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Choosing Ceremony.

And then I woke up.

“Come on,” the Dauntless woman said. “We need to get you out of here before they come to get you.” She said. She grabbed my arm, helping me up out of the chair and to the other door in the room. “What were my test results?” I asked her. She stopped and looked at me. “We need to go.” She said sternly. “No. Not until you tell me what my results were.” I said stubbornly. “Your results were Abnegation, Erudite, and Dauntless.” She said. “That’s impossible.” I stated. “That doesn’t even make any sense.” I spoke again.

“Your results were inconclusive.” She said quietly, looking me in the eye. “What? No that, that’s impossible,-“she cut me off. “No, not impossible.” She said but I continued. “The test was supposed to tell me what I was supposed to choose, this test was going to help me” I rambled on, stumbling over my words. “The test didn’t work on you.” She said quietly. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“They call it Divergent.” She said so quietly I’m surprised I heard her. I looked at like she was insane. “It’s very dangerous, you can’t tell anybody your results.” She said. “I know, you can’t tell anyone your results. Not until after you choose.” I said confused. “No. You can’t tell anybody, ever, not your friends, your siblings not even your parents. It’s very dangerous.” She continued to push me out the door.

But what’s so dangerous about it? And what do I tell my parents? I can’t show up early, they would suspect something.” I asked franticly, trying to get some answers before I had to leave. “I put your test results as Abnegation, everyone will think that you are Abnegation. Tell your parents the serum I gave you made your stomach hurt so I sent you home right after your test. But you must go before they come.” She pushed me until I was outside the door.

“Good luck.” Was the last thing I heard from her before I had to head home.


“Gracie where were you? I was going insane looking for you, why did you come home without me?” Niall asked me when he walked in and saw me setting up dinner. “I was sent home because my stomach wasn’t feeling good.” I said while shrugging to play if off.
Niall just shook his head before walking over to the sink behind me to help cook dinner. Of course he would, and of course he’s going to pick Abnegation, it’s in his blood. I sighed and quickly got out of day dreaming before taking the bowl of green to the sink where Niall was rinsing the dishes for when we eat.

“So Gracie,” Niall started. I looked up and then back down trying to avoid his speaking. “What were your results?” he asked plainly. I looked at him, catching his attention to make him look me back in the eyes. “Why are you asking that?” I asked quietly. “We aren’t supposed to share what our results were.” I could feel my pulse quicken as I hoped he didn’t ask any further questions.

“I just figured you would tell me,” he said. “I mean I am your brother right? We are natural blood siblings that can tell each other anything you know.” He said before taking out the plates to dry them. I quickly remember the Dauntless woman’s voice.

“No. You can’t tell anybody, ever, not your friends, your siblings not even your parents. It’s very dangerous.”

“Well, yes you are, that doesn’t mean we should share our results. Besides would you tell me yours if I asked?” I looked at him quickly to see him shake his head quietly. “See? Let’s just keep it to ourselves and not worry about it till tomorrow morning at the choosing ceremony.” I said to him. He nodded his head quietly again, agreeing with me.


“So, how was work?” My mother asked my father as we all sat around the dining room table with candles lit on it for light. Niall and I were not supposed to speak unless we were spoken too by our parents or asked a question by them. Other than that, we sat quietly beside each other and would occasionally smile at each other.

“Tiring, everyone is worried about Marcus because people are saying it’s awful what his son did.” My father shook his head. Marcus and my father were part of the city’s government, Marcus was also Abnegation. Abnegation was the government because people thought it was best because we were selfless and would always think of the citizens of the city.

“What did his son do?” I shouldn’t have asked, or have even spoken. Table rules, ever since we were children. My mother looked at me and gave me a faint smile showing she was not mad. My brother was giving me a disapproving look. Of course he was, he was Niall and Niall never did anything wrong. My father either didn’t hear me, or he just decided to let it slide.
“His son Harold moved from Abnegation to the Dauntless faction, people are saying it was because Marcus abused Harold and he wanted to stay away from him.” My mother explained to me, I nodded. “Did he? Like you know, abuse Harold?” I asked quietly. “Of course not, that’s what we are trying to resolve.” My father answered. I nodded my head. I have only met Marcus once and honestly didn’t like him, I felt like he always hid something from everyone. He was also scary in appearance, long grey hair, dark cold eyes that made you spine tingle, not in a good way either, but it could have been just me.

“Well, hopefully it gets resolved.” My brother said quietly. We all nodded agreeing with him. My mother picked up our plates and took them to the sink. Niall and I were excused to head to bed.

“Big day tomorrow,” my father said while patting Niall on the back. “Get a good night’s rest.” My mother said before taking my hair out of its bun and letting it flow down my back. Niall and I looked at each other with a small smile before heading down the hallways to our bedrooms where we needed to rest for tomorrow.

