Little Devil Down The Street [Harry Styles]
Chapter 19
It's been a week since our parents found out about Ashley and I, and to be honest we've never been better. Her dad's still really mad at her, but he'll get over it. Hopefully... I laid in my bed, Ashley close next to me. My arm was draped over her shoulder, pulling her closer to my body. We were playfully arguing over which movie was better, Zombie Land, or Pitch Perfect. It was obviously Zombie Land, that's my favorite zombie movie ever. It's really funny. Of course she thinks Pitch Perfect is funnier.
" Have you even seen Zombie Land? It's the best zombie movie ever! It's absolutely bad ass!" I said and she rolled her eyes. " No Harold, I have not seen it." She responded and I gave her a puzzled look. She needs to see that movie. I put the movie in the DVD player and then crawled next to her. I pulled her to me, and she was pressed against my chest. My chin rested on top of her head. She fell asleep, and I suppose I drifted off too. We were awaken by mum. I looked at mum confused.
" Ashley your dad called. He said he knows your here, and your not so post to be, so he wants you home." Mum told her and Ashley sighed. She looked up at me, but I couldn't hide the sour look on my face. I really wish he would just get over himself, Ashley and I are together. Nothing he does is going to separate us. I looked at my phone. It was eleven o'clock at night. She crawled away from me, and stood up, grabbing her phone and shoving it in her pocket. I watched her get her stuff, a frown planted on my face.
" You don't have to go." I told her and mum shot me a look. She liked Ashley and I, and loved having her over, but she didn't want to push Mr. Benette. I wanted to push him though. I felt like it was the only way to get him to accept us. Ashley smiled at me, and shook her head.
" We have school tomorrow anyways Harry. Besides my dad is probably already furious." She said with a sigh. Mum smiled at her response. " You can come over tomorrow, if you'd like Ashley." Mum said, and she nodded. I sighed and stood up. I pulled my white vans on, and took her hand. She wasn't walking home alone, it was far too late at night. Mum left the room, and I took Ashley down stairs. Gemma was in the hallway on her phone. She glared at me. She on the other hand, didn't like Ashley and I. She liked Ashley yes, but she thought it was "wrong" that we were together.
" Harry I can walk to my house by myself. It right across the street. I'm a big girl." She told me, and I shook my head at her. " No it's late at night, you don't need to be walking there alone." I told her sternly. She nodded and we walked out the door. We got to her porch, and I stole a kiss. It was long, and she giggled against my lips. Her hands on my chest, as I held the small of her back.
" I'll see you tomorrow princess." I told her, and she nodded. She bit her bottom lip, and looked at the ground. Her cheeks were a light pink. I pecked her lips once more, before jogging back to my house. I walked in and Gemma glared at me, again. I sat next to her on the couch, and she crossed her arms. Mum looked up from the book she was reading, and then set it on the coffee table.
" Sweatheart I like you and Ashley, and I don't mind having her over, but please don't do anything to make he father madder than he already he is." She told me in a soft tone. I hate when she uses those petite nicknames like "Sweetheart" and "hunny". How old am I five? Gemma rolled her eyes and huffed. I honestly don't know why she gives a flying fuck. I shrugged at mum and she sighed.
" Mum, Mr. Benette is just going to have to get over his problem with us. I honestly don't care how he feels about the situation." I told her. Gemma got up and stormed off, leaving me with a smirk on my face. She's too easy. Who knew all I had to do was get a girlfriend, and she would be madder than hell. Mum looked back at me.
" You should care Harry. I know you don't like him, nor he you, but he's her dad. You have to try, show him you can do good. Prove him wrong." She told me, with a smile. I liked where mum was going. Proving Mr. Benette wrong, would be fun. I nodded at mum, and her face lit up she went over to me, and kissed my temple.
" Mummmmmm!" I complained, and she smiled. " I'm sorry Harry, it's just... your growing up so fast. Some times I forget, your not my baby boy anymore." She said and I saw tear fall from her face. I wasn't one for the soft stuff, but I didn't like seeing my mum cry. I couldn't stand it actually. I hugged her, and kissed her cheek.
