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Avoiding questions

Can Only Hear my Sobs

I woke up in the middle of the night, someone waking me. "Miss, miss, you need to go out side" a nurses voice said frantically. "Wha?" I asked "what going on" I followed sleepily. "Something's go e wrong with Mr. Horan, we need for you to step out side. "What!? No! Absolutely not!" I protested, suddenly alert. "Look you can't be in here" she responded with an attitude. "Excuse me bitch, I am NOT leaving. So why don't you make me?!" I threatened. She said something, but I kicked her out and looked at Niall, he was shaking, I wasn't much too scared until I saw his eyes. They were dim, then they rolled into the back of his head, it was so scary, I screamed and started going towards him, the nurse tried to grab me but, she ended up across the room, more than likely bleeding. Louis and Zayn (who was SUPPOSED to be in bed still) must've heard, because not much longer they were on top of me and tried to restrain me. The both of them could barley do. I thrashed and kicked and screamed, I called for Niall, begged for him to be okay, but gave up, once again, to sobbing. The boys dragged me into the hall, where I was breaking down on the cold hard tiles, the huddled around me and, once again, began to sing. The melody was smooth and lulling. There voices in that of their own, no background music, just them, then Liam and Harry came and joined in, soon they were a concert on the floor, I must have fallen alsleep because I woke on a chair, sitting on Daddy directions lap, mommy direction, playing with my hair. The door to Nialls room had opened and shut, the doctor stepped out, I automatically stood up. "Okay last night he had an unexpected seizure, we've tried our best and it looks like it will be okay" I breathed a sigh of relief, I had just noticed I wasn't breathing at all. "But" he continued "he is in a coma, we slightly tried to induce it, but his body went into schlock and went into a coma it's self, we can't say for sure if, it when, he'll come out, you can go in if you'd like, and since he is half induced, he will be able to hear what you say sometimes." he finished and went back into Niall room, I felt dizzy, my vision had gone black and I stumbled back. "Woah, easy, you ok?" Louis asked, panicked. I must have blacked out for a second because I was now lying on the floor. I took it back in again. I sat up "please PLEASE tell me that- that" I choked up, know I had heard him correctly. I wailed once more, he might not wake up? But we just, he can't, why? All these questions raced through my head as I was crying. "How bout we head home? It's three in the morning and your tired. We can come back tomorrow and visit eh? How bout it?" Harry suggested, "NO! I'm not leaving Niall here, you can go but I won't" I protested stubbornly, know there was no use in arguing,
They went home after another hour and I stayed. I slept right on his bed side, refusing to leave even by constant insist my nurses, finically they offered for me to curl up by him, I did. He was so warm, but so lifeless. I cried knowing he couldn't anything but hear me. I ended up snuggling close to him and falling asleep.


Yay :)
MaddyHoran MaddyHoran
this is an amazing story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
swimmysof9000 swimmysof9000
Awww I'm crying happy tears!:)
gotta-love-1D gotta-love-1D
Soo sooo sorry I try not 2 sleep until I hav @ least 1 done each night
Iā¤this story