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Just Harry and I.

Chapter Thirteen.


Dani and I had been texting non stop, we'd even met up a few times. Every second I spent with her was incredible. I never thought I'd feel this way about someone, but now I've experienced it I'm never going back. Only problem is my job, I mean I love it. We all do, but it tends to come between our relationships most of the time. I didn't want to lose Danielle but we weren't even going out, we hadn't even kissed. So it was a tricky situation right? Touring the USA was so thrilling but it causes problems. Buzz.

To Nially
Meet for drinks in a bit?x x
From Danzie

Cute nicknames for each other, I know.

To Danzie
Can't. Taking Scar out for lunch with the lads.
She needs cheering up big time x
From Nially

To Nially
Harry? Or her mum?x
From Danzie

To Danzie
Both. Feel for her:(x
From Nially

To Nially
What's Harry done now? She's not texted me in a while.
I know me too, I mean...I try to help her, but I don't know what to say:'(x
From Danzie

To Danzie
Did she not tell you they broke up?!
I'm sure you take care of brilliantly x
From Nially

To Nially
From Danzie

To Danzie
They did:(
Harry's all over the place at the minute.
I don't know what he's doing because I know he loves her.
I'm pretty sure he would do anything to be with her.
Either that or he'll end up stopping her going out with anyone that isn't him;)x
From Nially

To Nially
Bless her...and him.
Fools in love eh;)

Actually can't believe they broke up
there like meant to be omg
I was so bloody jealous of their relationship
and its been thrown away
why has she not told me this yet?!x
From Danzie

To Danzie
I wouldn't take it too hard, she didn't tell us. Harry did.
She has a lot on her plate atm so I'm not that surprised. x
From Nially

To Nially
I guess so x
From Danzie

I hoped Danielle wouldn't bug Scarlett about it. She's been through a lot as it is and she doesn't need her best friend having a go at her too.

"So we off to pick her up then guys?" I asked, sliding my air max's onand tying the laces.

"Yeah let's go," Liam smiled. "I've actually missed her!"


I didn't want to put a lot of effort into todays outfit. After all, there was no one I would be seeing today that I wanted to impress. I didn't bother wearing a single splodge of make up and put on an outfit. I was prepared to wear something slobbish, but then I found this and I had an urge to put it on. I worse some frilly, midnight black socks from river island that came just about my ankle high white converse. My phone vibrated on my bed side table, nearly pushing itself off.

To Scar
Why didn't you tell me you and Harry broke up?:/
From Dani

To Dani
sorry, I forgot.
I was about to then got caught up with something
From Scar

To Scar
I tell you everything, Scar.
You can't even fill me in on one tiny detail can you?

From Dani

To Dani
I'm sorry okay
I got my phone out to text you when I realised I was gonna miss my mums funeral.
Didn't see you there though Dani.
So, stop acting so childish and smug and get your head outta ya arse.
From Scar

I wasn't in the fucking mood to be tampered with. And, yes. It was my time of the month for gods sake.

To Scar
I had things to do.
Fuck you, you're the one attention seeking all the time.
'Ooo Harry's the one for me I'm so lucky I love him so much'
How long have you even known him?
Two fucking seconds?!
From Dani

To Dani
I don't need you and your petty arguments.
I don't know who the fuck told you about Harry and I
but, I'm not interested anymore
I really couldn't give a shit what you think about me
Thanks though
for proving who my real friends are.
From Scar

To Scar
From Dani

I was so pissed right now. The boys better not bring up anything to do with Harry and I. Or my mum, which I knew they would. I had to deal with it.

I heard a car honking from outside my house. I scrambled to the window and looked out to see Lou and Liam waving enthusiastically after spotting me. They were all standing up through their sunroof.

I was actually smiling. I hadn't seen them for a bit and it would be nice to talk to someone who wasn't Dani or Harry for a change.

I sped down the stairs and locked the door behind me. Niall had gotten out the car and opened the door for me. It was a snowy white and tiny! I was surprised we all fit in it. There weren't any doors at the back so I had to climb through the front ones which made me feel self conscious of my skirt. Luckily, it wasn't too bad and I sat down with a thump. I was next to Lou.

"Scar!" All of them cheered.

"Dudes." I winked, greeting them in return.

"How you feeling, Scar?" Lou questioned as politely as he could without trying to hurt my feelings. Suddenly, Zayn (who was driving) swerved unevenly across the road and our heads flung forward until he straightened up again.

