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Jenna's POV

We were quiet the whole ride to his house. I turned on the radio so we don't just sit there in plain silence. After about 10 minutes, we stopped. He parked the car and got out to open my door. I took a deep breath because I knew we were suppose to talk now.

We walked in and it smelt like him. LIke it always does.

"You want something to drink?" He offered walking to the kitchen.

I shook my head no, and sat on the couch in the living room. He came back with a plate of cupcakes in one hand and a beer in the other.

"Thanks" I said as he settled the plate in front of me. I wasn't that hungry, but I took one just to try it. It tasted like Heaven. But I was still mad at him, so I pretended that I wasn't too pleased with them.

"Like them?" He asked smirking.

"They're ok" I said as casual as I could, but they were amazing.

"So, where do we go from here?" He asked directly. I guess he didn't want to beat around the bush, so he just got to the point.

"I don't know…" I said, bowing my head, chewing my cupcake.

He stood up and sat next to me, putting his hand around my shoulders, pulling me in a cuddle. I didn't protest, just followed his lead.

A small kiss was planted in my hair, and I took another bite of the cupcake.

"I love you." He whispered, making me shiver. I don't know why, because it's not the first time he's said it, but it was the way he said it. Like those were his last words, and he chose them out of all.

I didn't say it back, though. I was too busy eating my cupcake, and thinking about the difference in his voice.

"You still love me, right?" He asked a little frightened. Of course I did. How can he think otherwise.

I nodded, still chewing. His heart started raising under my hand. I rose my head to catch his eyes. They were that lovely green color. He leaned in, and before I could do anything, he kissed me.

"Ew, I have food in my mouth" I said pulling away.

"I don't care" He laughed.

"Wait" I said. He waited for me to chew and swallow my food with amusement.

"You done?" He smiled at me.

"No, can you bring me a glass of water?" I said. He started to laugh and kissed my nose. "Now." I said, seeing him not moving.

"Don't be bossy" He laughed and got up.

Harry's POV

"Don't be bossy" I laughed and got up to get her that glass.

As much as I wanted her like this, sweet and adorable, I was still scared. She did see me with another girl, and I wasn't gonna do anything with Claire or whatever her name was, but still. She wasn't bringing it up. Is she torturing me on purpose?!

I didn't know what to say, or what to do at this point.

"Are you making the water, come on" I heard her laugh from the couch.

I laughed and filled a glass with water. When I walked in, she was in the exact place where I left her. I handed her the glass and she drank all of it.

"Is this tap water?" She asked.

"Seriously?! We're gonna talk about tap water?!" I cracked. My hands were sweating.

"K, sorry" She laughed, because she was aware what she was doing to me.

"I don't want to fight like this." I said.I figured if I was direct we can get pass this.

"I know" She bowed her head.

"I'm sorry. For earlier today, for that Claire girl-" I started apologizing when she cut me off.

"Chloe." She corrected me. I started to laugh, and she just chuckled, still not looking in my eyes.

"Whatever, she's not important. None of them are. You're the only person in the world that's important to me. I don't need anyone else in my life, just you. And I love you, you know that. And, I hate fighting like this, so can we just get pass this, without any permanent damage?" I said. She looked up. She didn't smile, she didn't frown, nothing. I was starting to get really scared, that this might be it, because she is not showing any emotion.

And just before I gave in and broke down to cry, she smiled. It was her perfect smile that assured me everything was going to be fine. And that we are good.

I couldn't help but smile like an idiot as well. I leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were soft, like always. And she tasted of chocolate cupcakes.

I pulled her, and leaned back on the couch. She was lying on top of me, but she was as light as a feather. After a few kisses, she settled her head on my chest. I turned on the TV. Sherlock was on BBC, and she was really in to it. I, on the other hand, did not pay much attention to Sherlock. I had the most wonderful girl with me. I played with her hair.

I was sober now, and just closed my eyes for a second.

