your closet after you accepted mine so freely. You brought me and my daughter closer together than ever. You fucking welcomed my ex-girlfriend into your family’s home with open arms. How do I thank you? I explode at the first hint of jealousy instead of comforting you and trying my best to help when you needed me most. You’ve picked up the pieces for both of us time and time again, Piper. I’ve just been extra luggage for you to carry around and that’s absolute bullshit. You’ve been through so much and you’ve been nothing but strong. All I can seem to do is find a way to fuck it all up and make it harder on you and it’s time for that to change. I’m so sorry.”

It was funny, really. If someone had asked me earlier what I wanted to hear from Harry in order for me to forgive him, I couldn’t have come up with anything. But, hearing his sincere apology, riddled with personal experiences that have been often overlooked, I wanted nothing but to crawl into his arms and never leave. I sobbed again, but this time not from sadness. It wasn’t from happiness either; it was just a cry that I needed to let out and once it started, it was going to take a bit of effort to stop.

Harry stood up from his seat and keeping my hand in his, he knelt down at my side, collecting me in a warm, loving embrace. We pretended to be unaware of the hundreds of people surrounding us and obviously staring at us and I simply nestled into his neck, thinking that this must be what they mean when they say ‘home is when I’m with you’. Because I had never felt more at home than right then in Harry’s arms.

“I love you, Harry.”

He kissed my shoulder and pulled back from our hug, resting his hands one my knees.

“I love you too, baby. I can’t stand to see you cry anymore.”

He still looked melancholy and obviously didn’t understand the nature of my tears, but then again,
I knew it would be impossible to explain since I didn’t really understand them myself.

“I’m not crying because I’m sad. I’m just being emotional.”

I laughed and wiped away the final tears on my cheeks, feeling quite silly. After all that crying, I knew there could only be one explanation: I was going to start my period soon. Worst timing ever. I ran my finger under both of my eyelids and attempted to fix the smudges I knew had to be there.
Harry pulled both of my hands into his and kissed them both, followed by a peck to my lips.

“By the way, I’m pretty sure I placed the highest bid for the trip to New Zealand.”

That was one of the grander auction items that had caught my eye. I hadn’t said anything to Harry, though. He must have known it would appeal to me.

“Well, a trip to New Zealand for two, huh? I guess you and Liam are going to have a lot of fun.”

He smirked and ran his hands up my thighs, still squatting next to my seat.

“That’s the thing. I’m sure Liam will be quite put out, but I was hoping this girl would go with me.”

I grinned and stroked his cheek softly, keeping up the charade.

“Oh really? Who is she?”

He left his hands on my upper thighs and I instantly wished we were in the privacy of our room
instead of on display to all of these strangers.

“I think you’ve met her once or twice. Incredibly sexy, a bit moody at times, and the most
important woman in my life.”

I shrugged, fighting the smile that was trying so hard to break through.

“Hmm, I don’t remember meeting her. She sounds great, though.”

He chuckled and kissed my forehead before standing up and moving back to his chair across from me. He tried to appear enthralled in the menu again.

“Yeah, her name’s Maria. You’d probably like her.”

I laughed loudly and kicked him playfully under the table. He put the menu down and broke down laughing along with me.

“But seriously, Piper. No one’s going to outbid me, so this is my way of telling you that we’re going to New Zealand.”

If he was so sure about that, I didn’t really want to know how much money he put on that trip. I knew he did it for me; or so that he could feel good about donating instead of doing the bare minimum to get something in return.

“How much did you bid, Harry...”

“You don’t need to know. Just see it as helping people. That’s what’s important.”

I saw the sheet of paper on his side of the table, flipped over so that I couldn’t read it. The waiter hadn’t collected his bid yet and I couldn’t resist taking a peek. Before he could stop me, I shot my hand across the table and collected the paper. He tried to get it back, but before he could, I saw the number.

“Five million? Harry! That’s way too much-“

“Piper, don’t be a hypocrite. You just said that if you had the money, you would donate a lot of it.
Well, what’s mine is yours and I happen to have a lot of money. We can at least try to make up for everyone else’s lack of propriety.”

