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Concert Love.

Chapter 2

Sarah's POV

"So, when do you think Kaitlyn will call us back?" Spencer asked me as she paced back and forth in my room not leaving her eyes off her phone. I watched her pace from my view, which was at the moment, me laying upside down from my bed. "Well, we are talking about her waiting for a phone call from her brother, who happens to be in one of the biggest busiest bands...so it might take awhile, I'm guessing." I replied, looking at all my magazines sprawled around my room, with the faces of the boys printed on the covers. "True." I heard Spencer mumble, as she looked at my gaze at the magazines, "Earth to Sarah." I heard her sarcastically yell. "How did we ever get so lucky? I mean yeah, look at us! Who knew getting lost at a One Direction concert would lead to new friendships." I sighed.

About a year ago Spencer and I had just bought our tickets together for the One Direction tour that was going to be held near our city, in California. When the day came, Spencer and I were practically fangirling on the drive to the arena. Not like we were going to meet the boys, but in our minds seeing them on stage was enough to make us scream our lungs out. As we got to our seats, we both had the brilliant idea of using the restrooms before the concert started. Not observing how we got to the bathrooms, we realized we were both lost as we tried to fine our way back to the main arena.

The concert was about to start as we both started panicking and going up to random people, asking for derections. The first person we went up to was an older man, I was guessing, was someone's dad, he told us he had no clue how he got here, but he said the farther the better. Spencer became panicky, when I made eye contact with a girl about our age walking towards us...that's when our life was about to change for the better, with a new friendship.

"You're still dozing off." I heard Spencer say as she came up to me waving her hand across my face. I looked up to her smiling, "Just thin-" before we both freezed as her phone gave off a ringtone only belonging to Kaitlyn. I got up quickly as Spencer answered the phone. "What's she saying?" I whispered as Spencer kept nodding her head up and down. "Or just ignore me." I mumbled, giving me an apology look from Spencer who turned her phone to speaker.

"Liam didn't call. But as Niall and I were doing our usual face timing Liam joined in on us and apologized as he was about to call me... I miss him so much!" we heard Kaitlyn yell. "But I also miss the other boys as well..." Spencer and I looked at each other before speaking, " Except for your least favorite, Lou." we said together laughing. "Don't mention his name." Kaitlyn yelled. Kaitlyn had told us about her and Louis's fight from the beginning of their first time meeting each other, which to me was quite funny. "You guys need to seriously make a truce." I said smiling as Spencer agreed by shaking her head. "Not in anyones dreams." she replied back without a hint of sarcasm.

"So, other than that, how's life going on with the boys?" I asked wanting to know everything. "Well, the boys are the same, and Liam told me very exciting news, which was the surprise he kept wanting to tell me..." Spencer perked up, "And?". We heard a pause, "I don't know if I want to tell you guys...hmmm." I got up and ran over to the phone, "Please, please, pleeeeaase?" I asked desperately. I heard a giggle on the other side knowing she would tell us, "Okay, but I don't think you guys will want to come. It might be too boring." we heard her say sarcastically. Spencer looked at me confused before I asked, "Go where?"


Hey guys, it's Sarah! :)
Sorry about the long wait... I kinda was busy...ya know? (stalking the boys) haha... I don't do that...ha ha.
Please feel free to comment on how you like this story so far or what you think would make this story better!
I know I might of made this chapter a bit short, but hey, try writing a story on a phone...not quit easy. -.- lol
Thanks for reading!


Sarah it's BRILLIAM! I love it!

Ohmygod! I'm absolutely floored!!! Brilliant babe! Just brilliant!

Okay...so I know I'm one of the authors....but I JUST LOVE THIS STORY ALREADY!!! It is written perfectly in so mannnny ways :) mwah mwah =^.^=

Sarah_Tran Sarah_Tran