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After Rant, page 7

I haven't read her story, but I've heard about it. And I know exactly what you mean. Fanfiction has grown since the past years. On Wattpad, that's all you see anymore. Wattpad used to be a website where you'd see all stories made up and created characters. But now of days, stories are based off of one single person, like Harry for instance. He's the main view that attracts people to read their story. In my opinion, I'd like to see Harry taken in a different way in fanfictions. You can use his looks, but instead of the whole bad boy or gang member stereotype, let's see a gentle side or a side that has been created to different levels. If we're going to use any of the boys in a fanfiction, at least make their characters interesting and unique. The way Anna Todd portrayed Harry has been done several of times. I think I heard that the fanfiction Dark was made before After. And in Dark, Harry is this dark figure with controlling ways. He's very mysterious and has a bad boy persona, similar to Anna Todd's Harry in After. What just gets me, is, After isn't different, it isn't something we haven't seen before. It has all been done. For someone to publish something that's downgrading to Harry and in general, the topics used in After should never get glamorized. There's young girls out there today reading her books and saying they want a relationship like Tessa's and Harry's, because they're looking at Harry. They think, "Oh, well, it's Harry Styles. I like him. He could abuse me but it's okay, because he's attractive, or because he's liked by many." That's my perspective on the situation. If you disagree or agree, that's on you.

Lol, that's very true. And all the good girls I know hardly fall in love with bad boys. They look for guys who have goals in life and who are meant for good in life. People fantasize about the perfect relationship, so they write it down. It's like a chain reaction. Once someone writes a bad boy/good girl story, everyone follows. In my opinion, I can't stand the whole bad boy meets good girl story line. It's overused and on loop. Really, I'd love to see writers step up and create something unique. People have to find their own voice in writing and stop following others. Being different is the best thing ever. A true writer knows brilliance when they see it. ;)

@One Direction 1O1
Agreed! Reading or seeing a different side to how Harry is usually portrayed would be not only great but refreshing. I know of a few stories that have done so but I either lose track of them or they go missing.

if anyone has luck with story finding.. some help would be appreciated x

cherrypop cherrypop

Yes, it would be very refreshing. There has been a few stories in the past, but I can't remember them too well.

@One Direction 1O1
If you really want something refreshing, considering it's a story about fanfiction and you are a fanfiction writer yourself, then maybe you should read Dreaming of You. Her Harry is the only deep Harry around, the absolute opposite from cliche, and the story is the only one with just his POV –at least the first part. Maybe it's too intellectual for average 1D fans, but she has dedicated fans as myself. I couldn't read After reading Dreaming of You, for so many reasons.

People say that all the time but in the end they just want a "safe" story with easily relatable characters. Fanfiction is supposed to be light, or will you tell me you want to read about homeless people and things that aren't sexy? Because in fanfiction even child abuse has been glamorized. What do you call refreshing? If you tell me then maybe I could help you. :)

JustDont JustDont

I've heard of her story, just haven't read it. I mostly read fanfictions on Wattpad, or stories in general on Wattpad. But, eventually, if I get around to it, I'll check out her story. If it's as good as you say it is, then it might be worth reading.

I totally understand and honestly, I can see why people (of all backgrounds and ages etc etc) would find something like this appealing although I don't; either way... refreshing is probably a bad word.

But seeing as you asked, I'll take you up on the offer.

I remember reading a bestfriend/cancer based story (Harry is involved). The female characters mother has cancer and Harry whom she's living with tries to console her although when she figures out she's got the same strain as her mother Harry makes it his job to ensure she fufills her life with everything she's ever wanted to do.

