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With Great Power

The rescue

Liam’s POV

I saw a flash, and then heard a scream. A girl, a young girl. Slowly, the light faded, and I could see again. I Looked around, I was in a sort of office block. Again, a scream. I followed the noise down the corridor and into a lab.
“You have one more chance, tell me about the others.” A man in a black suit stood by a scientist, the scientist held an electric paddle, ready to shock it’s next victim.
“I don’t know anything!” she screamed, tears streaming down her face. I knew what to do, I ran out of the lab and towards the window, looking out the window to see where I was. Once I’d picked up a few landmarks, I began to wake up. I legged it out of my bedroom.
“Where are you off to?” asked my mum.
“Just visiting a friend.” I picked up my iphone and looked up all the locations nearby for the landmarks I’d seen. I’d located the area, there was no time to lose. I took the first bus East and prepared to be met with force. As we pulled over, I slipped my hand into my bag and felt my dad’s handgun. I’ve always known where he keeps it, he just never found out. I stood up and slowly made my way off the vehicle, now just to get into the building.

Harry’s POV

I looked down, I could see for miles, I could imagine falling off this. Ouch! Okay, I don’t want to imagine falling off this. I looked at the men walking past, Gem was waiting downstairs for me. The plan was, save Lilly, and the three of us run away together. I knew that Gemima should’ve escaped on her own by now, but I liked having her around. And besides, where would she go? Suddenly, I heard a scream, I moved along the corridor as quietly as possible. I came across a teen, a year or two only than me. He was looking out of the window, his eyes darted from one area to another around the ground. He snuck into a room, the room the screaming was coming from. I followed him in, he was hiding behind a desk, I just stood there, hidden from everyone anyway. Lying on a table was, Lilly! My eyes opened wide and I had to stop myself from shouting. That was my sister! Screaming, crying! I looked for something to help, anything…

Liam’s POV

The lights went out, and the door closed. I’d guess that it was the wind and a faulty circuit, but it happened so perfectly. Then, the door opened and I felt a hand grab my shoulder and pull me out of the room. The door closed, the girl was with me. Then a boy appeared. What the fuck! I have to say though, this was far more interesting than all the other rescue missions my abilities have lead me to.
“Run!” whispered the boy, and before I knew it, I was legging it down the corridor and towards the stairs. Suddenly, we heard voices. Shit.
“You go,” the boy said, “I’ll hold them off.” And he disappeared again.
“Wait, take this.” I held my dad’s gun out for him. It lifted from my hand like magic, except that I knew it was him. We didn’t know each other, but he’d made the decision to trust me, so I guess I’d trust him. I pulled the girl along behind me and we made for the nearest exit. Shit! We were trapped, there was no way out and we were about to get caught. The girl held onto my shirt, whimpering. I put my arm around her to make her feel safer, but nothing could save us now. Just then, the girl was grabbed from my arms and pushed out the window. The boy appeared and looked at me,
“Your next.” He smiled. What the fuck? There was no way I was jumping out of that window! Then, I heard the men coming around the corner, and decided to try my luck.

Shit, I was going to die! I was falling out of a 10 story high window. I guess I didn’t think it through. I’d rather have been captured. Okay, five seconds until impact. Five, four, three, two… ouch! Wait, not ouch. I was fine, in fact, I was slowly being lowered to the floor. I looked around, there were two new girls and two new boys. The girl who’d been thrown out the window was fine and the boy, was just a metre above me.
“Hey,” he laughed. I felt my feet touch the floor gently and couldn’t help but laugh too.
“Right, now we’re all safe, let’s get going.” Said one of the boys, clearly the eldest. The seven of us made our way as far away from the building as possible, as quickly as possible. The oldest boy seemed to be leading us. When we arrived, we were in a wood. We all caught our breath against trees before he started to speak.
“Okay, now unless any of you know of a top secret, super secure area we can hide,” he looked at us all one by one, “we’ll be safest here.” He walked towards an old abandoned shack.
“Why can’t we just go home?” a girl asked. She was shorter and had dyed reddish hair, “It’s not me their looking for! I just wanted to help.”
“You’re staying with me!” the boy shouted, “they probably have us on tape and if they find out about your ability…” he trailed off, “they’re looking for us all now, get it? We’re fugitives!” he walked into the building. The girl looked like she was about to cry. Part of me understood where she was coming from, what if I never saw my parents again? It all became a bit much for me. While the other girl I’d barely seen before comforted the red-head, I followed our ‘leader’ inside.

“Hello everyone,” said the first boy as he dropped my dad’s gun next to me, smiling as if to say ‘thanks’, “my name’s Harry, Harry Thornton, and this is my sister Lilly. I can turn invisible and she can do something that doesn’t work on me.” He pointed at the girl we’d rescued. He looked around, using his eyes to signal for us to say who we were. Nobody spoke. I guess, knowing who everyone is will help identify them.
“I’m Liam Phillips, and I can see the future.”
“What like a fortune teller?” laughed the eldest boy, “Zayn McGregor, invincible, and my sister Camilla, super strength.” The red-head stepped backwards, glaring at her brother.
“Gemima, I guess you could say I’m a human computer, I don’t know how else to explain it.” The final girl moved towards me and Zayn. She was a brunette with thick brimmed glasses on and was fairly pale. She also looked old for her age.
“Wait, so we can plug stuff into you and you do what we say?” the last boy grinned. Gemima rolled her eyes and walked away. I stared at him, interested in who he was.
“Louis, Thompson. Telekinesis, I’m the one who saved your butts when you fell.” Well, now that we knew who everyone was, it was time to get back to hiding.


That's all the characters introduced, next chapter they'll meet Elsa and the other two.
Please comment if you're enjoying it, it really keeps me motivated.
Now that I've set the scene,

How do you think that relationships are going to develop?
Who do you like best?

Thank you, love you all xx :)



Thanks girl, I've read your story and I'm loving it.
xx ;)

Hey, loving the story so far. Keep up the good work, can't wait for the next chapter.
xxx :)

flash-me-Styles flash-me-Styles