“Gracie?” Niall stopped me. I stopped and turned around to look at him. “Yes?” I asked him. “Tonight just let’s think about ourselves okay? Let’s worry about ourselves and the ceremony tomorrow okay?” he said to me. I looked at him surprised. Never would I ever think Niall would think about himself. Abnegation Niall, wanting to think of himself, he’s pure Abnegation so why would he need to think of his choice unless he was thinking of choosing something else? No, Niall wouldn’t disobey our parents and choose a different faction. But maybe he will. He did say think of you for tomorrow. Maybe he will decide to choose a different faction.

“Right. I agree.” I nodded my head before going inside my room and closing the door. I sat on the bed and thought.
Erudite. Abnegation. Dauntless. God, I have a lot to think about.


“Come on, our seats are right here.” My brother said, leading us to our seats, we sat in alphabetical order. The seats were divided into 5 areas for the factions. My father sat down, and then my mother, Niall and lastly I sat down.

“Attention, attention.” A loud voice boomed over everyone causing us to all quiet down. “Today, most of you will all be choosing what faction you have decided to spend the rest of your lives in. You have done the aptitude test that gives you the result of the faction you were made for.” Not me, I have 3 factions not just one. “We may have made the test to tell you to choose what your result was but that was not my intention on making the test, it was supposed to help, yes, but you can choose what faction you believe you were made for.” She says before finishing. “Remember,” she says before looking at everyone in the crowd, scanning over until she looked at me and Niall. “Faction before blood.” She said before walking off, making everyone cheer.

They called everyone up by their names in alphabetical order and by the faction. Once you are called up you take the knife they hand to you, cut across your palm and drip your blood in the bowl of the faction you chose. Gray stones for Abnegation, glass for Candor, water for Erudite, soil for Amity, and lit burning coals for Dauntless.

“Niall Horan.” Niall looked at me quickly before flashing me his straight smile and walking down the aisle to the stage. I could only see his back and the fact he was blocking the Abnegation and Erudite bowls made me upset, but I was sure he was going to choose Abnegation. I couldn’t see, only his arm rising over one of the bowls and going back down showing he dropped his blood into his faction.

“Niall Horan Erudite.” They announced. I froze completely watching as Niall descended down the steps into his new faction. They all rose and cheered while everyone else clapped, I even clapped and smiled. Niall chose what he wanted, not what mom and dad wanted for him, maybe I could do the same. I looked at my parents and noticed my mom smiling although she had tears in her eyes and my dad with cold eyes watching my brother with nothing but pure disappointment.

“Gracie Horan.” My name was announced making me take my stare off my parents. Everyone now was quiet waiting for me. My parents quickly got up so I could walk into the aisle. My mother hugged me quickly.

“Remember no matter what, I will always love you.” She whispered. She must know that I may not choose Abnegation. Otherwise she wouldn’t feel the need to tell me that. I looked her in the eyes and smiled at her. I looked at my father quickly before walking down the steps.

I grabbed the knife and glided it across my palm. It stung before the pain went away. I looked ahead of me while holding my palm upwards so my blood doesn’t drop anywhere. There were the bowls, Abnegation with the boring gray stones, Erudite with the water and Dauntless with the burning coals. By now you could hear a pin drop in the room. I looked at the Erudite bowl that was beside the Dauntless.

I slowly rose my hand up that now had a puddle of my blood inside over it. I watched the blood slowly start to drip down, making its way down to reach the water. I glanced back and saw everyone looking at me and that’s when I changed my mind. I wasn’t intelligent like Erudite and I wasn’t selfless like Abnegation.

And before I knew it my hand was dripping its blood into the burning coals making a sizzle noise that echoed through the whole auditorium.

“Gracie Horan Dauntless.” They announced out loud. I turned around and everything felt like it was in slow motion. I looked and saw everyone clapping, my father giving me the same look he gave Niall and my mother clapping with a smile on her face and tears brimming her eyes.I walked over to my new faction, earning claps on the back and hugs from them congratulating me on my decision. I looked into my father’s eyes and back away because it didn’t matter that he didn’t like my choice, it was my choice.

I was selfish. I was brave.


Second chapter. Please comment, rate and subscribe! Chapter 3 tomorrow!


Total subscribe btw I watched the movie yesterday so far favorite movie


okay:) xx

brianna.smith brianna.smith


Yes this is going to be based with the boys, I have planned out all the characters the boys will be portraying as in the series, and I LOVE YOU TOO BABY! YOU AMAZING AND JUST BRIGHTENED MY DAY, I WILL TRY TO UPDATE SOON!


so things..
1.Is this going to be based with the boys?

brianna.smith brianna.smith

I was actually thinking about doing that because I thought it would be kind of cool. I'm starting Insurgent soon so maybe I will! We'll see!
