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Little Devil Down The Street [Harry Styles]

Chapter 20

Ashley's POV

Today is Louis' birthday and i told Harry i'd spend time with Louis since he's my friend and it's his birthday, i owe him that much... "Do you not know how much i hate that little shit?" he asked getting mad at me, raising his voice through the phone. "yeah, you showed us when you attempted to kill him with your bare hands last week, but it's his birthday so I'm going over to his house weather you like it or not." I hung up and grabbed my things, bounding out my room and downstairs.

"Dad! i'm headed over Louis'!" i called behind me, i locked the door and skipped over to his house, the face he made when he answered the door was priceless, i don't think he expected me to come over. "Ash? you're here? did you forget something?" I giggled and shook my head. "It's someone's birthday and i wanted to spend the day with him since he's turning 16." he let me in and i sat on the couch. "so water you doing for today Louboo?" i giggled. "Are you drunk?" "no I'm just in a silly mood."

we laughed all night long, threw popcorn at each other and watched several disney movies, Harry texted me saying that he thinks i should get moving since it's almost 8pm and i came over here at like 12pm i told him to gimme a break.

By the time 11pm hit i told louis i had to go because my dad wanted me home for christmas morning. "I had fun Ash, thanks, best birthday gift ever." he hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. I walked over to my house, unlocked the door, walked in closing the door behind me and sighed, the house looks beautiful inside and out with all these christmas decorations that me and Harry had fun putting up while dad was at work for the past 3 days.

As soon as i got in bed i got a call. "Hello" "Babe you awake?" I head harry say, he sounded sad. "Uhm, i just got out the shower what's wrong?" "open your curtains.." he said softly. I groaned and got out of bed walking to my window then opening it and screaming a little when i saw his face. He didn't seem sad at all, just distracted. I opened the window. "hey?" "hey.." he said seductively.

He laid down on my bed pulling me with him so that i was laying on top of him. "Harry I'm tired..." i whined slightly. "I know, but guess what?" "Whaaaaaattttttt?" i whined a little louder. He chuckled and pressed his lips to mine, making the kiss slightly deeper as he rolled onto his side, i kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck, he slid his hands up my shirt pulling away a little and smiled. "Merry Christmas Princess.." He got up and tucked me in bed and smiled softly as he looked at me one more time before he hopped out the window.

Now i can't sleep, he made goosebumps rise on my skin when he trailed his fingers up my shirt. "Merry Christmas Harold..." i mumbled as i fell into a deep slumber...


Sorry this is a short update, I'm running out of time with my computer but merry christmas lovelys sorry for any errors :/ ~Chanelxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


Yay gald your back!!!


Yay! I'm so happy you're back! This chapter was just so lovely!! I can't wait for more! Xoxo

i'll re add you boo <3

aw man i miss writin this