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The next three days

*Please read carefully, as there are a lot of flashbacks in this chapter.

Jenna's POV

"Dear diary

It turns out, I do need you. It's strange how you can trust someone so much, just so in the end you get stabbed in the back with a nice sharp knife. There are somethings I wish i could unsee, but that's not possible. I tried. I tried so hard to escape, to get rid of it, but it's too hard. I get more and more depressed every day. Nobody notices it. Not even me. I was distracted. I didn't see clearly, because I didn't want to. I wanted to be free, I wanted to be a different person. And for few days, I was. I opened up, something I would never do. I had a friend, something I've never had.

And, I don't know why I'm surprised. I knew this day would come I just didn't brace myself for it. I lived a fairytale. Silly me, fairytales don't exist in real life. They are made up so we have hope and faith.

People are twisted. Selfish. They do everything for their own personal gain. Faceless.

I pretended I didn't know this, but I do. I do, I do, I do. I know this. I KNEW this. I feel stupid. Played. Betrayed. Is it my fault?! Is it my fault that I did not want to see this? Is it? "

A tear fell down on the paper.

[jenna's FLASHBACK]

I got up the next day. The day after our amazing first official date. It was 8:30 am. Wow. I never get up this early. Leena was still sleeping. I went to the bathroom to shower. When I got back Leena was up.

"Morning" She said.

What the hell is wrong with her?! She never greets me. Ever. Not in the morning, not in the afternoon, and she barely says 'goodnight'.

"Hey" I said as I was dressing up. I wanted to spend my day with Lexi. I had 4 more days here, and maybe I won't ever be back, so I wanted to spend as much time as I could with Lexi, since she's moving here after her parents divorce. She was really cool about her parents splitting up. Her dad was this workaholic he was almost never home. And her mom was very much alike him, so they didn't see each other often. Her mom got a job in London, but her dad liked his job in NY, so they mutely decided to get a divorce while they are on different continents.

So I called her and we decided to hang out at her grandmother's house, since she'll be out. I went over, she had food ready for a fun day in.

"So" She said as we sat down in the living room "Tell me all the details." She was referring to our date.

I started. I told her every single detail. She was so happy while I was telling her. And I re-lived it. I felt the heat, the passion, everything.

"Why don't you invite him over?" She asked

"I want to spend today with you" I answered. That was not completely true. I really wanted to be with Harry too.

"Come on. I know you want to be near him. And I know he won't have a problem with it." She said smiling.

I figured why not. I get to be with both of them at the same time. So I called him.


Harry's POV

"Ok, just tell me everything from the beginning." Said Lou. I couldn't speak without shedding a tear. It fell down on my cheek. "Start from the day after the date." he said.

[harry's FLASHBACK]

I woke up that morning. It was sunny outside. 'That's not very often' I said to myself. I went downstairs and saw the pool from the window in the living room. I remembered last night. It really was perfect. I smiled to myself and went in the kitchen to eat something. It was 9:30 am.. I made myself a sandwich and ate it. I then took a shower and when I got out, my phone was ringing. It was Jenna

"Hello lovely" I answered her.

"Hey. Sorry, did I wake you?" She asked a little worried. She was an angel.

"No, no. I was up" I said nicely.

"Well, listen. We are at Lexi's, but her grandma isn't in, so I was wondering if you would like to come and hang out?" She invited me. Her voice went all nervous at the end of her sentence, so I agreed, and in the next 15 minutes I was there.

As they opened the door, i greeted Lexi with a hug, and then I turned to Jenna. I looked into her eyes, smirking. She was smirking too.

"Hi" I said in a low voice and leaned in to kiss her. She didn't pull away so I got to touch her rose lips. They were so soft. I pulled her closer, and hugged her tight. My hands were on her waist, and her's were in my hair. The kiss became more passionate, as my tongue entered her mouth.

"Khm" We heard an interrupting fake cough. I smiled and pulled away. So did she.

