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Liams My Puppy

Chapter 6: Say Sorry

Liams My Puppy
Chapter 6
Oh no it’s the scary yelly man, i started to shake in fear at just the thought of what he was going to but wa- hes crying. Maybe liam should help scary man.
I slowly get up and walk over to the man. I get down on my knees and pull him into a tight hug rubbing my hands on his back. “why are you being so nice to me i called you a mon-mons-monster” he sobs out as i rub his back.
“forget and forgive” i whisper into his ear.
Liam walks over to harry and pulls him into a tight hug. He hugged the bugger. I just cant stand the thought of him hurting my liam. I literally shake in my spot at the thought.
I see liam say something but i cant quite catch it. Liam eventually pulls back and drags him over to me by the wrist and sits him down beside me. I for the first time get a look at harrys face since he came stumbling in he has red tear tracks down his puffy pale cheeks and his eyes are red and has dark bags under them indicating he most likely hasn’t slept.
I huff and turn away from him which makes him start to sob louder at the thought of me ignoring him. I feel a faint tugging on my arm and i turn to see a angry liam glaring at me. He stands up and motions for me to follow which i of course do.
When he stops in the bathroom he closes the door and punchs me. “OWWWWW what was that for” i whine. “hes crying because you ignored him. Cant you see hes sorry” he says anger evident in his tone. “now go accept his apology” he says. “but i don’t wanna” i whine. “if you don’t ill go live with Louis” he says.
WHAT HE CANT LIVE WITH LOUIS HES MINE. well not MINE like property but well you know. “Fine for you” i huff out as i stomp back into the living room to see harry sitting in the exact same place still sobbing.
I walk over to him and pull him into a tight hug. “he slowly starts to stop sobbing and finally hugs back. “does this mean im forgiven” he asks quietly. “yes but watch where you step your on thin ice” i say as i pull out of the hug.
“great i gotta tell lou bye” he says as he rushs out of the door. “bye i guess” i mutter to myself as he slams the door shut. I turn to liam “what do you want for dinner li” i ask.
“PIZZA LIAM WANTS PIZZA” he starts to chant as he rushs to the kitchen. “great pizza again, but anything for my puppy boy” i whisper to myself as i follow him into the kitchen.
*****HarrysPOV***** (SURPRISE :D)
I quickly walk out the door and close it. “my plan is working perfectly, now onto phase two”


@Princess Stylinson
sara love sara love
@sara love
Why am I Laughing because I could totally picture I pissed Louis throwing a sobbing hazza on the floor s'all
@Princess Stylinson
y r u laughing
sara love sara love
FIX THIS!!! Why am I laughing so hard???
plz update,its really good
sara love sara love