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I Like The Way You Smile


The next weekend.

i woke up and i was still highly depresed because Kas deid and her funeral was yesturday. i went to go get a breath of frsh air when i saw a bouget of white roses and on the top was a lovely red. i read the note if you want to be happy go to this adress Main Library.you secret admirer. i picked up my phone and called Dener. "hey den."" oh hey sam how are you?" yes in the time being me and dener have become close friends for support."did you give me flowers?" "no i still love Kas!""see ya" and then i hung up. i ran up stares to change from http://www.polyvore.com/how_feel/set?id=85784575 to thishttp://www.polyvore.com/bored/set?id=85782526 i now it was fancy but i was excited for once. i went to the location and then someone grabbed me from behind and i emiditly kicked the hard in the shin. and turned around to a wincing niall."oh my god i am so sorry" i said."Its okay it did not hert that much." niall said wincing. when he finally recovered he noticed what i was wearing."WOW you look amazing!!!" "thankyou sir."i said courtseying. "hey last time i saw you you had green in your hair." "i deid it agian." niall grabbed my hand and brought me outside to wich there was the rest of One Direction. They startd singing Stole my heart. i did not want to cry but this was my dream and it was finally coming true. after so much work and sadness it was finally coming true. i did not relize that i zoned out. but niall grabbed my hand and then asked me out."oh my god yes!" i said the lads all breathed a sigh of relief like they were holding there breath. niall held my hand and he started walking away from the lads so i followed. i made a little wave to them to say goodbye and they mouthed bye. "so were are we going?" then a crowd of angry fans came running to me and the last thing i heard was niall screaming at the fans to stop.


hey! well i wrote this one cause i was bored and it is the weekend i will updat at least once a day!!

Question of the day!

who has a tatoo of a ship on his arm.

no one ansred last time so hear it is again.
the prize is you can make one of the lads say anything you want!
see ya
ps your awesome!!!


I might stop it hear i dont know
thanks i am working at it but have the biggest wrighters blook ever
You're always welcome. Don't sweat the whole cant update as much thing because You have a good reason. But I will be wait for on ;)
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D
the problem is solved im sorry for freaking everyone out im just not going to update as much but ill try too sorry

thanks it means alot :))))
We could never hate you!
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D