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Smoke, Fog, and Haze.

Part Three.


I saw his face, eyes green as emralds, beautiful brown hair, he was gorgeous. I felt my breath get caught in my throat, he was the one I’d been dreaming about. I felt something so powerful radiating from him, and it that moment, when our eyes met, there was no one else in the universe. Just us. I’ve never felt something like this, it felt like an entirely new feeling had taken over my body, and I was drowning in it. I wondered if he was feeling it too, but then I wondered why it was feeling it. I snapped out of my haze and turned my attention back to the teacher lecturing. I shook my head as if to erase the moment, and felt my body tense up and my hair stand on edge. Suddenly I knew.

“Can I go to the bathroom?” I said with urgency interrupting the teacher.
“Uh yes.” He mumbled and continued on. I stood up and practically ran out of the room, being sure to avoid eye contact with the green eyed stranger. I stepped out into the hall, leaning against the lockers and taking a deep breathe, I realized I’d been holding my breathe while getting outta there. I walked at a furious pace down the halls all while muttering “No fuckin way.” to myself. I finally found myself at the art room, where Jade would be. I quickly ran into the room and scanned around the room to find her. She was always in here during her off periods, so I thought it was surprising that I didn’t see her. I grunted and turned to leave when Jade appeared in front of me. I jumped upon seeing her.

“Hey Lena, scared ya did I?” She said simply while walking past me to the sink.
“You really gotta stop with all that smoke n mirrors tricks.” I said collecting myself.
“That’s no fun, and what’s magic with out fun?” She faked a sad face.
“Jade!” I said motioning around to the few other people in the room.
“Oh sorry, M A G I C.” She winked. I rolled my eyes and walked over to where she was washing her paintbrushes and stood pretty close.
“Uh personal space Len?” She said chuckling.
“Look,” I whispered, “There are other witches.”
“What are you talking about?” She said and finally turned to face me.
“There’s this new guy in my class, something Styles. As soon as I saw him I knew he was like us.” I finished.
“Lena, how do you know he’s like us?” She said trying to reason with me.
“It was this feeling, like a super intense feeling.” I responded realizing how crazy I sounded.
“A feeling, a feeling?!” She said. We continued whisper arguing when suddenly someone entered the room. He was our age, and new, he chatted to the teacher supervising the room, he had shaggy brown hair, green eyes, and a kind smile. He was also covered in tattoos. He looked over and caught Jade’s eye. He smiled at her before looking away and walking around the room. I felt my hair stand up, yet again.
“Uh, did you mean THAT feeling?” Jade asked, still looking at the boy.
“Uh yuh huh.” I said grabbing her wrist and turning her attention back to me.
“Great there are more of them.” I rolled my eyes.
“Uh huh.” Jade said not looking at me but rather the boy over my shoulder, not listening to what I was saying.
“Jade! What are you doing?!”
“I’m sorry! He’s just really cute.”
“Jade, not the point!” I reminded her.
“Oh right,” She snapped back, “Definitely witches then.”
“What are we gonna do?” I sighed.
“I have no idea, we should definitely tell the others.” She said.
“Yes, you’re right.” I nodded, “Text everyone, meet up 4th period.”
“On it.” She nodded and turned to her phone. I said a quick goodbye and raced back to my class, I probably wouldn’t be in the bathroom that long.

I walked in and scurrying to my desk.


She quickly hurried out of the door and the room suddenly felt empty. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone to text the group chat.

Harry: There’s a coven here.
Niall: What?
Harry: Girl in my class. Witch.
Liam: How would you even know?
Harry: I just know.
Niall: Oh come on.
Liam: Seriously Haz, thought Niall was the paranoid one.
Niall: Am not!
Louis: Guys
Louis: Harry’s right. Witch in the art room. 2 actually.
Liam: Okay, and you’re sure?
Louis: Absolutely.
Niall: Okay well what if it’s just two?
Harry: Seriously? Obviously there’s more.

I couldnt help feeling uneasy. I knew that a coven already living here was trouble, but I knew that I had some kind of connection to her. What am I going to do?



I use “I been” to give it more of that southern style/southern drawl, but if it would make more sense using “Ive been” I will definitely start doing that!

meganugz420 meganugz420

Updating as often as I can! Usually when I update I release chapters in batches so hopefully that’s helpful

meganugz420 meganugz420

I’m glad you’re loving the story! And thanks haha I’m really trying to prortray that kind of southern lifestyle!

meganugz420 meganugz420

If you turn "I been" into "I have been" or "I've been" it might make more sense but other than that I'm loving the idea of this story

notinuseanymore notinuseanymore


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