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Welcome to Dauntless.

I didn’t know how we got here. All I remember was running, and running fast then stopping in front of the tracks. Everyone was cheering and having fun, pushing and shoving and messing around. And then they started cheering when a train started coming down the tracks full speed. They started running, making me follow them. My adrenaline was pumping and I was having the time of my life, but this wasn’t even the craziest part of being Dauntless.

People started jumping in the train doors as it came beside them. I quickly followed. I jumped up grabbing onto the doors handle but obviously not a good enough grip because a Candor girl had to pull me up. She had wavy brown hair that was a couple of inches past her shoulders and brown eyes with long lashes. She was wearing a white shirt with a black cardigan. She was also really tall with long legs.

“You made it.” She said while looking at me with a smile. I quickly swallowed, trying to get some sort of saliva down my throat to stop the burning sensation from running. I nodded while smiling at her.

“I’m Eleanor.” She said quickly before flashing me a beautiful smile. “Gracie.” I said to her. She smiled and nodded. “I’m Louis.” A boy beside her said. He had brown hair that swept over his forehead and light blue and gray eyes.

“Where do you think we are going?” a boy shouted over the wind rushing in. “To Dauntless headquarters obviously.” A girl answered. She had crooked teeth and a big nose. “Wherever that is.” Louis muttered.

I closed my eyes and pictured my mother and father sitting at the dinner table in silence. Is it a lingering hint of selfishness that is making my throat tighten at the thought of them, or is it selfishness, because I know I will never be there daughter again?


“They’re jumping off!”

I lifted my head quickly to see what was happening. We have been in this train for over a half hour and now my neck aches from the way I was sitting against the train wall. All we did was sit and listen to the wind roar by and watch the city smear when we passed. The train has slowed down in the past couple of minutes and now I see that the boy was right. The Dauntless in the cars ahead of us were jumping out as the train passes different rooftops. The tracks were seven stories up.

I stumble as I stand up, probably from the fact that jumping down onto a roof, with a seven story gap between us wasn’t my cup of tea. Although even though this was dangerous, I had a pump of adrenaline in my body making me excited for what would come from the Dauntless faction. We stood all in a line, waiting who was going to stand up first and jump.

“We have to jump off too, then,” The girl with crooked teeth and a big nose said. “Yeah,” a boy, who I recognized as Peter from the lines for the aptitudes test replied. “Because that makes perfect sense Molly, Leap off a train to a roof.” He finished. “That’s what we signed up for Peter.” Molly said to him sternly.

“I’m not doing it.” An amity boy said. “You’ve got too.” Louis says. “or you fail. Come on, it’ll be all right.” Louis tried to reassure the boy. He was panicky obviously, he was shaking his head quickly and he had tears streaming down his cheeks. “I’m not! I’d rather be factionless then dead.” He said before backing away. I looked at the rooftop. It was getting closer by the second. I didn’t agree with him. I’d rather be dead than empty, and factionless.

“You can’t force him. It’s a choice and he decided his.” I said to Louis. “Here.” He said before sticking his hand out. I looked at him confused. “I just can’t……I don’t think I can do it without someone’s help.” He said sadly. I smiled before grabbing his hand. We backed up to the back. “One..” I started. “Two..” he said. “three!” we shouted before running and jumping.

As we jumped, it was a weightless moment. Then my feet slammed into the solid ground and pain went through my shins. I landed on my stomach with my cheek digging into the gravel. I let go if Louis’ hand. He was laughing, hard. He had a twinkle in his eyes. “That was fun.” He stated. I giggled before getting up and nodding.

Everyone made it successfully. I think Louis would fit in with the Dauntless seekers, along with Eleanor. I brushed all the rocks and pebbles off my cheek and looked around looking at people made it. The girl who I learned from earlier was Molly, was holding her ankle and wincing. The boy Peter, was standing successfully tall with a proud crooked smile on his face, he must have landed perfectly on his feet.

I was snapped out of my observing when I heard a cry. I looked over and saw a girl crying and leaning over the building edge. A boy was holding her by the waist trying to calm her down. “Rita,” the boy said. “Rita, calm down. Rita-“ I walked over to the edge and looked down. My stomach turned at what I saw.

There was a body on the pavement below us. A girl, her arms and legs were bent in different and awkward angles. Her long hair was spread all over her face. My stomach sinks as I stare at her body. I turn slowly around and look at the train tracks. Not everyone made it. And even the Dauntless aren’t safe.

I don’t know but as soon as I look The girl, Rita. falls down to her feet and sobs. She puts her hand up to her mouth, maybe to cover the again I turn around and stare ahead where I see everyone huddling together around a guy on the ledge of the building. I didn’t want to see her, or the girl’s body. The longer I watch, the more I feel like I will cry. And I can’t cry in front of these people.