We watched a movie. I didn't pay attention to it, because I was cuddling Jenna. She laughed hard on half of the movie. I kept kissing her on the forehead and massaging her head with my hands in her hair. She occasionally would turn around and kiss me on the cheek or peck me on the lips. Lexi was lying on the other couch, also laughing at almost half of the movie. It was really fun to watch them like this.

After the movie, Jenna went to the bathroom.

"So, do you like her?" Lexi asked directly.

"Yes" I answered as I blushed and smirked.

"Seriously?" She asked with a little disbelieve in her voice.

"Why is that so hard to believe?" I asked her. I really do like her. A lot.

"No reason, just your record at dating…not pretty" She said. So what if I have a history with liking older women. I've really forgotten how it was to date a girl few years younger than me. It's way more fun, I could just be myself with her.

"Don't listen to rummers Lex." I said, while playfully winking at her.

"Facts, Harry, facts" She replied. What was that? But it didn't matter, because Jenna got back from the bathroom, and threw herself on me, putting her elbow deep in my stomach.

"Can't breath" I said while struggling while i was breathing.

"Oh sorry, forgot my bones were sharp." She said as she took her elbow out of my stomach and kissed me on the cheek.

"So, you guys are like boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Asked Lexi, still being direct. I didn't know how to respond. Not to her question, but to her whole attitude.

"We're dating, Lexi" Jenna answered her, and then turned to me "Right?" I nodded quickly, and then the perfect smile appeared on her face. I couldn't help but smile back.

"So when are you planning to go public?" She asked, while smiling. She was amused. And before I could answer, Jenna beat me to it

"Never" she said quickly.

"Why never?" Asked Lexi, and not a second after she said it, i repeated it

"Yes, why never?" She looked confused at Lexi, and then her look met my eyes.

"I don't know. I just don't want people to know about what's happening with my life" She said defending herself. I understood the reason perfectly, but Lexi didn't.

"So what. You're just gonna keep your relationship a secret forever?" She attacked Jenna. And Jenna was still smiling, taking this as a joke. But I saw that Lexi wasn't joking.


I looked at Lou. He was just looking at me like I am holding a world-peace speech. I loved him. He always listened to me. He was closer than a brother to me.

Jenna's POV

(writing in her diary)

"…What if I didn't exist? Would the world be better, If I could be with my dad right now? And, you know, no one ever really misses you when you're gone. At first, yes, but then you fade away. You become the everyday air that we breath. You disappear. Some people don't even remember you, and some remember you as the person who left. But you know, they don't realize that they left you, not the other way around. They left you indirectly, so you leave them for real. But you don't feel better. You feel lost. You feel empty. While they…they forget you."

My hand started to hurt because I was writing really fast. All the thoughts I had in my mind…I wanted to write them all. But I had only one hand, so I had to sort them out and write them in order.

[jenna's FLASHBACK]

"So what. You're just gonna keep your relationship a secret forever?" I was smiling through the whole conversation. It was silly. They were pointless questions. I felt a little bad because I said 'never' but, for real, why would I want people butting into my life. There were so many responses just because of the pictures from the other day, and it's not even confirmed that it was me. Who knows what would happen if they find out about us. I certainly don't.

"Well" Harry started to defend me "Not forever, but for now, yes." He then smiled at me, and kissed me on the cheek. Lexi just smiled, and left it alone.

After few more hours, Harry had to leave. He left and it was just me and Lexi.

"Don't do that again" I said, as I threw a pillow playfully at her.

"Oh come on, I just wanted to know." She continued the conversation from earlier "I mean, he is nice and all but you know his dating record, and if you don't go public, you're not official, so that gives him the space to cheat on you" She was scaring me, and I looked at her scared "Don't look at me like that. You know it's true. It's like when Mark was hiding his relationship with Leena. They weren't official so he cheated on her with Courtney. It's a basic player move" I hated to admit, but she was sort of right. If we are not official…BUT WAIT! We had our OFFICIAL date. does that count for something? I said this to her and she replied.

"It was only official for the two of you. No one really knew about it. Except from me and the other guys from One Direction. But it wasn't public so it's not official." She said. Why was she right?!

"So what are you saying? Should I tell him to go public?" I asked unsure of that decision.

