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Reviews w/ dontjockmystyles

Revenge on Eleanor Calder by S a m e r i a

1. Grammar and Spelling.
To start off you grammar was well. There isn't a vast amount of detailed words, but I give you credit for making it up without using them. There had been a few spelling mistakes, not much. Few autocorrects, missing letter, and so on. Nothing huge. I do recommend increasing your vocabulary. (Not that you need to, but there are words that that could sum up a whole paragraph of feelings.) Use apps, and dictionary.com for references. Little by little your vocabulary will grow (:

2. Length of Chapters.
Your chapters are medium sized, and as i said in previous reviews. Refer to the first review (this section) I explain to her about chapters, and etc.

3. Exposition.
You detail is great, you explain a lot of the scenes which is what a reader wants. I like that it's not clipped, and that you stay on track with your plot. Great work.

4. Story Line.
Your story line is original, at times it gets confusing because of the mass amount of characters. There are a few things that I don't like, but it is your writing, so these are only my opinions. Since you are so far into the chapters (which i have not read fully) it is hard to edit now, but the one things that pops out at me is Eleanor. I know this is fiction so you could make up anything, but i do feel it's a tad bit unrealistic. El jumps from kissing Harry to having Niall wanting to make her happy, then she's grinding on Zayn, and it's hot steamy sex. (You smut scenes were very detailed may I add, which is perfect) And Louis isn't the least bit suspicious, also the abusive boyfriend is a bit stereotypical for such a jumbled love book, but I can understand where your coming from. Sometimes you need more than one suspect to give more of a mysterious feel. Since i only read up to about Chapter 11. I do give you credit for keeping the story interesting. (I love the links, and gifs!) Besides the unrealistic part, i think that the story was playing out great.

5. Summary.
I like the summary, and how it's a snippet of her murder. Makes readers want to know what really happened ya know? i do like it, not much to say!

6. Rating
Overall I give you about a 9. Although I didn't like the whole skipping from guy to guy part, you stayed on track throughout your plot, and gave enough to the story that it makes you set aside that dislike. Keep writing babe, you'll go far with guidance and revision



Lia xx.


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