Jenna's POV

"Shit!" I shouted as I immediately jumped off of Harry, which woke him up.

"What, what's wrong?" He asked half asleep.

"I am late. My curfew is like an hour ago, and my mom will kill me." I said, gathering my things and walking towards the door to put on my Vans.

"Can't you just sleep over?" He asked, following me to the hallway still half asleep.

"Nope, some other time" I said putting on my jacket.

"Just wait three seconds." He said, putting on his shoes.

"It's fine, I can walk" I said zipping up the jacket.

"Is this Zayn's?" Harry asked me, trying to distract me.

"Yeah, I was cold, he gave it to me." I shortly explained.

"Come on" Harry pushed me out and took his keys.

He quickly unlocked the car and opened my door, like always. He got in the driver's seat and started the engine.

"I am not letting you walk at night alone, after all that happened" He laughed.

We finally arrived in front of my house, after his reckless driving which I have never before seen.

"Good luck" He laughed.

"Oh no, I'm not going in the front door, they'll hear it." I said unbuckling my seat belt.

"Well then..how?" He got confused.

"I'm gonna climb. Thanks for the ride" I said and kissed him quickly on the lips, then left.

He didn't move, I guess he wanted to see how I was going to climb up to my room.

There was a big tree besides my window and I managed to climb it. I could see Harry laughing and watching me from his car so I just stuck my tongue out like a little kid.

In few fast movements, I was on the little roof under the window and opened it and carefully climbed in. After I was in, I stuck my head out, and blew a kiss to Harry. He smiled and pretended to catch it.

I got back inside and closed the window. I took my shoes off and jacket.

"I didn't know you were back" Leena came in. But she saw me taking out the jacket so she understood that I just got back.

"Shhhh" I said, rushing to close the door.

"Did you climb the tree outside?!" Leena gasped.

"Yeah. Not doing that again" I laughed, putting the jacket on a hanger in my closet.

I undressed and put on my pajamas. With my laptop, I got under the covers of my bed and got comfy, when my mom came in.

"Leena, did Jen- Oh hey Jenna, when did you came?" Mom was confused to see me.

"I don't know, like an hour ago, maybe more. Why?" I said casually.

"Well…oh no reason. You girls go to bed, you have school tomorrow." She said and left.

"Close one" Leena said and then exited, closing my door.

I sat on tumblr for a while but then I got sleepy, so I turned off the laptop and got settled in the bed. My phone beeped, alarming me that I just received a message.

'You're all I think about


'I hope you have a nightmare where I am a raging dragon and I'm trying to eat your face.

Love,love < 3'

I replied and drifted to sleep


The next morning I woke up really lightly. My eyelids were still closed and I was trying to remember my dream, when suddenly I heard Leena scream. Instinctively I jumped out of bed and ran across the hallway to her room.

"This is not real, please tell me this is NOT real!" She cried.

At first I didn't know what she was talking about, but soon I spotted the chewing gum tangled to the ends of her long blond hair. I tried not to laugh. I tried.

"This is not funny Jenna! I MIGHT HAVE TO CUT IT!" She continued crying. Actual tears were streaming from her eyes.

"Calm down Leena, it's probably nothing" I said calmly, still chuckling.

"Do.Not.Tell.Me.To.Calm.The fuck.Down!" She slowly, but annoyed, said to me.

She sat on the chair in front of her desk. Over the desk a mirror with a pink frame was dangling. She looked at herself in the mirror and reached for the scissors.

"Goodbye my love. Maybe we'll see each other in another life." She was really saying her farewell to the damaged hair.

The scissors reached the lock, but didn't come together.

"I can't do this!" She said, lowering them. "You do it" She turned to me.

"Seriously?" I said. Without looking at me, she handed me the scissors and I took them. In two quick movements, I trimmed the end of her hair.