" Don't cry mum, I'm still here aren't I? As much as I don't like to stay it, because I hate being treated like a kid, I'll always be your baby boy. Your my mum, even when I'm fifty, I'll be you baby boy mum." I told her, and she cried into my shoulder. I soothed her, and hugged her. I saw Gemma, watching us. Her eyes glistening, as tears rolled down her cheeks. She mouthed, "I'm sorry" and I smiled at her. "Come her Gem." I said and we all sat on the couch hugging each other. It was weird... I hadn't done something like this in awhile. I suppose my dad's leaving, made me not want to. But now it felt right. Ashley is changing me, I just hope it's for the better. Mum backed away, and looked at us.
" My babies are so grown up." She said looking at us. I rolled my eyes at her, and she laughed. She kissed both our cheeks, and then hugged us once more. She pulled away, wiping the tear from her eyes. " Why don't we watch a movie or something?" I asked, and they looked at me like I was insane. I normally don't do "family time", but I think we could all use it. Mum smiled and nodded. Gemma put in a comedy, and we all fell asleep on the couch.
" HARRY EDWARD STYLES, WAKE UP! WE HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!" Gemma yelled at me, shaking my shoulders. I groaned, and opened my eyes. I checked my phone. I have about an hour, till I have to leave. I yawned, and went into my room. I feel like shit today. My whole body argued with me. There was a knock on my door, and I opened it. Mum was smiling at me.
" Good morning. You don't look so good Harry. Are you feeling okay hunny?" She asked, when she noticed how shity I felt. I shrugged, and she put her hand on my forehead. She sighed, and took me into the bathroom. She put a thermometer in my mouth. Uhh I'm fine mum... She took it out and shook her head. " You've got a fever Harry. No school for you." She told me, and my eyebrows frowned. I took the thermometer out of her hands. Sure enough my temperate was a 103 degrees. Great...
" But mum, I want to see Ashley." I complained and she shook her head. The door bell rung, and I heard Gemma answer it. " Mum I'm fine!" I complained, and she shook her head again. Gemma brought Ashley into the bathroom and she frowned. She looked nice today. I couldn't help, but to let my eyes linger on her.
"Harry can't go to school today, he has a fever." Mum told her, and she frowned. I put the thermometer on the sink. " I'm fine mum." I assured her, but her mind was made up. She's such a mum sometimes. Normally I wouldn't argue, because I hate school, but I loved going there to see Ashley. Now she has to walk to school all by herself. Ashley gave me a smile.
" Harry you look awful. Go back to bed, and get some rest, I'll stop by after school." She told me, and sighed. I looked in the mirror and cringed. I do look bad. There were circles under my eyes, my hair was an insane mess, and my face was paler than usual. " Come on Harry, let's get you in bed." Ashley said. I sighed as she dragged me to my room. She pulled the covers away, and I sat down in the bed. She tucked me in, and I had a smug smile on my face. I wish I was sick all the time so she could take care of me. I liked it.
" Can't you stay, too." I said sticking my bottom lip out. She shook her head, and I gave her I begging look. "But how am I so post to get better without my princess?" I asked her, and she rolled her eyes. She kissed my forehead and got up.
" Goodbye Harold, I'll see you after school." She told me and I grabbed her hand. She looked back at me curiously. " Don't I get a kiss?" I asked her, and she shook her head. " Nope, your sick, that's gross!" Ashley said, and just groaned. She blew me a kiss, and left. I rolled over on my side, and sighed. I guess I should sleep. How the fuck did I get sick anyways. Bullshit...
I woke up at about 2:30. I felt a lot better, so I decided to get dressed and take a shower. After I got out of the shower, I put on black jeans, a white V-neck, and my white converse. I looked out my bay window, and saw Ashley walking home from school... with Louis. I clenched my fist. She waved him goodbye, and he walked to his house. She laughed as he made a weird face at her. Then she walked over to my house. Oh she's going to hear it from me. She knows I hat that guy...
Aye guys!!! Not my best, but I thought it was cute. Sorry it was so short. Chanel and I love your comments, and appreciate them greatly. We would both love to see more of them! If you have any questions, comment, or concerns regarding the story, you can message Chanel or I. You can also contact us on the Facebook page. Look up Littledevildownthestreet, it should pop up. You can also contact me on Twitter, @Lindzeyluvs1d.
Love you guys,
Yay gald your back!!!