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Stupid With Love - Comments, page 3

Poor Niall hope he gets better and I agree bring Liam back to him.
Niallergirl586 Niallergirl586
OH NO! poor Niall. please post more soon i love this story so far.
Niallergirl586 Niallergirl586
Omfg!!!! Update soon PLEASE!!!!! Poor Niall, I shouldn't know how he feels but I do. :( Bring Liam back to him!!!
Niallsgirl!! Niallsgirl!!
"He was fucking pretty." Best line ever!... Can't wait for an update!
CelesteDeOnne CelesteDeOnne
omg dying for the next chapter
Serena Serena
@Jemma I'll try to keep reading but it's so sad!
Shannonclare Shannonclare
i'm glad you like it. but it is quite a depressing story, and i don't see it perking up anytime soon. it has to get worse before it gets better. but please don't stop reading because of that. (:
Jayy Jayy
oh god i can't wait
Giggles Giggles
This is so sad :( it's written really well, but if it doesn't perk up soon, it's goin to e too depressing to read and I'm hooked!
Shannonclare Shannonclare
will niall fall for harry ?????
OMG UPDATE please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Giggles Giggles
OMG!!!!! i don't think anyone was expecting that
Giggles Giggles
uuummmm....Liam? that would make sense, bcuz of the last thing they said...other than that, irdek! great chapter!
I'm glad you like it (:
Jayy Jayy
cant wait for an update, this is really good!!! can u make it so that Niall did break his hand? idk,i just think then it would be an opportunity for him to have to ask other ppl for help with stuff,& if he's alone with Liam,then he'd have to ask him for help or whatever...just a suggestion!!! cant wait for the next chapter!
~JLR <3xx
Plz update not trying to rush but just throw what u have!! ;)
i so tired. ~.~
amaZAYN234 amaZAYN234
Don't rush at all. Please. I want you to focus and I can't wait for the next chapter im really so hiped up.this time you're fabuLOUIS! and briLIAM!
amaZAYN234 amaZAYN234
Hahaha, I like the way you think. Thank you sooo much (:
Jayy Jayy
If I was Niall i'll be trying to shoot Liam's @$$ off (literately) Ant you stuck your cock in my ass and it didn't mean nothing..... Ooooooh weeeeehh he better than me it would'be been some Rihanna and Chris Brown up in That matha fucka. LOL LMFAO This bitch (Liam) Liam's nick name is @$$ Wipe ! XD -.- =^_^=. This ass wipe done made me mad (Liam ) but I steel love da series
amaZAYN234 amaZAYN234
-__- great now chapter 12 had be Boo!hoooooooooo! Crying. I was so hurt , soo, soo hurt . O well Liam and Niall are not good couples XD =^•^= I still like Narry Niall + Harry lol XD
You really had this planned out really well :) you're an amaZAYN writer
i love you! (no homo ) (by saying I love you I'm saying I love your series)
You should've seen Zayn as a TELA-TUBBY
OMFG So freakin CUTE
amaZAYN234 amaZAYN234
I cried on the 11th chapter ;-( boo hoo LMFAO Dick ass Liam :)
amaZAYN234 amaZAYN234