I sigh and keep telling myself the same thing. That is how things work here. We will do dangerous things and people can die. People die, and then we will move on to the next dangerous thing. The sooner that lesson sinks in, the better chance I have at surviving initiation.

Although now I am no longer sure I will be able to survive initiation.

I stand and breath, I count to tree and then I will move on. One. I picture the girls lifeless body over the edge of the building. Two. I hear Rita’s sobs and shudder goes down my body. Three.

I walk over to the group with my lips pursed. I moved on. As I stand I notice my elbow stings. I pull my sleeve up and look at it. My skin is pealing, but my elbow isn’t bleeding.

Scandalous. A stiff showing some skin.” Some boy, Peter, shouts causing people to snicker. ‘Stiff’ is a slang word for someone who is Abnegation, and I was the only one here. Peter points at me and smirks evilly. People laugh while my cheeks heat up 100 degrees. I quickly pull down my sleeve and look down. Eleanor stands beside me and gives me a little smile.

“Listen up! My name is Max! I am the one of the leaders of your new faction!” shouts a man. We all look up and noticed he is standing on the ledge. He is older than us obviously, with the creases and the grey hair and dark skin of his.

“Several stories below us is the members entrance to our compound. If you can’t muster the will to jump off, you don’t belong here. Our initiates have the privilege to go first.” He says. “You want us to jump?” a candor girl asks. I don’t understand why it shocks her.

“Yes.” Max says. He looks amused. “Is there water at the bottom of something?” she asked. “Who knows?” he raises his eye brows with a smirk on his face. They all make a path for whoever is going. I look around and notice no one looks eager to jump off, their eyes everywhere but Max. Everyone is either trying to nurse minor wounds or brush gravel from their clothing. I look at Peter. He is picking at his cuticles trying to act casual.

I am proud. It will get me into some trouble one day, but today it makes me brave. I walk toward the edge and hear people snickering behind me. Max steps aside, leaving my way clear. I walk over to the ledge and look down. The wind was making my baggy grey clothes fly everywhere. I can’t see what’s at the bottom of the pit, only a big hole and darkness.

It’s a scare tactic. Something is at the bottom of the pit, they wouldn’t tell us to jump if we would be heading to our death wish. I slip off my cardigan, I am wearing a grey tank top underneath, I have never shown this much skin. I hear snickers and people whispering. Once I have my cardigan I ball it in my hands and throw it at Max.

I look down again. I don’t think, I just bend my knees then jump. My stomach stirs and I feel heavy weighted. I fall and then land on something bouncy then land again. Once I settle and lay still I smile and laugh. I look at what I landed on, it wasn’t the softest but it made you bounce. A net.

A hand reaches out and pulls me up. I quickly fling forward and stumble on my feet before the hands grab my waist and steady me.

“Thank you.” I say. I look up and see the boy is very tall, curly brown hair and very pretty green eyes. “Can’t believe it.” A voice says from behind me. A girl stands forward and smirks. “A stiff, the first to jump? Unheard of.” She says.

“There’s a reason she left Lauren.” The boy says. He has a deep and raspy voice. “What’s your name?” he asked. “uh..” I say. I don’t know why I hesitated.

‘Gracie’ doesn’t sound to Dauntless.

“Think about it.” He said with a faint smile curling his pink lips. “You don’t get to choose again.” He says. A new place. A new name. I can be renamed.

“Ace.” I said firmly.

“Ace.” Lauren repeats grinning. “Make the annoucment Harry.” She says. He looks over his shoulder and shouts.

“First jumper! Ace!” everyone cheers and smiles. He turned back around and smirked at me.

“Welcome to Dauntless.” He says.


Hey my lovely readers, I probably don't have any but if I do, HI! So sorry it took so long for this chapter to be posted I know in my notes on chapter 2 I said it would be up the next day but my computer ended up getting this bitch of a virus and messed everything up and then I was swamped with homework because my school had packets for every subject we had to make up for having snow days. Fuck my life. I still have them but I'm almost done but my bitch of a teacher is up my ass about getting them in when they are do MAY 2! God I hate school. Anywhore, yeah this is chapter 3 and I have decided that after every chapter I will have a QOTD (question of the day) so here it is! COMMENT, VOTE, AND SUBSCRIBE PLEASE! LOVE YOU BABES! xx

QOTD: What is your favorite line in the Divergent book or movie?


Total subscribe btw I watched the movie yesterday so far favorite movie


okay:) xx

brianna.smith brianna.smith


Yes this is going to be based with the boys, I have planned out all the characters the boys will be portraying as in the series, and I LOVE YOU TOO BABY! YOU AMAZING AND JUST BRIGHTENED MY DAY, I WILL TRY TO UPDATE SOON!


so things..
1.Is this going to be based with the boys?

brianna.smith brianna.smith

I was actually thinking about doing that because I thought it would be kind of cool. I'm starting Insurgent soon so maybe I will! We'll see!
