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Avoiding questions


*Niall had been in the hospital for about three hours and his drugs were wearing off*
I felt it again, the warmth of the sunlight on my cheeks, the smell of the wild flowers, I could almost see happiness around me, like being at DisneyLand, the joy in the atmosphere so thick it's radiating. Even though I knew I was dreaming, I ignored the fact it wasn't real and selfishly indulged my self in Nialls presents. My dream ended but the feeling did not when my eyes fluttered open, exposing them to the rapidly fading light of twilight. Niall was looking down at me, smiling and stroking my hair lightly. I had my arms crossed on his bed and my head in my arms when I fell asleep. I looked up at him, lay my lead back in my arms and smiled. After a while a knock on the door broke the silence, out came Louis. "How you all doin in here?" He asked barely closing the door before paparazzi got in, the cameras were blinding and loud. "Starving" Niall and I answered in chorus. Louis gave a shocked look but didn't question us being happy in the same room. "K your nurse said you can go down to the cafeteria and we can get something if you want?" Louis suggested. "Sure." Niall replied for me. He was on crutches, like I was for a few weeks, but he played games with me down the hall, poked me and bumped into me. We finally made it down to the cafeteria, paparazzi trying to floor in, scaring other patients. I felt a small tug at my sleeve once I sat down. There stood A girl, probably eleven, hairless and frail, she whispered to me "are you dating?" Softly. "Yes sweetie, we are" I answered unsure of where the conversation was going "what's it like?" She asked, wide eyed and excited. "He's the sweetest guy I've ever met, I love him more every day" I replied, my eyes tearing up at the realization the little girl, so young, so beautiful, had cancer. "Really?" She said aloud, lighting up. "Do you have a phone?" I asked. "Mhh" she replied. I wrote my number on a piece of paper, and handed it to her. "If you promise it'll be our secret, ill text you about it, all the time k?" Her fragile, tired face lit up at the thought, she nodded, and ran off excited. I had tears running over slightly now, her face, it was unforgettable, she was so happy, over come with joy. I felt kinda heroic, to make her feel so good, it made me feel good. I was shaken into the real world when my food arrived. I then realized I hadn't been eating, when was the last time I ate, some crackers this morning, a banana yesterday, anyway I was more starving than usual. I ate like an elephant, as did Niall, which didn't surprise me. The food was horrid but I had a sneaky trick I planed to pull. Small talk went across the lunch table, Zayn and Niall avoiding each other, I planed to talk about it with Perrie later. Once we finished, we all went back to the hospital rooms, the boys would probably be okay, but the would stay over night incase anything happened, and even though we prayed nothing would, something simply HAD to.


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Yay :)
MaddyHoran MaddyHoran
this is an amazing story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
swimmysof9000 swimmysof9000
Awww I'm crying happy tears!:)
gotta-love-1D gotta-love-1D
Soo sooo sorry I try not 2 sleep until I hav @ least 1 done each night
Iā¤this story