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Harry Who? - Comments

I'm going to readjust some of the last few chapters, so if you get a bunch of notifications for a new chapter, I'm sorry : (

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

I will have to check it out! I do love Channing Tatum ; )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

Well thank for not doing a cliffhanger, my heart could not handle it!

You're totally right about the vow being up his alley. If fact (possibly my mind is just making this up) I think he's talked about it in some interview before. If you're into rom coms I totally recommend you watch it. Channing Tatum is all kinds yum (;

TessBeBe TessBeBe

thank you! You are too kind!
That's very reassuring to hear! I'm very happy you like it : D

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

I was going to end it on a cliff hanger, but I can't do that to you guys! I felt the same way writing it! When I realized I could fit that line in there, I had to go for it.

I haven't seen the vow, but from what I've heard it sounds right up Harry's alley since he loves rom coms so much : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7


Why do you do this to me? My heart broke when she said Harry who. I was on the verge of tears the whole chapter.

P.s. I love the fact that Harry likes the vow xD

TessBeBe TessBeBe

Thanks! I can never plan too far ahead with anything, really haha!
I'll have to check out your story!
Thanks for the comment! : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

I'm loving this...I feel you about "making it up as you go along" I'm doing that with mine as well...and my Harry and Nichole, theirs is kind of a whirlwind romance too...so I love that someone is thinking along the same lines as me. Anyway, just wanted you to know I love this and can't wait to read more. <3

Kammy. Kammy.

This was kind of the reaction I was expecting to those two chapters! His actions were definitely bizarre and out of the ordinary, for him, at least.

But I would like to clarify, since someone else was confused about this earlier, they aren't necessarily going to break up. I think in the intro when she's looking for a job, people assumed that means they weren't together anymore, but she refers to him as her boyfriend, not her ex boyfriend, so it's still up in the air. I honestly haven't decided how I want it to end, since I'm kind of making it up as I go along, and I don't see the story ending soon (since I'm having fun writing it!) so we'll see.

Thank you for your feedback, it's always nice to see what my readers think! (especially after a chapter like that!) : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

Harry & Ellie's relationship dynamic confuses me. One moment they are distant, dangerously insecure, hardly able to properly communicate their feelings to one another and behave more like housemates and once in a blue moon they have these cutesy, sweet couply moments that often seem to come off as disingenuious and just to make up for when they're distant and behave platonicaly (this is not a criticism at your writing and implying you need to change anything, just a criticism at the characters) I don't know if they're pulling out the stops because they're spending less time together but all these lovey dovey moments (which is very cute by the way) seems way too late. I get that love/like grows over time in relationships I feel as if this passion should have taken place in the beginning of their relationship. There wasn't any of that or really any wooing in the beginning(probably because their reasoning was both blinded by loneliness) and they really just jumped into the relationship without having that passion properly established which makes me wonder why they jumped into a relationship in the beginning but I have my theories as to why. Which leads me to the next thing.

Harry buying the hockey team, he's certainly lost his mind. He's reasons for doing so are so confusing to me and in my opinion is symbolic of how impulsive he and Ellie both are. Their relationship was built upon impulses and rash decisions (which could very well be one of the reasons why they break up in the future) Not only do they not communicate well with each other but they both don't think things through long enough to make wise or healthy decisions. I'm surprised that Ellie is now okay with Harry buying the hockey team and not still worried about the idea of Harry spending so much money since she's been so prideful about it before. My thought is the complications that this might cause in the future. Just imagine how awkward it'd be if(when) they break up. It'll make for bad blood if Ellie decides to stay on the team but I bet Harry never even thought about that. I still stick to my guns that Ellie needs time away from Harry to decide what she wants/ needs for herself.

It'll be interesting to see what happens next!

It's funny, when I used to write hockey fan-fiction I had a friend who would actually write my sex scenes for me because I just couldn't do it lol! But I understand what you're saying, and will certainly take that into consideration in the upcoming chapters. : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

I totally get the principle of being uncomfortable about writing about sex/sexual themes. For the longest time I was uncomfortable to write about it and after writing a pretty descriptive sex scene (or two) I'm still am a bit bashful about it. You really don't have to write about it or mention it but my point in saying that is that at the beginning of Harry & Ellie's relationship there were frequent mentions of them having sex and Melissa said they were like an old married couple. I mentioned the lack mentions of sex to support her argument of them being out of the honeymoon stage. I hope that clears up what I was trying to say!