"Done" I announced after the two locks hit the ground. I glanced at the mirror, and noticed the clock on the desk below. We were late. "Leena! First period started like 10 minutes ago!" I freaked out.


I started to laugh, and jogged to my room.

I put on the first thing that I could find, which were some black jeans, a cream-colored sweater and a neckless. I ran downstairs, where Leena was putting on eyeliner in the hallway mirror.

"Come on" I said, putting on my boots.

"Relax. You weren't just forced to cut your hair. LOOK! OH MY GOD JEN IT'S UNEVEN! I'm wearing a hat!" She started again and put on the baseball hat that was on the counter.

"Yeah yeah, come on" I said getting the car keys, and walking outside.

She locked the door and we got into her car

We arrived by second period. I had Science with Leena. Ah, science…I don't even remotely care about it.

We got in right before the bell rang.

"Were were you in History?" Lucy asked and then saw Leena "What's with the hat?"

"Nothing, why?! Hats are back Lucy, get a fucking magazine" She acted like a bitch, and sat somewhere in the back.

"What's her problem?" Lucy turned to me, as I sat next to her.

"Leena moment. Let it go" I casually said, and put the book on the desk.

Science was always boring, and I had to pretend like I was listening. During the class, my phone buzzed.

'I love you more than rainbows


A smile appeared on my face..

'You better! xx'

I replied.

The school hours passed really quick, and soon enough I had to go to work.

We had a few laughs with Althea and Scott

"Jen, your phone!" Althea called from the register.

I came and saw the caller ID. It was Sally. My lovely manager.

"Hey, Sally, what's up?" I answered.

"On my way to lunch. Did you get a read on the script Josh gave you?" She asked. I actually did read it a few times, it seemed an easy part.

It's about this girl Margo who lost her parents in a plane accident. She's all broken up and lives with her Aunt who's husband, her uncle, is like a really dangerous businessman, but he's really rich. And through out the episode she finds out that her parents didn't actually die in an accident, so she tries to figure out what happened on the plane. Meanwhile, she meets this guy, Stefan, who follows her everywhere and she thinks he's like a creepy dude, but actually he really likes her.

The story line is really interesting, and so is the character I was suppose to play.

"Yeah, I have. It's really good, I love it" I said.

"Perfect. Well I'm heading to this restaurant called 5 Dish. Do you know it?"

"Yeah, I know it." I answered.

"Well, Josh is bringing his partner in the making of this show, who also plays Stefan. He's pretty young. So if you can, it would be lovely if you could come." She invited me.

"Yes of course" I answered enthusiastically. "When should I be there?"

"Now? I'm already late. I totally forgot to call you earlier, I am so sorry, I was really busy, and my assistant is sick, so I have to do everything-" I cut her off.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." I laughed.

"Make it 15, cause I'll be more than a little late." She joined the laugh.

We hung up. I asked Scott if I could leave earlier, and he let me. I didn't have a ride, so I called Harry if he could give me a lift.

"Baby, I would love to, but me and Liam have an interview…But I guess I can send Zayn" He laughed.

"He's like your puppet." I laughed.

"Heard that!" I heard Zayn laugh from the back. "I'll be there in 6 minutes." He said and hung up the phone.

I changed quickly and fixed my hair a little.

When I got to the front door, I saw Zayn pull up.

"Exactly 6 minutes. Are you serious?" I laughed, because he came here in exactly 6 minutes.

He drove me to the restaurant and on the way I explained to him everything about this meeting.

"Well good luck, love" He smiled when he parked in front of it.

"Thanks" I said and kissed him on the cheek. While opening the door, I spotted Sally, fast walking.

Zayn drove off, and I saw Josh and the back of his partner's head siting outside, laughing.

Sally reached their table before I did, and Josh stood up to greet her. She looked up, and saw me so she waved.

"Oh, Jen! Jen! Over here." I laughed, because she was really weird around Josh, and it was kind of cute.

I arrived at the table, and greeted John.