"Yes. That's what I'm telling you." She confirmed my decision


(writing in her diary)

"…How was I so stupid?"

Harry's POV

"So, after you left what happened?" Asked Lou. So I answered him

[harry's FLASHBACK]

I drove off to a meeting. It was about the short trip we had to the USA. We were suppose to talk about the destinations. After the meeting my phone rang. It was Jenna.

"Hey" I answered cheerful.

"We need to talk" She said in her serious voice. I got a mini heart-attack. That's a line usually used for braking up.

"Yeah sure, where can I pick you up from?" I asked. She told me to pick her up from Lexi's so I did. We went to Starbucks to buy coffees and got to my house.

"What did you wanted to talk about?" I asked her, hoping it's not any bad news.

"I want to go public" She said. It was a bombshell.

"What?" I asked confused. Just few hours ago she said 'never'. "Are you sure?" I asked doubting her decision

"No…" She said while smiling nervously.

"If you don't want to do it, it's ok Jen. I like things the way they are now." I said and hugged her.

"But, if we're not public, we're not official." I said worried.

"Why would you think that? I mean, we had our OFFICIAL first date. How much more official can it get?" I asked while smiling at her. I wanted to make her lose her nervousness and tell me where is this coming from.

"Well, I talked to Lexi, and she makes a good point" She said. What was with Lexi today?

"Well, I can assure you, it's not true. We are dating. Officially we started dating from yesterday." I said and i laid a kiss on her hear. She then got on her tippy toes and kissed me on the lips. It was there, the spark. It was there every time I kissed her and every time she kissed me. I could never get bored of it.


"So after that the day went normal." I finished.

"What about friday? What happened then?"

Jenna's POV

(writing in her diary)

"…and I felt worthless. I was worthless. I am worthless. Why would I think otherwise? Nothing pointing to that direction. Nothing is really forever. Nothing. Not a thing. I used to be so strong. What happened to me?"

[jenna's FLASHBACK]

It was friday. Because of last night, when I went to bed at 4am because I was stuck on tumblr, I woke up at 1pm. I felt so well rested. Leena was already up, changing.

"Where are you going?" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"With the Robertsons. Mom told me to wake you up, but I figured if dad has any chance in getting that job you need to be out of the way." She said. She actually looked a little disappointed.

"Oh Leena, are you really willing to give up your high school life to live here, where you know nobody?" I said still being half asleep.

"Well, my father is the most important thing in my life. So if he wants this, I want it too" She said, proudly.

"So, basically what you are saying is that you don't have a mind of your own. You need someone to think for you?" I said, but I was joking. She laughed, for some reason, she got my joke.

"You can come, but only if you behave." She said nicely.

"I'll behave, if you behave too." I said, slowly getting out of bed.

"Well come on then, we're suppose to meet them at 1:15 in front of the restaurant at the end of this street."

I got up and i quickly got dressed. I put my hair in a high bun on my head, since it was really messy and I had no time to make it look nice enough for the Robertsons.

The day was going good. It turned out that me and Kaya Robertson, Ben Robertson's wife, had a lot in common. When she was younger she wanted to become an actress. She graduated Drama Collage and after that she fell in love with theater. She owns few of the theaters in London. She used to held classes there, but nowadays she's too busy with her main job, so she hired other drama instructors to teach her classes.

We spent a nice lunch together. We didn't separate until 6pm. Rob and Ben got along so well, and my mom occasionally would tune into their conversation. Leena on the other hand, was talking mostly to their son, Richard. He was one year older than us and he and Leena got along pretty well.

I was really happy for some reason. Rob really seemed happy too.

After lunch, we went to our hotel to shower and Leena and mom went shopping. Rob was contacting with his firm back in NY and I had some free time, so I decided to call Lexi to hang out.

"Hey Lex, what's up?" I said

"Oh…hey…Jen." She answered nervously

"What's wrong?" I asked. I could recognize her nervous voice.

"Oh nothing, just sitting with my grandma. Not much fun. What are you doing?" She asked me, and with that she changed the subject.