But to be honest; any kind of story where a 'dark' male character isn't involved and possibly where there isn't a damsel in distress would be lovely to read x

cherrypop cherrypop

@One Direction 1O1
I remember you! You wrote me a message when the tenth girl tried to plagiarise my story :) I thought you knew what Dreaming Of You was all about. I'm so sorry After girl has stolen a concept from you, and getting rich because of it. It's pretty unfair not to be able to do anything. I'd be mad and wouldn't get over it. Nobody would be reading her stories, or any of our stories, if they weren't, somehow, related to Harry, so being humble is mandatory. We are somehow clinging to his fame and the desire of people to get to know him. I remember it everyday, and that's why I'm writing an ode to him, and trying to give him the best self I can imagine. I'm very conscious not everyone in the fandom reads my story, though I have non-Harry fans readers, but I have a responsibility towards him because I'm using his image and his name. There was a time, not too long ago, when people were afraid of taking a picture because they feared to lose their souls. And there was another time, a bit farther away in time, when people thought names were magic. Our civilisation has related for centuries image and name to the most inner substance of an individual, so these things shouldn't be played with. Other people have the same approach too, luckily, but I wish there were more people on our side, just caring for Harry and forgetting about the rest, meaning, any sort of popularity, attention, money. If you give people crappy things to read, they'd read it, but if you work harder and bring something more, some would read it, and change, and then ask for more. Literature can improve minds. :)

sorry to cut in; but the response i just read from you has to be one of the most eloquently put replies i've ever come across on any website. kudos.

alaskajones alaskajones

I know my speech sounded quite mystic and essencialist, things that might not reach everyone, so I'm glad it made sense for you. Thank you for taking your time to read my ramblings. You most definitely are a kindred soul :)

I've heard of your story. I think I might have read the first chapter or so a while back. I just can't remember. I'm going to have to read it again. Bits and pieces are coming back to me. I agree with you on everything. That was deep. I'm glad you do write on here. People should look up to your writing. And I know, it does suck big time what she has done. Though, not much I can do. I've told others, some see and talk to me about it and can't believe it. Others still love Anna Todd, which I don't know why. She steals story ideas and slaps her name on it. Rumor was the After idea was stolen to from this one girl who I guess was a previous friend of Todd's. Imagine how she feels.

I'm new tuning in and I just wanna say... After wasnt all that great to me. But I wouldn't stop her from publishing because of that. I wouldn't want it published because though it os fiction, the media won't care. They will use whatever they can against our boys, because they're hot right now. But even with being published or made into a movie... It won't receive that much support because it's so controversial. Now, Psychotic would be an amazing first fanfic to be published

Kay_Baby Kay_Baby

@One Direction 1O1
Sorry, babe, I haven't been around to reply before. No one's forced to read my story. JustDont suggested it to you because there's a lot of literary theory surrounding Fan Fiction, and thinking about what we do and the consequences it has over the fan base and the boys. To me the real challenge was, for once, to put myself in Harry's place and try to see things on his perspective, instead of a random female MC. It works for some people. You know, we can't properly fight the mainstream, but there are ways to show people there's another type of stories. It gets more frustrating when their success in based on stealing and low attitudes, beside denigrating plots. I can't tell you it'll be justice because the world is not fair. We have to learn to live with that and believe in what we do :)

You are too humble. :) you are the absolute best.

JustDont JustDont

AMEN SISTER, PREACH IT!!! I think I might make a story, and make her the bad guy. See how she likes it!! :D lol

Jasper_Renee_II Jasper_Renee_II

Thanks :) and I'm going to write a story on Wattpad where Harry tries to help his best (girl) friend out of an abusive relationship before it's too late

heskiwi94x heskiwi94x

@One Direction 1O1
Thanks and I know people that support her are idiots. Try arguing with them on Twitter.

heskiwi94x heskiwi94x

@One Direction 1O1
OMG you're the person Anna stole Before from? WOW! I would have sued her ass if she stole my idea and was getting it published.

heskiwi94x heskiwi94x

Is this thread seriously still going?

I'd definitely read a story like that. :)
When I first started to write fics, the villains/abusers were always other characters, not the main boy.

prismdreams prismdreams