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Reviews w/ dontjockmystyles

Midnight Memories by Missesonedirection94

1. Grammar and Spelling.
Your grammar is a little weak, but understandable. It isn't something intolerable, but it could use some change! Other than the lack of a few descriptive words, I hadn't run into many spelling mistakes. I think one or two, but more or less along the lines of an autocorrect mishap, or a simple missing letter. Other than that, you did a good job at explaining majority of the scenes, which is helpful to understanding the actual story

2. Length of Chapters.
Your chapters are medium sized, which is great. I would refer to that, and read it.

3. Exposition.
Your detail is great, I like how you portray the whole emotion, and feel of the characters. Although I do believe a lot of the convo's are a tad bit unrealistic, this is a fiction so I can't badger you on that. You do explain a whole lot on the characters which gives readers a better insight on your story. So great work on that!

4. Story Line.
Your story line is very original, and that's great! You give detailed information, on when and where. I like having the very realistic feel of the relationship between your ariana, and katherine. I hope to see more!

5. Summary.
I love your summary, because it's clipped, and makes you want to read more. You didn't give too much away which is an extra plus. I hate summary's that give too much away, and you did great!

6. Rating
Since I did generally like your story, I would give you a raw score of an 8.5-9.



The Boy Next Door :)

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