"Leo" The boy extended his hand. He was pretty young. Maybe two years older than me.

"Jenna" I shook his hand. He flashed a smile at me. I would be lying if I said he wasn't cute. He had dark hair, chocolate brown eyes and the cutest nose ever. It was not real! I was staring at his nose, for too long and he chuckled, noticing me. I just looked away and my cheeks turned red. What kind of a person stares at another person's nose.

"So how did you like the script?" He asked me, and smirked.

"It was actually really good." I smiled.

"Well, Leo here will be playing Stefan, isn't she perfect for Margo?" Joshed announced, then turned to Leo.

"I know, she's exactly how I imagined her. How on Earth is she even real!?" They laughed. Apparently, I was how the imagined Margo.

"Well, if you want, we don't have to wait until next week. All you have to do is just read a few lines." Josh smiled.

"I'm nervous. I've never had an audition like this" I said, nervously playing with my nails.

"Then how did you get into-" Leo didn't even finish his question about my audition to the talent agency, when Sally interrupted him.

"It was an improvisation with Naomi." She explained shortly.

"You know Naomi?!" Leo seemed surprised.

"Yeah, we met in New York, where we audition. Wait, how do you know Naomi?!" I asked a bit confused.

"She's Lacey. She already submitted her audition video from Australia." Joshed laughed. I guess they were all amused about my lack of knowledge.

"Oh, she's confirmed?!" Sally said, pleasantly surprised.

"Yup. We gave her the call last night. She is really good." Leo commented.

After our lunch, we headed back to Josh's office, so I can read for them.

Me and Stefan read, and he was actually really good, almost made me believe the whole situation.

After that, they invited me to some party, where I could meet producers and it would be a good thing for me. So, Leo drove me home, and because the party was from 7, and it was already 6:15, he decided to wait for me downstairs. I sent Leena to keep him company. She was charismatic enough to keep him busy for 30 minutes.

I took a quick shower and put on a white dress, with sleeves down to the elbows, knee-length and a brown thin belt in the middle, where the stomach is. I put on skin-colored stockings and brown flats. I let my hair fall, the wavy natural way that it is. And to accessorize I put on one neckless I've had since forever - it was long and at the end there was a metal feather. The only make-up I applied was red lipstick and mascara.

When I came downstairs, Leena and Leo were laughing about something.

"You ready?" Leo asked. But he changed his facial expression when he saw me. His eyebrows rose, and his eyes sparkled.

"Yeah." I said, looking through my brown little long purse to see if I have my wallet and keys inside.

"Your phone Jen" Leena said. I took it from Leena's hand and put it in. I got my coat and walked towards the door.

"It's a shame you can't come" Leo said to Leena.

"Yeah, I really have to study History. We have a test tomorrow. And I want to keep my A…" She said, and glanced at me. I had a solid C, that will obviously go down a notch.

Leo laughed, and so did I.

"I won't be late, tell mom that I had to go, job stuff." I laughed,

"Okay, but be back by 12, aunt Anna's plane leaves at 1:30" She reminded me.

"K,k. Bye."

I said and we exited.

We got into Leo's black car. I don't know much about cars, but it was appealing. Can a car be appealing? I think it can.

"You smell nice" He complimented me.

This is how I always smelled, but I guess he was trying to be nice.

The car stopped and a valley took the keys to park it. It was some club that I have never been to. Then again, I don't ever go to clubs like this. It was pretty elite.

Leo's name was on the list, so we went right in. It was packed with people, but we managed to go tot he VIP section. Sally and Josh were already there and Sally was stunning as always with a tight navy blue dress and very high heels.

"You want something to drink?" Leo asked me, as I was taking off my coat.

"No, I'm good" I said, sitting down. I didn't know how to act around these people.

Unlike me, Sally, Josh and Leo got drinks. A round of tequilas. They kept coming on and on, calling random people to join them. They did, of course.

