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They Don't Know About Us

Chapter 13

Harry's P.O.V
I looked around the airport for any signs of my short girlfriend. Her flight was supposed to land at the same time as ours. As I turned continuing my search familiar hands covered my eyes.
“Looking for someone?” The feminine voice questioned. The smile could be heard on her lips.
I smiled deciding to play along. “Yeah, my model girlfriend. She's about five-ten with long blonde hair.” The hands disappeared as I took a hit to the back of the head. I turned around rubbing my hand on the sore spot to find a frowning Justice with her arms tightly folded across her chest. “Hello beautiful.” My hands cautiously went to her waist pulling her slightly closer. “I missed you.”
She glared at me momentarily before her resolve broke and she unfolded her arms. “I missed you too.” Justice admitted moving in for a hug. We both pulled back for a quick kiss. “I need to get my luggage.” Justice announced looking in the direction of the luggage belt.
“Let's go.” I took her hand and started in that direction. My luggage was loaded already. “How was your flight?” I asked as we walked.
“Obnoxious, first class, really?” She gave me a disbelieving look.
I shrugged my shoulders. “You were comfortable, right?”
Justice rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but there's no need to pay that much. I'll book my own flights from now own.”
I stopped in front of the luggage carousel. “You will?”
Justice sighed, “Patronize me.” I chuckled as she turned away spotting her suitcase and reaching for it. I moved to help, but she shook her head. “I can get it.” She assured me. It was one of the things that attracted me to her. Justice was stubbornly independent. If she could find a way around asking for help, she would.
“That's fine. I'm enjoying standing here watching you.” I teased folding my arms with a playful grin. Justice looked back at me curiously. Realization swept her features as she straightened her stance.
“On second thought. Maybe you should get my suitcase. My shoulder has been bothering me.” I chuckled at her words stepping forward. “Manipulation, I like you Styles.” She gave an appreciative nod.
“That's why we're here.” I took her hand as Niall approached us.
“Hey Nialler!” Justice greeted him with an excited smile. “You'll never guess what I bought yesterday.”
Niall looked at me curiously. My shoulders shrugged. He turned back to Justice. “What did you buy?” He asked.
“Your doll! It was the last one of the shelf and I snatched it away from some eight-year-old trying to complete her collection.” She wore a proud smile as I shook my head in wonder while Niall burst into laughter. “Now I have a Harry cut-out, Liam pillow, Zayn necklace, and Niall doll. I'm just missing Louis.”
“You don't have to miss me too much. I'm right here.” Louis spoke as we neared him.
“She was listing her One Direction items mate.” Niall informed him.
“I bought his doll yesterday.” Justice added still wearing her smile. She liked to claim that she wasn't our biggest fan, but she was one step away from bursting into tears at the sight of one of us.
Louis nodded, “You can get me on a t-shirt!” He suggested with his own excitement.
“Who's getting you on a t-shirt?” Zayn asked. This conversation getting more interesting by the second.
“Harry's bird,” Louis answered with a shrug.
Zayn turned to Justice with a hurt expression. “Why would you want him on a t-shirt and not me? I'll sign it.” He feigned hurt.
“I have your necklace.” Justice informed him with a blank expression.
Zayn smiled, “A necklace is much better than a t-shirt.”
“She has my doll mate.” Niall cut in.
I laughed at all three of them. “She has my cut-out. I win.” I smirked holding Justice's hand and walking away.
Justice ran a brush through her hair as I shoved my feet into my favorite brown boots. We were going out to dinner since this was my only free day in LA. Tomorrow was the VMA ceremony, Monday we performed on America's Got Talent, and Tuesday we flew to London. Liam and Sophia and Lou and Tom were joining since they were the only other couples. I turned sitting on the edge of the bed as Justice looked over her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She wore a red dress that fit her perfectly and made her look adorable. She ran her hands down her sides tilting her head and frowning slightly.
“I'm not sure about this dress. The material is too thick and I'm too short.” She spoke turning to me for my opinion.
“You look great.” I smiled at her encouragingly. Growing up with my mum and sister, I was quite used to this ritual.
Justice turned back to the mirror. “You're just saying that because you're hungry.”
“No I'm not.” My head shook as I stood and made my way towards her. “You honestly look great babe.” I kissed her cheek.
Justice sighed turning to face me. “You look nice.” She commented eying my dark jeans and black button down with the sleeves pushed up to my elbows. “No fedora tonight?” She asked with a smirk.
“Nope. Someone has to represent the curly haired club.” I responded walking out of the hotel bathroom. “We should go. They're probably waiting.” She nodded grabbing her small black purse before walking out of the door as I held it open.
“We were wondering if you were going to show.” Lou joked as we walked off of the lift into the lobby. Her and Justice greeted each other with a hug. Lou appraised her hair. Justice thanked her before turning to Sophia with a smile.
