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In your arms

The Lads

My eyes were blood shot and my cheeks were stained with tears.

"What's wrong love?" He said while bending down on his knee and looking at me straight in the eye.

I couldn't take his beautiful eyes staring into me. It felt like he could see everything about me so I wiped my tears and looked down at my fingers.

"Are you okay?"

I nod.

"Well clearly not if your crying. Tell me what's wrong." He said in a demanding yet sweet way.

"My mum." I said not wanting to trigger anymore tears.

"Say no more." And at that he stood up and held out by his hand for me to grab.

It took me a few minutes to realized what he meant so I just looked back and forth at his hand and mine. But eventually I took his hand.

He took me to his car and opened the passenger door for me.

"I'm Harry." Literally a second later a while bunch of people surrounded the car and cameras were flashing everywhere. I tilted my head down.

"Sorry love, fans and paparazzi can be a little overwhelming."

Shit, this a better not be who I think it is.

"Its fine."

He smiled from ear to ear.


"Nothing. You didn't tell me your name."


"Well Lily, what part of England are you from?"

"Im from London."

"Hm, we are here."

We arrived at a flat. "Where are we?" I asked with pure curiosity.

"My lads house. They'll get everything off your mind."

"Okay." I said agreeing to the idea.

The flat was huge. It was like a mansion. Harry walked into the house and held the door open for me. I followed him with my beats around my neck, into the living room where all of his friends were sitting on the couch playing on the Xbox.

"Hey boys." He said.

"Hey Harry." One of them said. All of them turned around.

"This.is Lily, Lily this is Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Niall."

Yep this is one direction. "Hi" I said while smiling.

"Hi." They all said back.

"This is the first time someone didn't freak out." Niall said while laughing. I looked at them all and they were wide eyed and nodding there heads.

"Well, we are all human."

"You wanna play call of duty?" Niall asked me.


"Here," he said and have me the extra remote. "Come sit." I sat in the chair next to him.

"You better not go easy on me."

"Oh trust me I won't." And we all laughed at his remark.

"Prepare to die."I said in a really my deep voice and we all laughed harder.

"Nooooooooo!" Niall yelled while dramatically falling onto the floor. He lost the game.

"I told you to be prepared." I said would laughing lightly. "What time is- oh shit, my dad's gonna kill me."

"I'll take you home." It was three in the morning. "Thanks."

"I told you they would get everything off your mind." He said as we walked out the door.

I smiled and shook my head at his response.

We got in his car and started to drive to my house.

"Will you get in trouble?" He asked.

I nod.

"We should hangout more, we all really like you, you know as friends."

"Okay." We exchanged phone numbers and talked a little longer until we got to my house.

"Call me, so I know you're okay."

"I will."

I walked up to my house and opened the door. My dad wasn't in the house and his car wasn't in the driveway.

When I walked into the dining room there was a note that said my dad was at the bar with some of his old friends.

i dialed Harrys number and he answered on the first ring.

"Hey" I said into the phone.

"Are you okay?"

"Yep, I'm good. My dad just went to the bar."

"And that's a good thing?"

"Harry." I said a little sternly.

"Sorry love."

"Bye Harry."


After I hung up I went to my room and laid down on my bed and fell asleep.


Sorry I haven't been updating lately. I was grounded from my computer.
Pls rate subscribe/comment :)


Hey guys I'm back my computer was taken away but now I've got it back! I wont be doing this story for a while because I'm trying to focus on my newest fanfic Girl so if you'd like go ahead and take a look at it.
Your friend, Cal_babe <3

That's okay! Hope everything gets better <3

Ayat Ayat

Hahaha glitch

Hazzaislife Hazzaislife

Sorry I didn't get to update like I said I would. I had a family problem. :(

Hazzaislife Hazzaislife

Sorry I didn't get to update like I said I would. I had a family problem. :(

Hazzaislife Hazzaislife