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Dancing with a Star

15. Official Meetings

“The first couple that is safe is,” Tom paused.
I felt my heart beating wildly.
“Jodie and Keo.”
I cursed, but hugged them anyways.
“I hope you are safe,” Jodie whispered.
I smiled and thanked her.
“The couple who is going home is,” Tom paused.
This was definitely torture. The pause felt like days, but I knew it was merely a few seconds.
“Doug and Karina.”
I felt everything stop.
We were safe!
Niall hugged me.
My job was now sealed.
Karina had done this before, so she didn’t have to worry about her job.
“Congrats, Evelina. We can’t wait to have you on tour.”
I breathed out and thanked her.
“Thanks, love.”
They then continued to say goodbye as Niall and I hugged each other again.
“We not only got the first perfect score, but we are safe.”
“They did it.”
“The Directioners. You were right. They did it.”
I smiled and hugged him.
Following the show
Niall and I went to the dressing rooms to change.
We had dinner with his brother’s family, my brother and best friend, and Wesley.
I looked through my bag, freaking out because everything I could find wasn’t good enough.
My phone beeped and I looked, seeing a text from Rachel.
I had a back-up dress for you in my car. I knew they were coming and figured we would go eat afterword. You’re welcome. I’m heading to the dressing room with it now.
Did I mention I have the greatest friend ever? No? Well, I do.
I stuck my robe on and poked my head out, seeing her run towards me and hand me the dress.
“Have I ever told you that you are the greatest?”
“I know I am,” she winked.
I quickly went to change, realizing the shirt I had would look great with this. I stuck the pink floral dress on, pairing it with my white Converse and my blue jean shirt.
I nodded, thankful that my hair was down for this dance. I braided the top of it and then checked my make-up smiling.
I looked good.
As soon as I was ready, I heard a knock on the door. I threw all of my stuff in my bag and ran out.
“Woah. Where are you going?” Mark asked, looking me up and down.
“Out with Rach, Connor, and Wesley. Why?”
His eyes are narrowed.
“Just Rach, Connor, and Wesley?”
“I mean, there are a few other people coming, but why are you being so nosey?”
“Because you ma’am, are dressed for a date.”
“I just grabbed this out of my bag.”
“No you didn’t. I saw that dress exchange.”
My eyes widened and I turned to see Emily in the dressing room. I stepped out and grabbed Mark, making him follow me.
“Don’t freak. I’m not going on a date.”
He nodded.
“You’re going to meet your boyfriend’s brother’s family.”
My eyes widened.
“How did you?”
“I saw how you talked to Erin.”
I cursed.
“By the way, Tom and Erin know.”
“What? How?”
“Erin found out when she asked you in the show. Tom found out when Peta threatened Emily.”
“Who all saw that?”
“Everyone who hates her.”
I breathed a sigh of relief.
“Alright. Well, I must go. I have a family waiting on me. I would like to make an impression.”
He smiled and hugged me.
“They are going to love you, girl!”
“Thanks, Mark! Tell BC Jean I said hey!” I said, walking away.
I walked up and saw Niall with his back turned.
I smiled, seeing his brother look at me.
I quickly put my finger to my mouth, remembering I still had on my spandex shorts under my dress. Greg smiled and continued to distract Niall.
I ran up and jumped on Niall’s back.
Fortunately, Niall caught me in a split second and kept me there.
“I hope to God this is Evelina.”
“What would you do if it wasn’t?” Greg asked.
Niall immediately dropped me, making me squeal.
Thankfully, with me having a four-year-old, my reflexes had to be spot on, so I landed on my feet.
Denise’s eyes went wide and Niall turned around.
“Hey, in my defense, I just asked what you would do if it wasn’t her. I never said it wasn’t her.”
I laughed.
“It’s fine, Niall. Wesley keeps my reflexes in check.”
Denise started laughing at that.
“Isn’t that right! Theo is how I exercise.”
“Well, I still hit the gym because I have to stay flexible. At least I do during the off-season. During the show I don’t as much because I am dancing all the time, but during the off-season of the show, I’m exercising when I usually practice.”
She nodded with a smile on her face.
“Well, is everyone ready? Wesley needs to hit the hay soon, so we best get some food in his tummy.”
Wesley looked at me and I could already see the tiredness in his eyes. I picked him up and we all separated into our cars.
Niall hopped in with Wes and I as I buckled him up.
“So, where did you get that dress?” Niall asked, smiling at me.
“Rachel is a life saver.”
“You know Denise is only dressed up because of the show right? You don’t have to look like that mom who has everything together.”
I bit my lip and looked out the window.
“Hey, Eveli?”
“I know they are going to love you. They already do.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’m 100% sure.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I do and that’s enough for them.”
I froze at those words.
Niall just indirectly told me he loves me. He must have caught on to what he said because his eyes went wide and he focused on the road more as his teeth went to his lip.
I honestly didn’t know what to say.
I wasn’t ready to say it back.
That’s just the thing though isn’t it?
Is a person ever ready for love?


her outfit.
A double update tonight! I'm feeling pretty daggum proud of myself. :)
Love you guys and I'm keeping this one short because of the double update and my baby getting dangerously close to my TV.
Thank you @MelissaStylesinStyle for always commenting even though I know you have a story to update as well. You're amazing!
Alright. Well, peace out for the night! :)


@Kay Kay
I can't wait to update! It will be tomorrow because I have to be up in 6 hours... DX

xXFluffy_GruXx xXFluffy_GruXx

Thank you so much! That means a lot!

xXFluffy_GruXx xXFluffy_GruXx

Definitely! Denny's is definitely better! I like the nachos at Dennys. :) Waffle House just isn't good to me. My family loves it, but it makes me sick.

xXFluffy_GruXx xXFluffy_GruXx

OUR DANCE!!!! Ayyy I loved this story can't wait for the next one...

OutCast. OutCast.

Awwwwww so cute!!
And Dennys over Waffle House ANY DAY lol

LivinLikeLarry LivinLikeLarry