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To Fall So Deep

Truly, Madly, Deeply

Nina sat in the passenger seat of Harry's car. He pulled out of the parking lot, down the main pathway, and out of school grounds. He drove in silence for a couple of miles, before reaching over and lacing his fingers with Nina's. With his thumb, he lovingly rubbed her's, trying to comfort the broken girl next to him.

"I don't like this Harry," Nina finally spoke. She turned to look him, amazed by his beauty. His soft curls were pushed back by a maroon bandana that matched his school uniform. "I don't like that your friends can't speak to you because of me."

"It doesn't have to be like that, and they know it… Just because their parents are my dad's number one supporters, doesn't have to mean that my best mates have to be too. Can't they just be my number one supporter?" Harry was hurt. Divided between his lifelong friends, and the girl he's only known for a few months.

"Bros before hoes," Nina said. Harry's head turned slowly to look at Nina with a raised brow.

"Wise words Confucius," Harry chuckled, the tension in the car starting to fizzle, "but you're not a hoe, and my bros will come around."

"I hope so Harry," Nina sighed, "because I like them, and it would suck to lose them as friends too."

Still holding onto Nina's hand, Harry pulled it to his lips. He kissed her hand, glancing at her with genuine love, "same here sweetheart, same here."

Harry was now driving on a long, deserted two-way road wedged in between thick forestation. Nina stared out the window, in awe at the picturesque scenery. There were no road signs that told where they were, or where they were heading.

"Where are we going?" Nina asked.

"Canterbury," Harry replied, his eyes on the road.

"Canterbury? As in, like, the tales?"

"Correct! It's where the stories originated from. It's a neighboring town of Ashford. It's quaint, and I like to come here to think… it was one of my favorite places to go with my sister," Harry mentioned. He glanced over at Nina, looking for some kind of reaction. They hadn't discussed Gemma since the secret was forcibly spilled.

"Is your sister alright?" Nina questioned. There was no holding back now, the question has been asked, and Nina kept moving forward, "why is it that everyone thinks she's in America, when she's not?"

"It's a long story," Harry began, "but my sister has cancer for the second time. My dad wanted to keep it a secret because a sick daughter would mess with his years and years of building credibility to one day run Ashford. My mom always defends him… pretending like it's okay that Gemma is cooped up at home because she doesn't have to be in hospitals, but I know deep down that she wants my sister to be free."

Nina stared at Harry, feeling her own heart ache with every word that left his lips. She could tell that explaining all this was hard on Harry, and wanted him to stop. But he just kept going.

"She's not going to make it--"

"Harry don't say that," Nina interrupted. Harry hit the breaks, and slowly came to a stop. There was an intricate, stone-made sign that welcomed guests into Canterbury. In the distance, buildings could be seen.

"It's true," Harry took his eyes off the road to look at Nina, pain etched on his face. "I always denied it at first, but I can't anymore. Because the longer I delay the truth from myself, the less time I have to appreciate Gemma. I'll keep believing that she'll be here forever, and even though it hurts like hell to admit, I know in my heart it's not true. It's horse shit!"

There was a crack in his voice, an almost angry one. He hit the steering wheel with his fist, and a heavy exhale. There was a loud honking behind, and Harry glanced at his rearview mirror to catch glimpse at an impatient old woman. Harry pushed the gas pedal, and continued driving.

"I want to meet her," Nina declared. Harry chuckled, and Nina turned with her head cocked in confusion, "what's so funny?"

"My sister said the same thing about you," Harry said with a smile. Nina looked down at her lap, pleased with Harry's statement.

They entered the town of Canterbury, and like the stories penned by Geoffrey Chaucer himself, it was like the fairytales come to life. The town was vintage, and despite the Starbucks at the corner, Canterbury was frozen in an era; stuck in the medieval times. The original cobblestone roads were still intact, and the historical cathedral loomed behind the small shops of Butchery Lane.

"Wow," Nina didn't know what else to say. Today was already looking up, and Nina was grateful that Harry was there to whisk her away.

Harry parked his car against the curb in front of a deli. He unbuckled his seatbelt and proceeded to open his door. Nina grabbed his arm. He looked at her grasp on his body, and then to her. Imitating Harry's comforting movements, Nina gently held his face. She pulled him closer towards her, and gave him a kiss on the forehead. This time it was Harry's turn to stop breathing. He was surprised, and amazed by Nina's ability to pacify his woes by a simple touch.

"Thanks for telling me about your sister baby" Nina smiled, the word 'baby' sounding natural to her. She let go of Harry, though she yearned for more.

He swallowed, still jolted by Nina's initiated touch, "come on, let's walk around and enjoy this place."

"Right after you," Nina said, climbing out of the car.

Harry held his hand out, and with a goofy but cute smile, he looked at Nina. She laughed, and took his hand, their fingers lacing together. She loved the feeling of holding hands with Harry. It was a simple gesture, and it was as if their hands were made for each other. Their feelings for one another grew stronger each day, an intensity that no one could really understand.

"Can I ask you a serious question," Harry turned to Nina, as they walked through the narrow streets of Canterbury.

"Yea anything," Nina looked up at him. She suddenly felt nervous of what was to come.

"What's your favorite color?" Harry asked, a serious expression on his face.

"Blue," Nina giggled. That's the serious question, really? "Do you have any hidden talents?"

"Hmmm," Harry pondered, "believe it or not, I actually have a knack for singing."

"Singing? Really? Can I hear?" Nina eagerly asked, smiling from ear to ear.

"Nope, never,"

"What? That's not allowed!"

"Not allowed?" Harry's jaw dropped, "what is this, a game?"

"You can't bring up a talent like singing, and not be expected to prove it," Nina justified.