Before I could retort with something clever to change his mind, a woman’s voice boomed through the speakers, forcing our attention on the stage to my left.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. For those of you who do not know, my name is Carolyn Manchester and I head the Save the Children Foundation. First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your considerable donations and your continued assistance with our ongoing projects. Our servers will make their final rounds momentarily to collect the last of your bids for the silent auction. We will announce the winners after they have all been calculated.”

The petite middle-aged woman turned to where Harry and I sat as a bright light fixated on us. I tried to hide the fear in my expression from the unexpected attention.

“We would like to specifically thank Miss Piper Nielsen for her generous, unwarranted donation of two and a half million pounds, or 4.2 million US dollars. Your donation has provided shelter, food, clothing, and a beginning education for over sixty-five children in Cambodia since August of this year. You have set an unprecedented example for young people all over the world who wish to help those in need. In honor of your generosity, these children will be housed and cared for in the Piper Nielsen Home for Boys and Girls.”

I blinked away tears as the light continued to shine directly on my face and the entire room erupted in applause. Harry reached over and collected my hand in his. I turned to face him momentarily and he mouthed an apology. I was kind of glad he didn’t tell me this would happen, because I would have been so anxious the entire day leading up to it which would have put me more on edge than I already was.

“It’s okay, Harry.”

I forced a smile and turned back to the woman on stage. She turned around and faced the wall behind her, holding the microphone in her hand.

“These children,” a slideshow began, displaying pictures of the building process done by volunteers, as well as pictures of the children it would eventually contain, “will be forever grateful to you for all that you have done to entirely change their lives.”

I watched each image intently as they passed along. Makeshift classrooms were built to begin their education while the final product was being completed. People were there to actually care for these children who had either been forgotten, or whose parents were no longer alive. They had a sense of family. All thanks to Harry.


We were leaving for New York in the morning and I knew Cory hadn’t even begun to pack. Hell, I hadn’t seen him in a while. He seemed to sneak out of his room when he knew I was in mine so that he could avoid conversation. It hurt to think that he was so unhappy. I sincerely hoped that he could find some sort of happiness that weekend and during Christmas. One thing is for sure: Cory loves his family. I was sure that a bit of quality time with them would lift his spirits. Besides, next semester, it’ll only be him and Piper in this dorm and even though it’s upsetting, he’ll probably go back to normal with me gone.

“Hey, Cory?”

I knocked lightly on his door and heard him grumble.

“Let me do some laundry for you. I can help you pack.”

He was silent for a moment, but then I heard footsteps and he finally opened the door. He had
heavy, dark bags under his eyes and he seemed to have not showered for a few days.

“Thanks, Riley. You don’t have to, though.”

I smiled kindly and tried to ignore the disgusting build-up of garbage and dirty clothes piled up around his room.

“It’s alright, I want to.”

I stepped through the door and I could tell he was reluctant to let me in. It was filthy. Really, truly

“Um- are there any clothes specifically that you want to pack?”

He shrugged and walked over to the main pile of bundled up clothing.

“I don’t have that much in the way of winter attire. I guess just whatever weather appropriate clothes I have.”

I started to dig through the pile and he sat on the floor next to me, picking out jeans and long-
sleeved shirts that would be warm enough.

“You can find the underwear because I’m not touching that.”

He chuckled and I was pretty sure it was the first time I’d seen anything close to a smile on his face in months. He seemed to notice that he was smiling and quickly snapped out of it.

“How are you, Cory?”

He shrugged and continued to sift through his clothes.

“Are you still angry at James?”

“Of course I am.”

I stopped what I was doing and carefully watched him.

“Are you still angry at yourself?”

He momentarily paused, cringing at the memory of that night.


I needed him to talk about it more. If I pushed it too much, though, he would just shut me out like he had been doing this entire time.


