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Avoiding questions

Good as Dead

"And I really don't know what to do, should I talk to him?"
I asked Charlie. "You should, then decide of you want to forgive, but if I were you I defiantly wouldn't forget" Char was a great guy but Niall made my heart skip a beat, I loved Char but adored Niall. "I realize it was probably a mistake, but i- I guess I'm scared it won't be, and if it's not we might get back together, you realize that, right?" I didn't think Char would want to hear it, but it had to me said. "I was hoping we could still be friends, plus, I have valuable Information." He said, taking it fairly well. "What?" I breathed, realigned he took it so well. "All the best clubs!" He reminded me. "Oh ya!" I remembered he was a bartender. "Now, go talk to him" he was almost like a gay friend, encouraging with my romantic life. "Thank you so much" I hugged him then he drove me home. As I stepped out of the car I took a breath. 'Now or never' I mumbled to my self. Turning to wave, Charlie drove off. I took steps to the apartment but ran when I saw a stretcher carrying a body. As I ran up the empty hall, time seemed to slow, his face, bloody and beaten turned and looked at me, sad and innocent. I ran to Louis , who was standing near by, shocked. "W- what happened?!" I gasped. "Niall and Zayn really went at it after you left, they just took Zayn away." He answered, shakily. I let a small squeak escaped my throat, similar to the one when I saw Niall and Emily kissing, a noise of sadness, fear, and disappointment. The gentle tears soon turned to sobs, Louis held me, tried to calm me down. "Will anyone be riding in the ambulance?" The paramedic asked. "I will" I quickly answered, stealing any other ones chance. "Sarah, you should know, he's pretty bad" Louis warned me. "It's my fault, I need to talk to him" i answered, trying to slow the tears. I hoped in the ambulance. "N-ni?" I asked seeing Nialls face, he was yet to notice me, when he look over at me, he was shocked, but joyed. "Sarah?" He croaked. "Ya Ni, it's me" I answered, tears returning and escaping. He wiped my tears, ones of his own forming. "I'm so SO sorry Niall, it's- it's my fault, I was a bitch, I was" he cut me off "stop, it's not your fault, it's mine, I was an ass, Zayns right, you deserve better". "No it's the damn Emily's fault, she good as dead of I see her." I cried. I leaned over to hug him, we stayed like that, the entire way to the hospital. Niall was given some meds like mine, they made him pass out. I walked Into Zayns room to check him out for the first time, fear welling inside me. But that fear was vanished by the fucking hot rage, the flames that were in my eyes were red as her fugly hair. "Son of a bitch, look who it is." I spat as I walked in. "Your fucking dead you cunt!" I whispered as I walked by her, then aloud said "Meg Emily, can you guys help me with something?" To not be obvious. I got outside the hospital and into an ally between two buildings before turning, and grabbing Emily's throat, before I could she dodged. "What, taking some 'self defense' lessons, wus?" I spat, she had her fist up, she bounced foot to foot, but her face was masked with fear. I went to swing, but she knew (I knew she would know) so as she was trying to fight I went and gave her chest a hard kick the. low and knocked her off she feet. I rolled her on her front, then shoved her wrist between her shoulder blades, causing her to wince loudly. "Why'd ya do it you lil prick?" I asked, anger flaring in me. "I love Harry!" She protested, like it would help. "Good cuz while you were hiding, I messed around in bed with him" I lied. She gasped then I slammed my knee hard into her back and growled "TELL ME WHY YOU DID IT! You got 15 seconds, go" "I don't know okay! I wanted to" was all she said. "Alright you little slut, you leave all of us alone, get out of town, whore" I spat but the of corse she wouldn't want to, so she got back up and fell directly into my plan, but surprised me with a girly slap, I responded with a harsh punch. She said "look, I'm no whore, you are, sleeping with Harry and dating Niall, I know what you are, an attention seeker, pulling that little stunt for pity." Trying to intimidate me. "DUTCH!" I called for my wing girl, I had Meg bring her knowing she was as good a fighter as i was. I quickly embraced my baby then said "Get da slutty bitch" in a baby voice. Instinctively, she turned to Emily and released a low growl, then pounced, teeth snapping and claws scratching. Emily tried to throw her off "k babe, you good I told Dutch, she backed off after one last bark in Emily's face. "Now!" I grunted, slamming my foot down hard on Emily "you're leaving, bitch" and kicked her hard one last time. She was smart enough not to protest. I didn't look back, just out of the ally way and ran to Nialls room.


Does ANY one like Emily the slightest bit, I f-ING hate her slutty guts


Yay :)
MaddyHoran MaddyHoran
this is an amazing story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
swimmysof9000 swimmysof9000
Awww I'm crying happy tears!:)
gotta-love-1D gotta-love-1D
Soo sooo sorry I try not 2 sleep until I hav @ least 1 done each night
Iā¤this story