CrumpetsAndTea CrumpetsAndTea

Thank you for the feedback! : )

You point out that sex is not really mentioned that much, and the only real reason for that is because I don't like writing about it haha! I did not think it was that obvious, and hoped people would assume it was happening, but I suppose it is worth mentioning every once in a while (I just finished writing a chapter called 'Sex Before Cake' if that's an indication ; )

The last chapter, I admit, was not my best, because there was a lot I wanted to get through without describing it too much. Mostly this is because I'm so excited about the next couple of chapters and I can't wait to finish writing them so you all can read them! I think they are much more exciting, and hopefully you will get to see some of that chemistry between the two of them.

Thank you for commenting, I love the feedback!! : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

I'm gonna have to agree with you too here! You touched up on somethings I missed. Your mention of them being like an old married couple was pretty accurate. I It think it could just a a lack of that fiery chemistry between them. I really think they'd be better off as just friends. And up until this chapter there's hardly any mentions of sex between them(like there was in the beginning) so I think it's safe to say things have died down between them unless it just hasn't been mentioned. I also think that Ellie sort of pushed the idea of leaving everything behind but there's never any confirmation that Harry actually agreed with it, but I'm pretty sure the idea of having someone for the sake of having someone was more appealing to him.And with them sleeping in separate rooms, you could almost reduce them to house mates. Also the issue of money, I thought this was concerning too. Like I get that Ellie wants to be independent and doesn't want to appear as if she's using Harry for money but you gave up your job and the chance at a steady income. Unless you're going to pull from your life savings for the next, however many months(which ultimately would lead to a lot of debt) you really actually need his money regardless of wether or not you want it. Personally, as a girl who really values my independence, this really scares me.

(Side note: I see their sleeping in the same room again but I don't know I still feel a lack of chemistry between them.)

Now on to the most recent updates. There appears to be a big clashing of interest here between Harry and Ellie. In the last chapter, Ellie alludes to being a bit discontent that Harry's supposedly planning on doing nothing during the break "What am I supposed to do?" This also kind of alarms me. I feel as if a lot of Ellie's attraction to Harry has to do with the idea that being with him will make her life exciting, fun and worthwhile. It's pretty much as if she's using him to help her compensate for her "boring" life when she worked in the book store just as I think it's fair to say that Harry is looking to Ellie to fill the void of companionship in his life. It's understandable and human, often times in relationships people are seeking for someone to fill certain voids in their lives and while it's perfectly human it can also be very unhealthy.

That being said, it's a good thing that Ellie has decided she wants to get back into hockey because Harry is going to be far too busy for her to follow him around as much as she planned. I'm not saying this to be mean but I do hope she doesn't get to travel with him on the set of Dunkirk and recording his album. I think that she needs time away from Harry to figure out what she wants/needs for herself because she's done way too much of revolving her life around him in the short time they've been together and their relationship just seems to quietly and progressively get more unhealthy. I really hope she doesn't try to chase Harry around the globe. With that being said unless they're willing to make things work long distance I really don't see the relationship lasting/thriving in the time they'll be apart. I'll be really surprised if it did. I'm really hoping that Ellie learns a lesson from this because otherwise I can't see anything really good coming out of her relationship with Harry. It will be interesting to see what happens next!

CrumpetsAndTea CrumpetsAndTea

It's funny you should mention that Harry's lonely, because in ch.1 Harry says that he returned to the bookstore to see Ellie because he's lonely (which I had completely forgotten about haha).

I think what they have is more subtle, and not seeing Harry's perspective makes it hard to see how he's thinking, so maybe I'll try to work that in somehow (maybe when he's off filming Dunkirk he'll write her 'love letters' or something cute).

It's funny you should also mention Ellie and Harry's money, because I'm about to have him do something (expensive) for Ellie, that makes her a bit angry! (no spoilers!)

