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Niall Horan (hybrid)


*this story might have swearing in so that's why i put the age up to R*

Niall Horan 1/5 from One direction right? well your wrong, when Niall was six he was kidnapped by some men and took to a science lab where he was kept there until the age of ten whilst there he was experimented on and became a cat hybrid he has a tail and matching ears with a cat like personality, and to top everything off he is world famous he hides his cat like features from the boys everyday how long will Niall manage to hide what he really is?


Harry Styles

Harry Styles

Harry is part of one direction and doesn't know what Niall is from time to time he has head about hybrids but he doesn't believe in them when he finds out about Niall's past he just wants to protect him but he wants to find out more so he can help him

Liam Payne

Liam Payne

Liam is part of one direction he doesn't know about Niall or his past but once he finds out all he wants to do is help Niall and protect him from his past

Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson

Louis is part of one direction he doesn't know what Niall is but he suspects something is up is Louis hiding a secret of his own or is he just a secretive person?

Niall Horan

Niall Horan

Niall has had a terrible past where he has been abused, experimented on and kept hidden from the world about what he really is a cat hybrid only one girl knows who he really is and he doesn't want to believe it but is he falling for Zoe?

Zayn malik

Zayn malik

Zayn is part of one direction and has never heard of hybrids when he finds out about Niall's past he can't believe what Niall has had to put up with and he hates to see him in such pain and just wants to help him



Zoe is Niall's oldest and closest friend she is the only one who knows about Niall and helps him when he has cat issues or needs someone to open up to all she want is for Niall to be happy



It actually only took an hour to write it just took a long time to update because i have an 10 hour exam in like 2 weeks or less than that and im preparing for it and ive just been so tired so i havent been able to sit down and wrote

Emmaaaa Emmaaaa

awww perfect update so excited when I saw you update and I fully understand why it took so long :)

thanks and yeah my updates haven't been as often because of school and stuff but the story is starting to end up and i can't wait to finish it :)

Emmaaaa Emmaaaa

I haven't read this story in so long so I've lost track of where I was but I know that this is a really good story so well done!:)

TMBeast TMBeast

Yeah loving it hehehe