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The New Boy

Chapter 10

After school it was time for my basketball game. I went into the locker room and changed into my jersey and shorts before running onto the court. All the girls were shooting and warming up. I started stretching. I felt a hand on my back. I turned around to see a happy Harry standing there. "Hey baby girl. I just wanted to say good luck and give you a good luck kiss before you play." He smiled and kissed me. "Thanks." I whispered. "You're gonna do great." He reassured me. "Girls come on!" Coach Tim yelled. "Bye." I said and pushed Harry away. He laughed and blew me a kiss.

The team walked over to the coach and sat on the bench. "Okay so the starters are Katie as gaurd, Ashley as left wing, Tasha as right wing, Grayson as post, and Carson as base. When I saw 23 you get in a 2-3 defense but other then that you will be playing man. Now Katie your team captain will give you some encouraging words." He smiled and looked at me. "Let's win this shit and beat their asses!" I yelled. Everyone laughed.

The starting four and I walked onto the court. They always make me tip although I'm not that good. The referee threw the ball up in the air. I jumped up and hit the ball. Tasha caught it but passed it strait to me. I dribbled up slowly to the three point line. I did a jab step, forcing my defending to go back. I shot and it went strait through the hoop. "Katie horan, number 35 scoring a three pointer." The announcer said. Everyone cheered and clapped. We ran back and I was guarding the post player. Someone tried to pass it to her but I stole the pass. I sprinted down the court and went in for a lay up. I made it and then ran back down to the other side of the court. "And another basket made by Katie. A two point lay up." The announcer said.

It was half time and we were winning by ten points. "You guys are doing great but we need more people to score, not just Katie. I know you guys are winning but don't give up. Fight till the end. Push yourselves!" The coach yelled. We all ran back onto the court. It was our ball. Ashley in bounded it and passed it to me. I walked up to the three point line. Wow this girl finally realized that you have to gaurd the person or else they will score. I passed it to Grayson and cut down to the block. She made a simple bounce pass. This one girl stepped on my foot as I turned to shoot. I fell to the floor in pain. It was the most pain I've ever felt that went from my ankle to my knee. "Ow!" I screamed as I tried to get up. The referee blew the whistle and stopped everyone. Tears were running down my face. "What's hurting?" Coach Tim asked. I pointed to my left knee. He touched it and I slapped his hand. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry it just hurt. It were my reflexes." I apologized. "It's fine. Can you walk on it?" He asked. I tried getting back up but screamed again. Harry came running towards me. "Hey Katie are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head. "We need to get you off the court." Coach tim said. Harry picked me up and carried me over to the bench.

"I think you tore a muscle." Tim said. "We need to get you to the doctor." Louis said. I looked up and saw him standing over me. "Who are you guys?" Coach tim asked. "This is my brother Louis and my boyfriend Harry." I introduced them. My leg was fine as long as I didn't move. "You said I'm your brother." Louis whispered in my ear. "Cause you are." I smiled and looked at him. "I love you." He mumbled and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you too." I winced at the pain when Tim moved my leg. "I'm sorry. Can you guys drive her to the hospital?" Tim asked. Harry and Louis nodded their heads. Harry picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car. Zayn and Liam came with us. Zayn and Liam sat in the front and I sat on Harry's lap with my foot on Louis.


I'll update again later I'm just really tired from moving. And sorry I deleted my other story. I was getting a lot of hate on it and I was tired of it so I deleted it. It wasn't that good anyways.


Hannah you good you haven't updated in a while!?

xo_caitlin_xo xo_caitlin_xo


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megsworld megsworld


Thank you for the comments! <3

i_love_lou i_love_lou

No! POOR Harry!!! I love this story so much!

megsworld megsworld