"I have some time. Lunch with the Robertsons went good. Well, better then last time. Wanna hang out?" I asked her. But she blew me off for her grandma. She had to spend some time with her. I understood. So I decided to call Harry, since I don't know anyone else.

"Oh, hey" He said.

"Hey, watch dooooin?" I asked him in my child-like-high voice

"Nothing, you?" He answered He was being weird.

"Well I have some free time. Want to meet up?"

"Oh I can't. I have a meeting in few minutes. Maybe later?"

"K,k. Call me afterwards?" He agreed and I hung up.


(writing in her diary)

"…and I'm not blind. I just refuse to open my eyes"

Harry's POV


It was friday. I got up pretty early. We had another meeting at 9. The meeting ended at 10, so after that we went with the lads to and interview. Afterward, we then had vocal rehearsal for an hour, so we finished at few minutes past 12. I wen't with Liam to buy food, and in the car we talked.

"So" He began "how's it going with Jenna" He asked, while smiling happily.

"Lovely" I said. But, 'lovely' didn't felt like the right word, so i used another one "Perfect" And after I said it, i smiled.

"Oh, we're using synonyms? Sound serious." He said, jokingly.

"Did Danielle wanted to go public straight or just wanted to see where things were going before announcing that you were dating?" I asked him. I really couldn't remember…

"We'll, we never really hid it. She's been there since the beginning." That was no help "Why, do you want to go public?" He asked me.

"We'll I don't mind things the way they are. And yesterday when her friend Lexi asked if she wanted to go public, she said 'never'…" I paused, trying to figure out why did she told me the following "but, later that day she called me, said that we needed to talk, and when we did, she said that she wanted to go public." I said, still confused. "And now, I don't know what to think. It won't' change anything for me if we go public, but I don't know…"

"When she told you that she wanted to go public, did it sound sincere?" He asked me. The answer was 'no'. I was about to say 'no' but instead…

"I don't know" I said it. Why couldn't I say 'no'?

After that, I told him that she had talked to Lexi about it, and after that she immediately changed her mind.

"It seems like you should talk to Lexi" He said. It was a good idea. I had her number, she gave it to me the first time we met, incase I can't reach Jenna, I should call her.

So after we ate with the lands, we got carried on a little, and it was 5:30 when I remembered that I need to talk to Lexi. So I called her.

"Hello?" She answered

"Hey Lexi, it's Harry" I replied "Listen, I need to talk to you"

"Why? Is something wrong with Jenna?" She asked with a little panic in her voice

"No, no I'll explain when we talk. Where can we meet?

"You can come over, my grandma is at her friend's house in the neighborhood." I agreed and went there. She opened the door and greeted me. Then we started to talk as we sat in the living room

"So, what's with Jenna?" She started.

"I don't know. I mean she's great and everything, but…" I told her about Jenna's sudden change of mind. I told her that she told me that Lexi pursued her before she called me.

"I just asked her does she plan ever to go public" She answered me "I didn't know she would say that I told her that if you weren't public you weren't official."

"Well, why would you think that?" I asked her. I needed an honest answer.

"I never said that, Harry. Maybe she didn't know how to escape the situation." She answered me.

"I don't know. It won't change anything for me, but I want her to be sure about this decision. Because if we go public, there's no going back." I said.

We chatted some more about the pros and cons about the whole public thing.

"You want something to drink?" She asked me, as she took one wine glass and red wine

"It's not even 6." I said and nodded when she was still standing in front of the wine glasses, waiting for my answer.

"I like to start my night early" She said as she poured wine in the glasses.

We continued talking about Jenna, but she changed the subject very quickly. We talked about music. We talked about One Direction. She sat next to me on the couch, to propose a toast. We were a little drunk.

"Here's to One Direction" She said, while smiling "The best boy-band in the world."

We drank for that. We also drank for friendship, for family, and then we just drank.

After almost the whole bottle it was 6:15 and her phone rang. It was Jenna. I just heard Lexi's side of the conversation.

Oh…hey…Jen." She answered her "Oh nothing, just sitting with my grandma. Not much fun. What are you doing?"