“Just stop, Riley. I know what you’re trying to do. Nothing is going to make me feel better about
everything. It’s not even just about that insane asshole. I’m just a complete fuck-up, Ri and don’t try telling me otherwise. Not only did I allow my sister to get hurt, but I hurt you. Then in hurting you and Piper, I hurt Liam and Harry and now they hate me. You and Piper only pretend to like me. I know you just feel sorry for me. My parents walk on eggshells around me, afraid that I’ll explode or something. I’m just so sick of ruining everything.”

It broke my heart to know that he felt that way, but I knew he genuinely did. I wished there were
some magic words I could utter to make him realize how wrong he was.

“Cory, that isn’t true. Piper loves you and I love you. You’re so special and important to so many people. I hate that you can’t see that-“

“You don’t fucking love me. I’m just your best friends sorry little brother and you take pity on me. Riley, I-“

I rested my hand on his shoulder, urging him to continue. This was the most he had talked to anyone in a long while.

“I will never get over you and it just fucking sucks because I know you’ll never see me that way. And I don’t want you to think that this is me trying to change your mind or some shit like that, because this would be the most pathetic way to do that...ever,” he chuckled and ran his fingers through his messy, dirty blonde hair, “I just feel like I need to say it before it’s too late.”

He seemed pretty out of it as he spoke and I could only assume he was high or something. God only knows what he had been up to while he was locked in his room all the time.

“What do you mean? Too late for what?”

He shook his head nonchalantly.

“Nothing. Don’t listen to me,” he chuckled and nodded his head toward an empty bottle next to his bed that I hadn’t noticed among the rest of the garbage, “I’ve been drinking. Don’t worry, I won’t get violent this time.”

I laughed nervously and wondered why the hell he was sitting in his room, drinking all alone. I knew he was depressed, but it was reaching a whole new level. We silently finished going through his pile of clothes and he actually helped me carry the ones we decided to wash into the living room. I opened the closet concealing the washer and dryer and started to fill up the former.

“Are you excited about tomorrow?”

He shrugged in disinterest and sat at the table, tapping his fingers on the surface.

“Not really. I’m being forced to go; remember?”

I nodded my head, because I did remember; I just wanted him to say he changed his mind or something.

“Well, cheer up. It’ll be fun.”

He rolled his eyes, thinking that I hadn’t seen, and I pretended that I didn’t.

“Yeah, loads and loads of fun.”

I started the wash and walked over to Cory, patting him on the back.

“Come on. Let’s get your other stuff packed. We should get to bed soon since we have to be at
your parents’ at six.”

He nodded and stood up, looking a bit unsteady as he did. He blinked rapidly and followed me into
his room.

As the days pass, I was getting more and more worried about Cory. He was nothing like the positive, happy guy he’d been previously and I couldn’t help but to partially blame myself.


Soooo, I didn't have time to read through and edit this just yet, but I wanted to post it because I probably won't have time until late tonight... So, I apologize for any huge errors!!!

ANYWAY, we're almost done with this book!!!

It will be 75 chapters and an epilogue!
Don't forget to subscribe to the sequel!!


THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 for everything. You guys are wonderful. keep commenting please xx


awwww thank you so much! where is this awards nomination? lol I didn't know about it, but thank you so much!!!! :) I'm gonna start the sequel now ;) should be up today or tomorrow!

I just voted for you for the best harry styles fanfic, and best tragedy, and best romance, and other ones I can't remember!!! You are an amazing writer and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us for the sequel!! Not to push you or anything but when do you think the first chapter of the sequel will be up?

I know :( i didn't wanna give anything away but i was cringing! haha

omg thank you <3 that's soooo sweet of you. :D I can't wait for the sequel! ahhhhhh!!!!!

Excuse me as I go cry for a minute. And to think that just last chapter I asked if Cory would get happier as the sequel went on.

But on a happier note, thank you so much for this wonderful story. And yay for the sequel! I cannot believe this is the first fan fiction you began to write. You are such an amazing author! Words ain't good enough to describe how good you are, if you know what I mean ;)

ourboysRthebest ourboysRthebest

It made me so sad to write it. :(

@Corinne Elizabeth
Awww don't cry hon! xx I'll try to start the sequel soon!