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I Like The Way You Smile


A girl punched me hard in the nose i quickly grabed their hand and twisted it. some one tried to kick me but i quicklykicked that leg moving it up wich would at least twist it. on too the next victom i said then all the sudden i saw kas or atleast a memory you "you could never hurt someone with out feeling guilty the next day." but i kept fight ing but then i saw Katters she was in the fight too. i punched her in the gut and she winced long enogh to put a presure point that paralizes someone for 1 hour. then she feel but the guy the guy who started it all the gun and Kases death shoot my leg i at the same time was kicked on that leg brakeing it and putting in huge fracture.i feel and someone kicked my head. therfore pacing out.

"Princess were do you go to school." niall said. "oh i got to Oniel the prefrming arts school." i zoned out on the familar way to school."princess were here." "thanks niallers"i said kissing his check. " i will come pick you up at 2:30." i walked off to school.

"Hello" i said. "is this Miranda?" " ya but who wants to know." "The hospital" "WHAT" at that point i forgot i was in class. "WHAT HAPPEND IS MOM STILL HERE?" "i will be down there in a second." i ran out of class from weird looks from the class.i called niall cause i could not run anymore with this cast. "NI" "yes princess" "COME PICKME UP!" "i will be there in a second but whats wrong?" "i will tell you later just break the speed limit and if you get pulled over tell thome it is a family emergency!" i hung up and inless then 2 minutes niall was here.

"where is my mother i said" "room 666" i ran (limipt) there with niall by my side heelping me.
i walked in and i saw...


What should happen?


I might stop it hear i dont know
thanks i am working at it but have the biggest wrighters blook ever
You're always welcome. Don't sweat the whole cant update as much thing because You have a good reason. But I will be wait for on ;)
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D
the problem is solved im sorry for freaking everyone out im just not going to update as much but ill try too sorry

thanks it means alot :))))
We could never hate you!
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D