“Ready?” Liam asked directing the question to me. I nodded as Kevin, one of our security guards, appeared to lead us out of the hotel. True to their nature, fans were waiting outside yelling for pictures and autographs. Liam and I stopped for as many as we could. I kept a tight hold on Justice's hand. When I felt her tense beside me, I stole a glance in her direction to find her uncomfortably looking down as a girl shot daggers at her with a look of pure hatred.
“I'm done.” I yelled over to Liam who nodded. Kevin led us to the waiting car quickly.
“I don't think I'll ever get used to that.” Sophia commented after the door was closed and the we were driving away from the hotel.
Justice nodded in agreement. “I don't know you two do it everyday.”
“It's downright mental.” Sophia added.
“You have to be crazy to live with that madness.” Justice commented.
“They are!” Lou piped in. The three of them laughed at our expense.
Liam chuckled, “That's why we get into so much trouble, because we need to blow off steam.”
“From being crazy of course.” I added with a knowing smile. Tom and Liam laughed as Justice shook her head with an amused smile.
“Well I've said it before and I'll say it again. I really am proud of you boys. You're doing great.” Lou complimented.
“Louis should have been here. We need a snarky comment.” Liam joked. We all laughed.
Justice's P.O.V
A laugh sounded through the table of six as we continued to enjoy our night out. On my right Harry sat with his chair close to mine and his arm dangling above my shoulders. I felt his fingers lift a lock of my hair and twist it around.
“How did we end up out like this?” Tom asked the question that I'm sure all of us were wondering.
Liam tilted his head, “I'm not sure.” He admitted. His eyebrows drew together as he turned to Sophia. She shrugged her shoulders.
I turned to Harry who was still playing with my hair. “Do you know?” I asked softly.
He paused with a thoughtful expression. “Uh, I think it was Lou's idea.”
“Was it?” Lou asked leaning forward. “I honestly don't remember.”
“Either way I've enjoyed it.” Sophia commented. I nodded in agreement. Tonight was nice. The conversation flowed constantly. It felt like a group of old friends catching up over a bite. Granted the only 'outsiders' so the speak were me and Sophia, but that wasn't an issue.
Liam yawned suddenly, “I think the jet lag is catching up to me.”
“We should get back to Lux.” Tom added looking at Lou who nodded.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” Harry asked so that only I could hear.
I gave a small smile. “I'm actually kind of tired.” I told him in an apologetic voice.
He nodded, “Okay. We can go now, if you want?” He offered.
“Let's just wait on everyone else. It's less hassle.” Harry chuckled at my words, but agreed anyways. The waiter brought that checks and after paying we left. There were less fans outside of the hotel making it easier for us to get inside.
As the lift ascended my nerves went into overdrive. Harry and I were sharing a room. A part of me knew that he didn't expect anything, but the other part of me still worried about how awkward this whole thing could be. Not to mention that I'm an awful sleeper. The closer we got to our room the slower my movement became.
“Are you alright?” Harry asked slightly amused as he hesitated opening the door. My eyes were wide but I nodded and forced a smile. It probably looked more like a grimace as Harry unlocked the door and held it open. “Justice, I'm not going to try anything.” Harry assured me.
“I-I know.” Stuttering. I was stuttering. I do not stutter.
Harry took my hands into his. “Well, what is wrong?” He pressed looking at me with concern.
“I'm an awful person to share a bed with.” Harry began to laugh, but I cut him off. “I toss and turn the whole night. I like to cuddle ridiculously so and I make these awful noises.” I blurted.
“I sleep completely naked and take up the whole bed.” Harry informed me nonchalantly. “We'll be fine.” He smiled kissing my forehead before releasing me and walking towards the bathroom. I let his words sink in feeling a deeper meaning behind them. We would be fine. Right?
I sent my final snap chat to Katie as Harry strolled out of the bathroom in nothing but his underwear. I had already changed into a pair of black cotton shorts and my favorite lime green Aeropostale pajama shirt. We both agreed to sleep with clothes on. Which made the whole fact that this would be our first time sharing a bed a little less nerve wracking. I stood up from the bed to pull down the covers. On the nightstand my phone vibrated as the Snap chat icon appeared on the lock screen. Taking a pause I lifted the phone to check the notification. My cheeks immediately heated as the picture of a box of condom appeared on my screen with the caption: Make sure you use these.
“Are you alright?” Harry asked curiously noticing my facial expression.
I gave a tight lip grin. “Yep, it's just Katie being cheeky.” I tossed my mobile onto the bed so that he could see before the ten seconds ran out. Harry chuckled looking down at the screen.
“Your friends are funny.” He commented.
“And perverted.” I mumbled as I placed my mobile back on the nightstand and pulled my hair back into a large braid. Harry stood watching me. I cocked my head curiously. “What cha looking at?” I asked in childlike voice.
He cocked his head as well. “You,” he answered.
My hands moved to my hips. “Why are you looking at me?” I asked fighting a smile.
Harry moved around the bed until he was standing in front of me, “Because I'm happy you're here.” He said in a soft voice looking directly into my eyes. He held both of my hands in his.