She then made an excuse not to hang out with her, because she had to be with her grandmother, and then she hung up.

"Why did you lie to her?" I asked a little confused, but I was drunk, so I couldn't think straight.

"So I can do this" She then grabbed the sides of my neck and pulled me into a kiss. She kissed me. I was drunk. No excuse, but still. So, I kissed her back, and I pulled away seconds after.

"What are you doing" I stood from the couch, because we were sitting next to each other, this way I could look at her while we talk.

"Oh come on Harry, like you didn't want to" She said. I was confused. My phone rang. It was Jenna.

"Oh, hey" I said a little nervous. Lexi just rose one eyebrow evilly.

"Hey, watch dooooin?" She asked me in a child-like-high voice. It was adorable.

"Nothing, you?" I answered quickly, as I took as step back, when Lexi moved one step closer to me.

"Well I have some free time. Want to meet up?" I wanted to go. So badly. But I couldn't. I had to get to the bottom of this.

"Oh I can't. I have a meeting in few minutes. Maybe later?" Why did I just lie? I had to. I tried to convince myself that.

"K,k. Call me afterwards?" I agreed and then hung up.

"Why did you lie to her?" Lexi imitated me.

"Why are you doing this, Lexi? You're her best friend." I said. I started to hate her a little.

"Harry…dear sweet Harry" I wanted to leave, NOW. "Don't you get it? I love you like she will never love you. You and I belong together. She's just an obstacle we need to pass"

"No, Lexi. Noooo…no, no, no, no. How can you be so careless?!" I started to shout.

"You'll see. In time" She said and then quickly added "Oh, and you're not gonna tell on me, are you?" She started using as seductive voice. I found it repulsive.

"Yes I am." I said , and turned away.

"Just think of what you will be doing. She never had a friend like me. And she never will" She said. I couldn't believe how much ego she had.

"One that lies to her? Betrays her? And manipulates her? She doesn't need a 'friend' like that!" I shouted. With that I turned and walked towards the door.

"Harry, think about it. You'll break her heart. She was broken before, do you really want her to feel like that again?" She said. But how did she know about it? I asked her and she evilly answered me "Leena told me. Indirectly. When she was telling everyone in school bad things about Jenna, she mentioned that she is emotionally unstable. I felt sorry for her. But, not anymore. She's better, right? Do you really want to be the one that gets her back the way she was?" Sh said this in one breath. Like she rehearsed it. She was pure evil. But somehow, she was right.

I stormed out, still angry. I couldn't get myself to call Jenna and tell her. I couldn't be the one who breaks her again…


Jenna's POV

(writing in her diary)

"…'Sometimes I wish I could fly. Fly away. Be somewhere else for a day. Be around new people.' Those are my words from a few months ago. Little did I know, the problem was not in the people around me, the problem is in me. I AM the problem. I get so caught up in things, that when the turn out to be the opposite of what i think I get myself into, it's too late."

[jenna's FLASHBACK]

"Hey Leena" I said as she walked in the room. "What'd you bought?" I asked her. She was carrying like a million of colorful bags.

"You missed out on a lot." She said, and started to take out clothes from the bags. She told me where she bought, how she bought and why she bought every piece of clothing and every piece of jewelry. She had nice stuff bought. And in the end she took out a little red box.

"And this is for you" She said as she gave me the box. I was surprised "I know red is your favorite color, so the box is red." She said. She was impatiently waiting for me to open the box. In it was a little silver neckless and on the back where the ends came together there was a little text ingrained, it said 'Sisters from another mother'. As I stood in shock, she took an identical neckless out of her purse and put it on herself and she said

"Peace offering?" She then smiled. I've never seen her smile sincerely to me. It's usually AT me.

"Can you put it on?" I asked, and she gladly put my neckless on my neck.

"So, how come you are offering peace?" I asked.

"Well you behaved really well with the Robertsons earlier. You may have helped my dad get his new job. And I…" She paused "I really like Richard. He's really nice. So I want to live here."