"Not so good about Zayn's driving." I sniggered, they were all laughing. Even Zayn.

"Sorry..." Zayn started, then winking at me through the mirror.

"Eyes on the road mate." I chuckled again.

"Sir yes sir!" he obeyed, cracking up.

"So where are we going? You know, if we actually make it there alive." I asked sarcastically. Zayn glared at me jokily, through the corners of his eyes.

"Surprise." Niall whispered.

"Ugh," I sighed, "I hate surprises."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Liam added. "Turn right up here, mate." he directed to Zayn, who made a sharp turn causing my head to fling on to Lou's shoulder. It was actually surprisingly comfortable.

"Wait, where are we going?" I hadn't recognised this place before and I knew my way around Holmes Chapel like the back of my hand. We drove over this bridge that didn't really look like it could hold the weight of a feather, nevermind a car and flew up a hill. I say 'flew' because we were most certainly not on the ground most of the time. It was so fricken' bumpy.

We came to a halt at the top.

"What are we doing here?" I was confused. "I didn't even know this place existed."

"Well it does and here we are!" Zayn nodded, proudly.

"But I thought we were getting lunch?" Definitely confused. I felt like a lost sheep. With that, Zayn and Niall hurried to the boot of the car and picked up a picnic basket from it. Lou had his arm around my shoulder. "We're having a picnic?" I raised my eyebrows. It was winter, they knew this right? They nodded frantically, grinning cheekily from ear to ear. "Fair enough."

I sat down cross-legged in the middle of the top of the hill. If we were going to do this we might as well have got on with it. Louis laughed then sat next to me, and one by one the other lads followed.

"Cold BBQ Spare Ribs?" Niall offered. I motioned him to add them to my plate which was now full of cold chicken legs, pringles, grapes and a huge bar of dairy milk. I'd had a tough few days. I'd deserved it, don't judge me. It was a lot more impressive then I'd imagined it to be.

We were all actually having a really lovely time. We'd been there for hours, exchanging embarrassing moments we had in life.

"Oh my god, when I was about 11 we had to wear a blazer, tie etc to school. I always tucked my shirt into my tights before putting my skirt on. But one day, I'd put my top on, then tucked it into my tights. I suddenly really needed to pee so I ran off to the toilet. Then I realised I was going to miss my bus so I slipped my boots and legged it to the bus stop. Fortunately, I just caught the bus in time. Unfortunately, I didn't have a skirt on." I told them, my cheeks blushing maroon. We were all in a fit of laughter though. Zayn nearly rolled down the hill he was roaring so much.

"That's gotta be the best one so far!" Niall said in. between. each. breath. He was panting, I was silently dead, Zayn was roaring, Liam was crying and Louis was exploding. We must have looked metal if anyone had seen us. But there was no on around, just me and the four lads. I was also thankful none of them had brought up anything I didn't want to talk about. I was safe for a day. Woop. No drama. Then, I heard a car screech behind us. It was mine?

Inside it was Harry.


When I pulled up, everyone's heads snapped towards me as if I just fired a gun shot. Sorry? Why did Scar's shitty car have to make so much effing noise. I jumped out and walked over to them.

"Hey Harry." Lou said blankly. I stared at his arm which was wrapped around Scar's shoulders and she noticed this, shaking it off.

"Thanks for bringing my car." Scar said, hurt in her eyes and voice. I messed up. All I could do was smile, it wasn't a real smile though. More like 'what the fuck do I say now' sort of thing.

"You wanna join?" Zayn asked, hesitantly. He was putting on a fake grin.

"No it's alright, I won't interrupt anymore." I defended.

"No, Harry. We're not trying to be rude, we were just shocked to see you here. You told us to take Scar out so you wouldn't have to see her!" Niall snapped, immediately smacking his hand to his mouth.

"Harry?" Scarlett narrowed her eyes with confusion and pain. "Why would you do that?" I shrugged my shoulders. "After you said you loved me. You told them to invite me here just so you could avoid me?!" That's essentially what I did, but it was more complicated then that. I wasn't doing it to avoid seeing her, but because if I did see her, I knew I wouldn't go through with touring America. I couldn't tell her that though. I would've looked weak. "Say something! I mean, would you like to elaborate on this or have I said it all?!" she yelled, I could here her voice echoing through my brain.

"You said it all." is all I managed to get out my mouth.