To be honest, I did a few shots. As a celebration. I got the part.

"Come on" Leo stood up "We need to dance" He said taking my hands, and helping me up.

I was a little tipsy, so what the heck.

I really don't know how to dance, so I just started awkwardly moving my hips, trying to imitate people around me. Leo noticed, how could he not. He started to laugh.

"Shut up, don't laugh" I playfully punched him on the shoulder.

"No, no. It's cute" He said, coming closer so I could hear him through the loud music. "You have really pretty eyes" He said looking into my eyes.

I don't get what's so pretty, they're like big black marbles. And before I could say anything, while i was thinking about different colors of marbles, he kissed me. A real kiss. On the lips. And he didn't back away.

It took me a minute before I realized what was going on. It's like my second kiss ever, very different from…oh god.

"HARRY!" I screamed and jumped.

"I'm Leo" He laughed.

"I know. I have a boyfriend. He's name is Harry!" I freaked out. Am I seriously cheating on Harry with some guy?!

"Oh…um…I didn't know-" He said, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"I, um…I have to….Sorry I can't do this, I need to get out of here" I said and rushed to our seats to get my coat. But I was lost in the coat hanger, so I just took my purse and dashed off before anyone can even say two words to me.

I heard Leo calling, but I didn't turn.

I was finally outside. I started running. The streets were spinning, and people were walking on air, what is going on.

I took out my phone to see what time it is. I saw three missed calls. Two from Harry, one from Lucy. It's like he knew.

Without thinking I dialed his number.

"Hey babe, I tried calling you-" He said. As soon as I heard his voice I broke.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault" I started crying.

"Baby?" He was confused.

"I didn't mean to, I am the worst person ever, like, if there was a competition, I would win" I continued.

"Calm down, what happened?" He asked, but I ignored his question.

"Is there a list of the worst people on the planet through out history? I just made that list, right above Hitler." I heard him laugh a little. "Yes you should laugh at me, I'm pathetic."

"Where are you? I called Leena, she told me you were at some club…" He asked another question.

"I'm sitting." I said and I realized i was sitting on the pavement, with my back to a wall of a building.

"Where? Just tell me where you are?" He asked again.

"How am I suppose to know." I said, putting my knees to my chin.

"Ok, what's around you?"

I told him everything that's around me, including:

"… a pink car, a yellow car, a blue car, oh there they go. Bye cars…"

He laughed, but he somehow understood where I was. The next 10 minutes, he talked to me on the phone, while the time passed for him to get here. After the 10 minute random conversation, his car pulled up in front of me. He immediately got out of the car.

"Come on, get up. You're freezing" He said, helping me get up and putting his coat on my shoulders

I didn't say a word, he helped me in the passenger seat, and we drove off.

"What time is it?" I asked, sleepy.

"11:30." He said, not taking the eyes off the road.

"I have to be at the airport at…at…1:30" I said confused a bit.

"Why? Are you going somewhere?" He asked.

"No, my aunt is leaving for Italy tonight." I said with closed eyes. His coat was really warm, and I just wanted to sleep.

It was quiet for a while, mainly because on the verge of falling asleep.

"Where are we going?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I need to get you sober before you get home" He smiled at me. My eyelids were half open, and I saw his perfect smile with his perfect dimples, looking at me with his perfect green eyes and his hair was perfectly messy.

"You're perfect" I smiled, and tried to playfully hit him on the shoulder. Missed him, though.

He chuckled, and took my hand into his.


Toxic - (Britney Spears) Melanie Martinez


When are you goin to update?!
BriLovesStyles BriLovesStyles
Moooorrrreeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(: im a little obsessed!!!!!€€€
Calli Elizabeth Calli Elizabeth
I am reading this at 4 in the morning I really need to sleep.... But I just can't its so good!
When you read 35 chapters of this in one day, 23 days is a long time to wait for the next one...
Please update soon!!!!