"But what about Mark?" I asked. Everyone knew that Leena was in love with Mark. They were together but he told her that he didn't want pressure from his coach, because he's a football player. But he cheated on her with Courtney and she never got over him. He was a jerk, I use to think that they deserved each other, but now I'm not so sure.

"Me and Mark are history. I have to get over that now. I really like Richard, he is a gentleman. And Mark's just a stupid asshole." She said. She got a little upset when talking about Mark.

"If you want, you can talk about it. I am a good listener" I said, and I smiled at her.

We spent few hours talking about Mark. I never really knew how she felt about him. How he lied to her. We bonded, but I felt really sorry for her. She was really hurt, she just had to act that she isn't because she didn't want to lose her pride. But she cried every night for him.

It was weird, because she has so many friends, how come she's never told anyone this.

"Oh trust me, Stephanie knows, and she's just happy that we're not together, because she was totally crushing on him when we were going out" Stephanie is one of her best friends along with Tammy "And Tammy has her own problems, so I don't want to bother her."

It was nearly 9 when my phone went off in the middle of our conversation.

"That your secret boyfriend?" She asked, teasing me. I just smiled and answered. It was Harry


(writing in her diary)

"…and just when you think things are starting to look brighter..."

Harry's POV

"WHAT?!" Lou said in disbelieve.

[harry's FLASHBACK]

So after I left, I needed some time to think. I didn't know what to do. I really wanted to tell her everything about Lexi. But she's right, I would just hurt her. So I made a deal with myself. I will call her, and if it feels right, I will tell her.

So at about 9pm, I called her

"Hey" She answered. She had sweetness in her voice. It was flawless.

"I am free. Can we hang out?" She took a pause for a few seconds, whispering to someone 'Is it okay if I go out?' I guess that's her mom.

"Yeah, sure. Are you gonna pick me up?" She asked. I told her I would, and in 10 minutes I picked her up.

"Where do you want to go?" She asked as she got in the car.

"I don't know. I have nothing planned. I just wanted to see you" I said and I smiled at her.

"So it's not our second official date?" She said and then she laughed.

"Not tonight. I don't want to seem too needy." I said, jokingly. We laughed and I drove away. We went to a little diner, it was really uncrowded, so nobody would recognize me. We sat and we ordered some food.

"So, how was your meeting?" She asked me.

"What?" I asked confused, and then I remembered my lie, so i went along with it. I hated lying to her. It tore me apart from the inside "Oh yeah. No, it was good. We talked about USA. And the destinations." I said. This wasn't a lie, we did talk at the meeting about this, but at the real meeting. Not the imaginary one.

"Ohh, so where are you going?" She asked curious

"New York, Boston…um…I don't know, Chicago…I don't really remember. Nothing is certain." I answered her, and then changed the subject "So, how was your day?"

"Oh, the weirdest thing happened. I had an actually good day." She answered. Then she told me about the lunch and then she told me about Leena. How can I crush her now, when she is so happy.

We ate and we laughed and I wanted somehow to talk about Lexi.

"So how long have you known Lexi?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Well, since I moved to New York. She was the first one I met at school" She answered

"Did she pursue you, or did you walk up to her?" he asked.

"She came up to me. Why the questions about Lexi?" She asked, while smiling.

"I don't know. Making conversation" She told me that Lexi started talking to her about Leena, and how she is just a snob and a brat. They bonded because Jenna didn't like her new family, and automatically that means she doesn't like Leena. They became good friends, but they really bonded on the camping trip, and since then they are really close.

She seemed so happy about her friendship. How can I ruin that?


Jenna's POV

(writing in her diary)

"…It's pretty late. My plane leaves tomorrow at noon. I need to get up a little earlier to pack. So I will continue, if necessary, on the plane." Another tear fell on the paper, as I remembered today.

[jenna's FLASHBACK]

After the diner, he took me to my hotel and I fell asleep right away.

The next day I woke up. My phone was ringing. It was Lexi.

"Hey Lex" I answered half-asleep.

"Hey, wakey wakey." She said. She said to get dressed and that she would come over in an hour. I showered and tried to be quiet so Leena doesn't wake up. Our room was a suite, so the beds were in a different part of the room, that had sliding doors. So I closed them when Lexi came.