"Brill." she froze into my gaze for a second, then ran for her car whilst shaking her head. She started then engine and sped off, until her car was no longer in sight.

"Why the fuck did you say that?" Niall stood up.

"We all know that wasn't true." Zayn blinked hard, trying to read my face expression.

"What's the matter, man? You've not been yourself in days." Lou stared sadly. I sat down on the grass, putting my head into my hands.

"I just, I don't want to leave her." I mumbled.

"Then why did you break u-" Liam started before I cut him off.

"I don't know, I felt that was my only option. I realise it was stupid now but it's too late to get her back. I'm really confused about everything.One minute, I go to find her to let out how much I like her, how much I think about her. But, in the last second I change my mind. I don't know what's going on with me recently." I admitted. I'd never said all this out loud before. "We leave tomorrow and that's it."


I pulled up to my driveway in anger when I noticed an enormous smash in the living room window. I gulped. This was anything but good. Best case scenario a ball had been kicked accidentally breaking the glass but in my luck, it was a lot worse.

I slammed the car door shut, unintentionally. I saw a guy with a mask over his face and my TV in his hands escape through the window. He noticed me, staring at him scared stiff. He reached for his gun and held it up, pointing towards me. I threw my hands up in surrender.

"You can take it. Take whatever you want but please don't shoot me. Please." I begged, falling to my knees. Droplets were rolling down my face. My hands were still up, begging for mercy. The guy put his gun away and joined his mates in their little white van around the corner. Their number plate. Try and remember it Scar, c'mon. I'd only seen it for about a second but I took a mental photo before phoning the police.

"999 what's your emergency?" the voice said, in a shockingly cheery voice.

"My house. It's been robbed."

The police turned up and I'd given out all the information I could. They asked me if I had any family members I could call or any spare money etc. My mum had left me a will but I hadn't opened it yet. I didn't want to accept the fact she was really gone. She was just on holiday. Yeah...

"No," I shook my head. "I don't have any family left. Except for my dad, but god knows where he is. I've never met him. I have a will from my mum who passed a way a couple of days ago. I've not opened it yet though." I swallowed, rubbing an eye.

"Alright miss, would you mind if we read it through with you?" the policeman asked. I nodded, then lead him though to the lounge inside. It was now bare.

"Here it is." I handed him an envelope that was labelled 'my darling daughter'. He ripped the envelope open and unfolded it. He read it aloud.

"For my lovely daughter, Scarlett Bianca Jones I shall leave all my savings which equals to £500,000." Half a fucking million pounds, where did all this money come from? Why didn't she use it to pay for her operation? Did she know she was going to die?
"Plus £100,000 extra her dad had been ordered to give to me each year. So you'll be getting an added £100,000 a year ma'am."

"I'm confused. I don't get where the £500,000 came from?"

"I'm sorry miss it doesn't elaborate. You can read the rest yourself if you want to. I don't even think you'll need to use that money to fix all this, your insurance looks to seem it will cover all of this lucky for you." Lucky for me? LUCKY FOR ME?! Lucky would be my house never being broken into, lucky would be if my my mum was still alive now. He doesn't know the definition of lucky. I nodded anyway.

"Thanks." I smiled weakly.

"I can tell you are feeling uneasy about all this, is there anyone you can call?" I thought about it for a second. Harry? No way. Danielle? We were arguing. I couldn't call Anne could I? Harry was staying at the hotel with the boys tonight to go through all their flights etc so he wouldn't be at the house. I was sort of friends with her. I couldn't sleep tonight. Not here anyway. Why not?

"There is one person."

All the investigators and policemen left. Leaving me to make a phone I was dreading.

"Hello?" an unfamiliar voice picked up. Who was it?

"Hi it's Scarlett Jones." I answered, still deluded.

"Oh, I've heard a lot about you miss Jones." he laughed. "I'm Rob."

"Oh, of course! Well, hi Rob it's nice to talk to you. Could I have a quick word with Anne?"


Hope this chapter is slightly more interesting than the last:))


I've lost a subscriber guys:(

Thank you:) I'm halfway through an update.
I blame pizza for taking control of me!

I really love this story. It's so exciting:-) please Update:)

Frizzi Frizzi

Thanks so much:)
Ha ha, not just yet;)

This story is amazing! I love it:)(:
I hate Taylor eurgh. Just kill her pls(;

Jo_Stace Jo_Stace