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I found her .


"Hello ? "

"Janette ! I'm sorry , please open the door ! "

"Niall ? You're seriously drunk go back inside . " i said looking out my window .

"Come on , open the door please , I'm cold . "

"So , sucks to suck doesn't it ? " I said sarcastically .

"Please i want to see you smile . "

"Fine ! I'm coming . "

"You can't just yet i haven't even done anything to you sexually. "

"Oh my gosh you're fucking dumb . " I said hanging up walking down stairs .

I opened the door and there he was looking tired , drunk , and smelling like alcohol . He tried to talk a step inside the house but he almost fell because he couldn't keep himself up .

"I got you ! " I said catching him before he fell to the floor .

I closed the door and tried so hard to make my way upstair without giving up and leaving him on the stairs .

We made it into my room and i closed the door behind us and i threw him onto the bed . He took no time into taking off his shoes , jeans , shirt , and getting under the covers . I couldn't help but look at him turning my head side ways . I thought he was extremely adorable and i couldn't help but forget i was mad at him . I sighed and made my way under the covers as well .

He turned and he made his way behind me wrapping his arms around me putting his head in the crook of my neck . He kissed my check and whispered in my ear which made me get butterflies "I know it was my fault and i can say it turdy times and it still won't be enough but i love you Janette and i know we can make this work , please don't give up on me. "

I turned my body so i can be facing him as i hugged me and put my head against his chest and whispered back to him , "I can never give up on you . We are both complicated together . " As i kissed him goodnight and drifted away into his arms .

It felt weird . It felt so freaking weird . I felt like I had lived that moment , like , like it was just something I was remembering ? I can't describe it , but I know I don't like the feeling . I don't like the feeling of just not knowing whether something is just a memory or if I actually did it . I know damn well the easiest thing for me to do is to be with Niall but if I made a coherent list of everything I know he has done to me , it would only make sense if I was with Harry .

I got up from my bed and made my way over to the bathroom taking the baby monitor with me . I washed my face and brushed my teeth and hair putting it into a pony tail . I put a crewnwck on and boots and made my way to the nursery . These guys are already up and ready to go ! They're so excited to get out .

"Hello my love bugs ! Are you ready to eat ?" I asked pickng up Theo first to change his diaper . He was bigger than Ben , had longer hair too . He giggled a lot and I'm pretty sure he's teething which makes me not want to breast feed anymore . I'll probably just pump from now on .

"Okay Ben , you're up ." He's smaller than Theo and his hair is immensely shorter . He isn't as smiley as Theo . They look a like , immesnely , but are completely different . These babies are five months going on six already , I'm trying to figure out where they're suppose to be at the momment .

"Mum , I'm hungry ." James said walking in rubbing his little eyes .

"Okay then let's go down and get something to eat , I'm pretty hungry too ." I said getting both babies and James following to go down stairs . I put Theo and Ben in their play pen and James on the couch turning the t.v on . I decided to just make eggs and pancakes with sausage .

"James hun , come eat ." I said as he sprinted over and sat down by the kitchen counter . "Here you go , after this I'm going to clean and get you cleaned as well alright ?" I said as he just responded with a nodding of the head .

"It smells amazing in here !" Harry said closing the door and walking in .

"Oh thanks ." I laughed putting some in a plate for him . "Can you give these bottles to the twins please ?"

"Yeah ." he said walking with his tight black jeans and his normal black t-shirt . It amazes me how he still looks so good just so casual . He didn't have as many tattoos as Niall does but his were pretty cool to look at too . I think my favorite one was the words "Things I can't" and "Things I can" .

We ate breakfast a little awkwardly because after that dream I can't stop thinking about Niall , I can't stop thinking about the way he held me and about the way he told me not to give up on him . It hurts because I'm a person of my word and I gave up on him . I did that last night when he saw me with Harry . I don't even know where me and Harry stand , I don't think I should stand anywhere with anyone really .

"Where's the food ?" Louis said walking in .

"There's some left over in there ." I said pointing to the pan while I was cleaning up . "Hey Louis, can I talk to you for a sec ?" I asked making sure Harry couldn't see me .

"Yeah love ." he said clapping his hands together , removing excess coffee grounds . "What's up?"

"I need you to tell me everything , I'm asking you because I'm assuming you're a neutral party with Harry , Niall , and I ." I said as he tilted his head looking a bit more confused .

"Okay .. well , what do you want to know ?"

"I want to know what happened with me and Niall from day one , and what's been going on with me and Harry . I wanna know the way I feel and the way I use to look at them because I can't remember anything and they expect something from me and I just can't give it to them !" I said tears in my eyes not even knowing I had them until Louis's hand was wiping one away .

"Hey .. shh .. it's okay . I can see why you're so frustrated I can . If you want me to be honest , which I always am , you and Niall were messy . So fucking messy , always arguing , always yelling , never agreed on one fucking thing . He's messy as shit , you have OCD . You guys are polar opposite ." he said looking towards the wall like he's trying to remember . "But there wasn't a time where you weren't smiling . I have never seen him so happy before . You two were perfectly imperfect for each other . Messy of course , but so damn nice to watch . You and Harry , before , yes you were attracted to him , but , you never liked or loved him even remotely close to the way you love Niall . He's just too much of a friend Janette . Please listen to when I tell you that ."

"But what about everything he did before ? I mean we were broke up for four months , everything he told me he did it's just unforgivable . I don't want you guys to -"

"Wow , first of all who the fuck cares what we're going to say ?! We aren't going to say shit as long as you two are happy . And to be honest , fuck Niall and Harry , don't do anything just because you feel like you owe those two fuckers anything . If you want to be with Niall then be with Niall , if you want to be with Harry then be with him , but if you don't want to be with either of them then don't . Why don't you just take time to be yourself and go back to how you were before ."

"That was literally the most help and best advice I've gotten advice from anyone ." I laughed .

"Yeah I can do that . I have that affect ." he smiled returning to his food . "So what are you going to do ?"

"I think I'm just going to take time to myself honestly . I mean I always wanted to move to the UK and now that I'm here I wanted to take it all in ." I smiled .

"That sounds like a fantastic idea ! Now tell me , if Niall were to be hooking up with girls , would you care ?"

"Umm .. no I don't think so , I mean I would care if he got a girlfriend or anything that would hold him back from being with me why ?"

"Just a question love , nothing much ." he said smiling and walking away .


Okay , so my dumb ass isn't good with math CLEARLY and that's why a lot of my months in the story and ages aren't adding up and I apologize lol . Okay so , the guys are about 20 now and Niall took early classes at Uni . The rest of the guys and Perrie work but that's it for now. Janette isn't doing anything now obvi and she's still 18 . The babies are going onto their 6th month and James is four . I know that probably doesn't make ANY sense with the story but that's where I'm going off of because I suck at keeping up lol .


@Mrs.Calum Horan
Oh thank you ! And I am sorry I took so long lol I'm so glad you liked it !

Janette Horan Janette Horan

im so glad you updated,but so sad that its over. Great story !!

Mrs.Calum Horan Mrs.Calum Horan

@Janette Horan
Did you finish the story after chapter 63? Just wondering if you'll update.....
If you DID finish it, THAT. BOOK. WAS. AMAZING. ILYSM!!!! <3

lukeypukeyisbae lukeypukeyisbae

its ayleen2220

Janette Horan Janette Horan

@Janette Horan
What's your name on wattpad?

beebaebee beebaebee