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I Like The Way You Smile

Trying to remeber

"Whats going on" i said. i looked around the room. it was green and blue with shamrocks all over it.i looked at my body and saw that i was not wearing the dress i was wearing this http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=85858645.i tried to stand but there was a cast on my leg it was also purple."HELP" i screamed. "hey princess"niall said coming inside the room."hey, where am i?""my room of course where else would you be?" "at highschool maybe if i am not there in" i checked my watch "29 minutes i will be kicked out and it is a preforming arts school!""dont worry babe everything is fine i can drive you.""niall whos clothes am i wearing?" "katters old stuff.""WHAT ew." "jokeing jokeing i got deners to by you stuff so. here is an out fit you can go to school in"niall said giving me close http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=85860862.opend the door when i was done changing and went down a long flight of stairs once down i saw this huge kitchen that was kinected tothis huge living room everything was huge! "hey you look preety today"niall said."are you trying to tell me something with the ring. see i was told if someone gives you the cladagh ring that you stole there hart." i said winking. "you saw threw me opps"niall said laughing."Okay love birds can you stop being moshi goshi and start making breakfast." louis said i laughed and wnt to the fridge."i am making breakfast what do you want?" "anything niall said." so i went and got the makings for scrambled eggs. i made it and then lou and niall stuffed there mouths."uh" niall ground"this is heaven!!!!!" "glad to hear that you like it." i said heading outside and opening the door to my car. getting in was harder to dobecause i have this huge cast on."no Sam i'll drive you will get us killed." Suddenly everything came back to me from the night before.


hey no one is comenting for the question of the day so i am ending it.Give me comentary about how the story could be beter. and if you have any i deas run them by me you never now maybe what you say will come true.
Love ya


I might stop it hear i dont know
thanks i am working at it but have the biggest wrighters blook ever
You're always welcome. Don't sweat the whole cant update as much thing because You have a good reason. But I will be wait for on ;)
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D
the problem is solved im sorry for freaking everyone out im just not going to update as much but ill try too sorry

thanks it means alot :))))
We could never hate you!
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D