“I'm pretty happy I'm here too.” I responded softly as my arms snaked around his neck and I stretched up on the tips of my toes. Harry's strong arms wrapped around my waist as he ducked down. Our lips touched for a kiss as a nice silence filled the room. After some time we pulled apart to catch a breath still holding onto each other. Harry gave a cheeky smile before glancing over at the clock.
He groaned, “It's already midnight and I have to be up early.” He kissed my cheek before pulling away and walking back to the other side of the bed. I sighed pulling back the covers and slipping underneath them. “Good night beautiful.” Harry said after turning off the light and pulling my back into his chest.
A small smile played on my lips. “Night.” I responded settling into his embrace.
Harry's P.O.V
The annoying sound of the alarm clock buzzed in my ears as my eyes slowly opened. The warmth of another person immediately caught my attention as my eyes landed on Justice who was still asleep. We had promotion for 'This Is Us' this morning. Taking in the way we were arranged in the bed a smile played on my lips. Our hands were interlocked and Justice was snuggled into my chest. Our legs were intertwined and curled in on ourselves. We were completely tangled and had slept that way all night.
“Ugh, I don't want to get up.” I groaned in my raspy voice as I quietly and gently untangled myself and got out of the bed. Justice rolled over reaching her hands out until she came upon the pillow I had used and pulled it into her chest. I turned away going to shower. After showering, I dressed, and left out of the room to meet with the lads and the rest of my team.
“Woah Liam that's a large mark on your neck.” Niall gasped staring at the brown haired lad's neck curiously.
“Is that a love bite?” Louis asked loudly before pulling Liam by the collier of his shirt. “It is! It's a love bite! Liam has a love bite! What the hell were you doing last night?” He demanded.
“Probably the same thing Harry was doing,” Josh (our drummer) muttered being the first to notice my arrival.
I gave him a short look. “I doubt it.” I quickly dismissed before they could ask anymore questions. Moving closer to Liam my eyes found the large red and swollen mark. “Louise is going to have a hell of a time covering that one.”
Niall nodded, “It's worse than the scratches on Zayn's back.”
“Where is Zayn?” I asked directing the question to Louis since he was closest to the Bradford boy. We weren't exactly One Direction if one-fifth of us was missing.
Louis shrugged, “i have no earthy ideal. Paul will find him.” He responded before walking away. Niall followed behind him leaving Liam and I alone.
“Did you tell Justice that we aren't allowed dates tonight?” Liam asked.
I nodded, “Yeah she knows. Does Sophia?”
He nodded also, “She does. I think she's going to see if Justice wants to hang out while we're gone.”
“Hmm, that will be interesting.” I commented. I had noticed the last time we were in LA that Justice immediately clicked with Perrie. The lads and I liked when our girlfriends got along. It meant that they had extra support. Perhaps Sophia and Justice would be close as well.
@HarryStyles: Note to self – never comment on spitting and I do mean NEVER.
We were left with three free hours before we had to leave for the VMA's. I entered the hotel room to find Justice dressed and finishing the large intricate braid she had put all of her hair into.
“Going somewhere?” I asked. She turned at the sound of my voice with an expectant smile.
“Sophia asked if I wanted to grab a bite with her.” She responded as she slid a red studded bracelet onto her wrist. “Does this outfit look okay? I my dress too short?” She asked looking down at herself with a scrutinizing expression.
“You look great.” I answered honestly after carefully looking her over. “Where are you going for lunch?” I asked.
She shrugged, “I'm not sure. You can join.” Justice offered as a short strand of her brunette hair fell into her face. “I'm sure Sophia won't mind.”
My head shook involuntarily. “No, I'm going to take a nap. Make sure you get Kevin to go with you.”
“Harry, we'll be fine. No one cares who we are.” She countered with a roll of her deep brown eyes as she turned on her heel and walked back into the bathroom.
I followed after her. “You really shouldn't go out there alone. The fans will be waiting for it.” I cautioned her. She wasn't listening. “Justice...”
“You're the one with the spotlight career Haz.” Justice sighed looking at her beautiful reflection. She was really more gorgeous than she gave herself credit for.
“Fine,” I huffed, “learn the hard way, but I will be waiting to say I told you so.” I walked out slightly annoyed that she wouldn't listen to me. Yet I had learned that Justice was stubborn. I just hoped that nothing too dramatic happened.


So I'm just curious. How many of you read my original "TDKAU" story? Also, for those of you who read it (and remember it) which on the you prefer the old or the new? What's your favorite thing about the old story and the new one?

Let me know what you think! (You guys give me no feedback, but my reads go up by at least 100 every week.)


Soo good.! Update.!! :D

I love how you put a black female as the female heroine. So different and I've always hoped someone would come up with something like this.

Miss Direction Miss Direction


Your Welcome

hazzas gurl hazzas gurl

@hazzas gurl
Thank you! I appreciate the read.

Omg I just started reading this...(and im only on chap.5 but whateves.) And im already in love like ONLY IF THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED TO YOU LIKE JUST OOMMMMGGG!!!
anyways your a great writer and just keep doing what your doing. :D

hazzas gurl hazzas gurl