Thank you for commenting, I love the feedback! : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

I'm going to have to agree with Crumpets about this one. It seems like Ellie is more of a companion to Harry than anything. It almost makes it feel as though he's lonely and just wants someone to string along. Ellie seems to just be enjoying the ride. I feel that if Harry wanted her to leave everything and she was just as eager to leave everything behind then there should be more passion... more raw love you know? They seem like an old married couple instead. Lol

don't know it kind of bothers me that she's so proud about asking Harry for money and stuff. Like, girl, you don't have a penny to your name. I'm positive the deal had an unwritten clause that involved Harry taking care of you.

overall, I'm curious to where this is taking them. It seems that they'll be getting busy with music, movies, and hockey!

I love your comments, don't worry about how long it is! I value all of my reader's input : )
I have a hard time showing Harry's perspective because I don't write from his POV (I'm really bad at switching points of view in a story!) and Ellie and Harry clearly don't communicate with each other well, so sometimes she doesn't know what he's thinking.
In the chapter 'Dressed up like a christmas tree' Harry actually mentions her 'wardrobe needs some updating' which Ellie is reluctant to let him pay for her new clothes so she doesn't seem like she's relying on him, or needs his money.
My version of Harry might be a little different, but I haven't actually read too much HS fanfiction (I've been meaning to, though) but I try to keep him as close to 'real' as possible. (But Harry is so elusive, I don't think we'll ever know the 'real' Harry haha!)
I'm also really bad at showing the passage of time, so they've been properly together for over a month, I think it was mid-November when they officially started dating.
The next few chapters are going to be interesting because I'm not sure what exactly Harry was doing in 2016 besides making his album and filming Dunkirk, so I might get a little creative! Things are also going to change for Ellie soon (hint hint!)
Thank you for your feedback, it always gives me something to think about when writing the next chapters! : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7

I've finally caught up.

The more Harry and Ellie's relationship progresses the more red flags I see. Things are moving hella fast and considering how private and cautious Harry seems to be with relationships this just seems out of character for him(although I don't know if your characterization of Harry is OU or as close as possible to the Harry we know). I do think it's fair however to say that Ellie has mostly been pushing and suggesting a lot of these relationship moves and as a result she appears to be needy, pushy and almost desperate. To be honest I do think Harry likes Ellie but it's quite obvious that Ellie is way more invested in the relationship than he is. The biggest red flags was the seperate rooms. You'd think that after she gave up as much as her life you'd that they would be sharing a room. If I were Ellie I'd feel really angry and unsettled about that. I also think this further proves my theory that Harry's is emotionally available to a certain degree.

I love how you mentioned a lack of communication and you're absolutely right about Harry's album in which the lyrics allude to having an issue with properly communicating. That being said I do think that both Harry and Ellie have poor communication skills(and I'm glad she admitted it.) The whole situation with the picture being leaked could have gone over better if they'd just talked to each other. I also think that Ellie would come off as less pushy if she communicated better. It's interesting to see the families get to know more about their relationship and with that being said I don't know why Ellie's mom was not the least bit alarmed when she found out her daughter dropped everything and moved to London. I also think it was maybe a tiny bit too soon for Ellie to meet Harry's family but that's just me, everyone has their own timing.

I also see red flags with the vast difference in Ellie and Harry's thought patterns when it comes to their relationship. Harry seems to be very concerned with Ellie taking advantage of their relationship(which is totally understandable since this has happened in the past in real life) but otherwise doesn't seem to take their relationship seriously in any other regard. She seems at most like a travel companion for him so he won't get lonely on the road. I'm sure if he wanted to he could replace Ellie at any time which is why I think she fights so hard for their relationship. I also felt quite alarmed at her need to keep up appearances, need better clothes in fear of looking shabby while with Harry Styles. For him to even suggest it almost makes me think he's reducing her to some arm candy. It's even alarming that he's comfortable with being seen with her in public after he freaked out about that one picture being taken.

The dynamics of their relationship are so complex that I don't think I could be in Ellie's shoes. I think I'd like Harry enough to casually date him but not to jump into an exclusive relationship with hardly knowing him especially while his career is so busy. That's probably why I hardly OU fanfics because it's somewhat hard to picture yourself in the main girl's shoes especially when she's just an average girl being thrust into the spotlight. It will be very interesting to see how Ellie handles being seen with Harry. This was a super long review and probably quite excessive but I missed quite a few updates and needed to analyze them. Thanks for updating!

CrumpetsAndTea CrumpetsAndTea

I just saw your comment now, sorry : ( but I just finished the next chapter, and it might answer that : )

BananaShark7 BananaShark7