"No, not going to," Harry denied, shaking his head, and looking away at Nina. She stopped walking, her ceased movements becoming an anchor to Harry. Almost falling backwards with his hand still connected to her's, he looked back, "babeee…"

"Don't babe me… sing me something, please?" Nina pulled her hand from Harry's and crossed her arms. She pouted her lips.

Fuck, cuteness overload, Harry thought.

"Okay, I will... eventually. But come on, let's keep walking," Harry grabbed Nina's arm, trying to pry it away from herself. She shook her head,

"Nope, not moving till you show off this talent of yours." Nina negotiated.

"Well, if you put it that way," Harry sighed, sounding like defeat. Nina's lips formed a smile, and she waited for a tune to come out of Harry's mouth. Suddenly, he picked up Nina with ease, threw her over his shoulder and began running down the street. "Not a chance!"

Nina punched Harry's back, and kicked her legs, "Harry Edward Styles you put me down this instant!"

"Eh, I kinda don't feel like it," Harry laughed, as he continued to race past the various boutiques, markets, and restaurants until they hit the end of the alley.

"The blood is rushing to my head!" Nina's body bounced and jolted with every hard step and leap that Harry took.

The cobblestone pathway filtered out into dirt, and beyond that was a field of lush, green grass. Sitting off to the side, was an ancient stone structure in ruins. A missing rooftop, broken walls, and heavy vegetation overtook the Abbey that once stood there. Nina continued to punch Harry's back, but with her eyes level to his bottom, she decided to give his bum a few punches as well.

"Hey, don't punch my bum!" Harry gasped. "I might fart!"

"Ew! Not in my face Harry! Put me the hell down Styles and I'll stop punching," this time Nina couldn't help but to let out a laugh. This was getting ridiculous that even she couldn't contain herself.

Hearing Nina giggle, and enjoy herself made Harry smile. He turned his head to look over his shoulder, and found Nina in hysterical laughter. He was running out of breath, and once his feet hit the grass, Harry softly threw Nina down, who took no mercy. She seized Harry's arm as she fell backwards, taking him down with her. He fell on top of her, using his elbows to buffer the impact. He buried his head into her neck, the two of them still in hysterics.

"I. Can't. Breathe." Nina panted in between the laughter.

Harry lifted his head, his eyes meeting hers. Their giggles faded into silent grins. Using one forearm to support himself up, Harry used the hand on his other arm to push back the hair that messily covered part of Nina's face. She felt his heart beat against her chest, and slowly their hearts were in sync. Harry leaned closer, and Nina bit her bottom lip in nervousness. His lips were so close to hers, only inches away from touching. The restraint they had to not jump into each other was unreal-- that the patience and respect they had for one another only sustained their growing love.

But then a soft melody came from Harry, and it felt as if Nina would explode. He hummed a familiar tune-- Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. Nina's body immediately filled with glee as she listened, not expecting what was to come next.

"And I don't want the world to see me, cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am…"

Singing. Harry was actually singing, and his deep, beautiful voice was enchanting in every possible way. Nina smiled, amazed that his hidden 'knack' as he put it, was seriously a talent at best, and she had the chills. After a few bars, Harry stopped singing, though he never broke his profound, fixated gaze into Nina's eyes.

She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Wordlessly her thoughts spoke volumes, because when Harry's lips finally met hers, it was like her heart screamed her feelings. With their eyes closed tight, Harry and Nina kissed each other with tenderness. Nina's arms found their way around his neck, pulling Harry's body closer to hers. His kisses became faster, and a little harder; their breathing heavy and warm. Nina could feel Harry's bulge through her skirt, pressing into her. He bit her bottom lip and stopped his kisses. He lifted his head, as both their eyes opened.

"I love you Nina Dela Vera," Harry whispered.

That moment was perfect, and even though Nina had to endure cruelty to get to this sweet point in time, she wouldn't trade it for the world. And she knew, right then and there, that she was truly, madly, deeply in love with Harry Styles.


Hey lovely ladies!

Happy Sunday to everyone!! Hope everyone had an amazing week, I know I did. I'm sad that spring break is over for me, and I'll be returning to school tomorrow. *TEAR*... any who, I really hoped you liked chapter 24. I had a good time writing it. If you liked it (or didn't) leave me some feedback. Vote up if you like this story, subscribe, and also recommend it to all your friends! Have a great rest of the day <3


-Erica Jaine



Infinite Love Infinite Love

Pleasee continueee!!! Howw cann doo thiss to uss!! Firstt youu kill Gemm!! Then Nialler!!! Andd noww Ninaa?!!! Andd i'vee been thinkingg thatt Harry died too,, i mean, the last sentence makes it seem like itt!!!!! Pleasee gurrlllll PLEEEEASEE postt the epilougeee iff you dont want me to die with thosee three (four in mi opinion) beautiesss!!!!!! Ii lovee the storiii andd argggg i wantt, i mean, i NEED to noww whatt happens!!!! Luvv yaa

Tommo_Be_Like Tommo_Be_Like

@ThatRandomUnicorn Haha nonliteral murder is what my stories are here for! Yass, Jezabelle has major issues that she totally needs to handle. Thank you again for reading and sticking with this story for such a long time! I seriously appreciate it!!


ericajaine ericajaine

@Ray_Haque THANK YOU UBER MUCH!! <3333

ericajaine ericajaine

Commenting is the least I can do to tell you how much I love and appreciate your story, and it doesn't take too much time to do so, so I figure why not comment? But oh my gosh, I cannot believe that was the last chapter and all that's left is an epilogue. And this chapter just… I think it slightly killed me - more than you already nonliterally have that is - when you killed her off and then with Harry and everything. And freaking Jezabelle… Don't even get me started on how much I want to murder that bitch right now. The chapter is written beautifully nonetheless, and I can't wait for the epilogue. xx