"Hey" She said, and she hugged me.

We had a casual talk and then she asked me about Harry

"Did you see Harry yesterday?" She asked me. Weird.

"Yeah, why?" I said, but I didn't sound freaked out.

"Did he tell you something important?" She asked me. He told me about the USA cities that they'll visit. That's not that important

"No, I don't think so. Why?"

"Wow, I hate to be the one to tell you this…" She said then paused "He told me that he would tell you"

"What?" I asked. When was this conversation they had… I don't remember it.

"He called me yesterday. He told me he wanted to see me" She showed me the incoming call on her phone that was made from Harry's phone. And then she continued "So I said Ok, you know. He asked me for a drink and asked if I wanted to drink with him. Red wine. So you know, I like red wine, so I said yes." I didn't like how the story was going. "He got me drunk, and when you called me, he told me to lie to you, because he wanted to talk to me. So I did.I thought it was something about you, but when I hung up…" I called Harry immediately after, I called her. He lied to me…"When I hung up…" She repeated "He kissed me" My lower jaw fell open. My eyes teared up. I couldn't say a word. Why would he do this to me?!


Few more tears fell down on my face,as I thought of that…

Harry's POV

"And that's when she called you earlier to talk to you" Lou said. I was with her when she called me to talk. I thought it was about her decision for going public or not.


"Who is it?" Lou asked, as my phone rang.

"Jenna, hold on" I said, then answered "Hello lovely"

"Where are you?" She asked me. Her voice was cold.

"With Lou, why? Where are you?" I asked. I got a little worried. Maybe something has happened to her.

"Are you sure?" She asked

"What?" I didn't understand her question, but she didn't answer me.

"Can we talk? In person?" I agreed, and got a little scared. I arrived at her hotel, it was 12pm, so I had sunglasses and a hat, so I don't get recognized. She texted me her room number and I got in. I saw Lexi in the hallway. She had an evil smile.I knew what she has told her.

"What did you do?!" I asked frustrated.

"Jenna is getting impatient" She said, and she walked away. I ran through the hallway and opened her door. She was sitting on a chair, staring at the wall.

"Jenna!" I said, as I walked in.

"How can you do this?" She asked, in a calm voice. Lexi must have told her lies. She continued, getting louder and louder with every word "How can you lie to me? How can you HURT me?!" As I opened my mouth, she cut me off, and shout "I trusted you! I told you EVERYTHING! Was I just you charity case? Is that it?! Or did you have FUN with me!?" I wanted to reply but, she wouldn't let me "You know what. Forget it. GET OUT!" She got really mad, and her eyes filled with tears.

"Jenna it's not like that" I tried to speak, but she aging cut me off

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Being drunk is not ONE of them. I just wanted to tell you, IN PERSON, to leave me alone forever. To NEVER again look for me." Tears started to fall down on her face, and I just held mine in "You are just an asshole and it's my fault I trusted you" She got really mad at the last sentence, and threw a glass at me. I ducked, so that the glass can hit the wall, and not my face. It broke, and little glass pieces were everywhere.

"Please, listen Jenna, please. She lied t-" She cut me off again.


She walked to me and pushed me out of the door. She locked the door so I wouldn't get in. My heart broke. I sat on the ground and tears were just streaming my face. I lost her, just when I thought I found her. I knew I could never change my mind. I regretted not telling her anything yesterday. I regretted ever going to Lexi's to try and talk to her to better things with Jenna. I just wanted to hold her again. I wanted to kiss her. I got up. I rested my forehead on the door and just whispered 'I love you, Jen'. The tears fell again.



The next three days (2010)


When are you goin to update?!
BriLovesStyles BriLovesStyles
Moooorrrreeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(: im a little obsessed!!!!!€€€
Calli Elizabeth Calli Elizabeth
I am reading this at 4 in the morning I really need to sleep.... But I just can't its so good!
When you read 35 chapters of this in one day, 23 days is a long time to wait for the next one...
Please update soon!!!!