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The Reinvention of Harry Styles - Comments, page 3

They are so adorable together! I heard somewhere that they might be dating (which would be so cute!) but either way, they all look like they're having fun : ) I think they're all a little older than Harry, so I feel like they have a 'younger brother' type relationship with him : D

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

I live for Sarah and Mitch :)

Kammy. Kammy.

I love his band! Especially Sarah! : D

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

Love that you included his band :)

Kammy. Kammy.

Thank you!! :D

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

oh god i love it ^-^

christianna christianna

Thank you!
I'm having fun writing this story, so I'm happy you like it! : D

BananaShark7 BananaShark7
Oh my god. That was so funny.... Iove it :)
christianna christianna

He's definitely doing better now, maybe he just needed to get used to it. He seem to be getting back to the '1D Harry' people are used to. The local reviews are less biased, so I tend to go by those.

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

Those publications are great, if you want a good honest review of his shows. Read the reports from the local papers after he performs. They’ve all been great. ESP after the show in Nashville.

Kammy. Kammy.

I'm basing it on what I've heard and reviews from his first couple of concerts so far (reviews not written by the Azoff affiliated Rolling Stone or Billboard). I haven't seen him personally, but I've seen videos and I don't think he's that bad (then again I'm not really a good judge of that since I've only been to 1 concert in my life lol)
But in the greater scope of this story, Daisy plays a very different role (that's all I'll say about that... ;)
Thank you for reading and commenting! I'm glad to get some feedback : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

I'll be honest, I don't care for this Daisy idea...the idea that Harry can't hold his own on stage is preposterous.

Kammy. Kammy.

This chapter was definitely a turning point for them! They are certainly dancing on the line between 'pretending to date' and something else...
Though, Molly does not seem to mind hooking up with guys for fun, as she demonstrated with Tom, so, we'll see!
ps. thank you for reading! : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

ohhh they are stepping up a slippery slope here....can't wait to see how this plays out...

Kammy. Kammy.

Thank you (not sure if you're joking or not?) but it can also mean a rapid outflow or loss, as in, money, or in this case, fans.

Good luck with your nursing studies, and thank you for reading! : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

- Noun meaning: loss of blood from a burst vessel

Not losing fans

I'm training as a Nurse. So you used the wrong wording there

Haribo_Baby Haribo_Baby

I have moved the link to that post to the beginning of the story, where that tumblr is first mentioned. I only stuck it in the notes of chapter five because that list was posted while I was working on the chapter and I thought it was a good resource for readers interested in learning more, without having to scroll through pages of that blog. I am not associated with that tumblr, and I did not write that post, so I cannot speak for anything specifically mentioned in that post. Personally, I wish they had listed sources backing up each claim, but that's a different story. I won't mention that blog again, and I wasn't really planning on it until that post came up. I hope this clears things up!

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

I don't claim to know anything about Harry's personal life and all the events depicted in the story are, for the most part, fictional. I posted a link to the blog as a resource for readers who were not familiar with it. I am not trying to push my opinion on my readers, and I understand not all fans feel this way about his solo career. I know the premise of the story is a little different, so thank you for reading it and giving it a shot.

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

Again, I am not associated with that blog, I posted the link as a resource for my readers who were not familiar with it. This is fanfiction, and the majority of the events are fictional. I don't claim to know anything personal about Harry other than what he lets us know, and I don't really want to know his personal life because it's none of my business. This story depicts my opinion of Harry's career, and I am not trying to force that opinion on anyone. Thank you for reading it, though, and giving it a chance.

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

Sorry if I wasn't clear, I am not associated with that tumblr at all. I just wanted to let readers know where I was coming from with my opinion and that page was a good resource. If you don't like that blog, that's fine, you don't have to look at it. I'm not trying to convince anyone of my opinions, I'm just writing a story for fun. I don't claim to know anything about Harry or his personal life, this is just my personal take on his solo career. Thank you for reading the story and giving it a chance.

BananaShark7 BananaShark7