Little Devil Down The Street [Harry Styles]
Chapter 17
Ashley's POV
Louis and I walked home from the movies. I declined when he attempted to hold my hand. He seemed confused, but shrugged it off. We got to my door an I looked at Harry's house. There he was staring out his bay window. His stare was intense, and I saw the utter most of jealously in his expression. I have seen so many new emotions in Harry. Romance, and jealousy are two things I never would have thought would have consumed Harry Styles. Louis was waving his hands in front of me, and my attention went back to him.
" Oh um sorry... did you say something Lou?" I asked trying to keep my attention towards him. But with those green lasers staring deep into me it was virtually impossible. He sighed and looked at the ground. I felt bad. I've been quite distracted ever since I met up with Louis again. All I could think about was that song. Harry was talking about Louis. Telling me he could love me more. Love is powerful, but is it an emotion that someone like Harry could have? I mentally smacked myself out of my thoughts again.
" I was asking if everything was okay. You've been distracted love." He told me seeming worried. He was right. I'm the worst friend ever.
" I'm sorry Lou, I've got a lot on my mind." I mumbled and he nodded. He leaned down to kiss me, and I cautiously turned my head. His lips pressed on my cheek, as my eyes darted back to Harry's. He smirked, and I sighed. Louis backed away seeming hurt. I just made it as, I had no idea he planned to kiss me. I gave him a smile.
" I'll see you later Ash." He said seeming hurt. He shoved his hands in his pocket looking at the ground. He didn't seem to like rejection very well. I hated doing it, but Harry... He did something to me. Ever since that damned song he's all I see. His voice of a thousand angels appears to be the only sound I can hear. Harry cocked his head questioningly, and I sighed. He's wondering why I reject Louis. How is that even a question, it's obviously because of his dumb ass.
" Bye Louis see you tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded. He mopped all the way back to his house which shattered me. I hated to see him so hurt and let down. It absolutely killed me. His shoulders slouching in defeat. I saw Harry in the bay window he was staring at me, a smile on his face. Then he disappeared from the window. I frowned a turned to go inside my house. I struggled getting the keys in the door. That's when I felt a presence dangerously close behind me. Harry's arms came from behind me as he put the key in the door and twisted the knob for me.
" Th-thanks." I stuttered. I should have walked into the house, but my feet we glued to the ground. His hands snaked around my hips, which sent shivers throughout my body. A foreign feeling crept over me. His touch created a light tingling feeling were his fingers touched the skin on my hips. One of his hands moved my hair away from my neck. He lightly brushed his lips across my neck, I could feel his sweet breath. I squeezed my eyes shut, he had too much power over me. His lips moved to my ear.
" Your welcome princess." He whispered in my ear. He lightly nibbled on my ear, and a moan escaped my mouth. I blushed widely. Did I seriously just do that. I walked in the house and he came in behind in me. I closed the door behind me and looked back at him. No smirk was present. All I could see was a smile. He slowly walked up to me, and cupped my face. He leaned down, and pressed his lips softly to mine. It was the best kiss I had ever had. His pink lips so soft and plush. His large hands that cupped my face. It was perfect.
" Ashley Benette! What the hell do you think your doing." Oh god no. I pulled away from Harry and was faced with my dad. His mouth was wide open as he stared at us in horror. I looked back at Harry who had a smooth expression on his face. He waved at my dad. My dad's face switched from shock to anger. " Ashley get over here now! Get away from that devil!" He spat at me. Anyone in their right mind would have listened to him, but I stayed by Harry's side. "ASHLEY GET OVER HERE NOW!" He yelled, and I hid behind Harry's shoulder. I looked up at him, hoping he would tell me what I should do. He smiled at me, but I saw fear in his eyes.
" Go on princess, your dad wants you over there by him." Harry told me. I nodded and stood over by my father. My dad looked at me disappointed. " Mr. Benette, if you would let us explain..." Harry started, but was cut off by dad.
" Oh you'll explain Harold! You'll explain after I call you mother! I'm sure should would love to hear about this!" Dad spat at him. I sighed and looked back at Harry. He gave me a supportive smile in response. We are so dead...
Anne's POV
Mr. Benette took me into the living room. Harry was sitting next to Ashley on the couch. He was whispered something in her ear. She had tears in her eyes. Mr. Benette glared at him. I sat down in a chair and gave Harry the death stare. He looked at me and shrugged. " Harry what have you done?" I asked him quietly. He opened his mouth to respond, but Mr. Benette decided he would be the one to answer the question.
" I'LL TELL YOU WHAT HE'S DONE, HE'S TRYING TO SEDUCE MY DAUGHTER!" He spat and Ashley shrunk back into Harry's shoulder. I felt pain go threw me at his words. " Dad it's not like that." Ashley assured him. I lowered my eyes at her, curious to see what it was. My son had never had a girlfriend. If it was that, I don't think I would mind. She would be a good influence on him.
" What she said, we're dating. I took her on a date and everything. Ask Hanna mum I told her about it." Harry said draping his arm over her shoulder. She smiled and blushed. " I know I haven't had many girlfriends, but I don't think this is how you treat your daughter's boyfriend." Harry told Mr. Benette. Ashley gave him the "too far" look, and he smirked at her.
" Well your not my daughter's boyfriend. I don't approve, nor will I let it happen. Your a disgusting devil, who does not deserve my daughter." He spat at him. Ashley started to cry and Harry comforted her. Now it was my turn. That's my son, and no one talks about my son like that. No matter what he's done, that's my kid.
" Mr. Benette I don't agree with you talking to my son like that! Stop being so closed minded and give the two a chance!" I yelled at him. Harry looked at me in shock. I don't think he expected me to stick up for him. More so I don't think he expected me to agree with all of this. But Harry needs a positive influence in his life, and Ashley is a sweet girl.
" I will never give "them" a chance! There is no them! Ashley go to your room. Don't come out, understood!" He yelled her. She hid closer into Harry, and looked up at him. He gave her a smile. " Go on princess, listen to your dad. I'll text you later, and I'll see you at school tomorrow." He told her, and she frowned at his response. " Go on now." He said sweetly. It was and odd thing to hear from my son. Not that I minded. She stood up, and before she left Harry pecked her lips. Mr. Benette's eyes got so big, I thought they were going to pop out if his head. She went up to here room, and Harry smiled at Mr. Benette.
" Stay away from my little girl Harry! Don't come near her!" He spat at Harry. Harry smirked at him. " No promises Mr. Benette. It was nice talking to you, but I should be going. Ashley's gone now, so I have no desire to be here any longer." He said smirking at him. Harry got up and walked out the door. Mr. Benette glared at me as I followed Harry out of the house. When we got up to the door Harry hugged me.
" Thanks for sticking up for Ashley and I mum. I know I'm a jerk, but I really appreciate it. Ashley's a cool girl you'll love her." Harry told me with a smile. A smiled back at him. I haven't received many hugs from my son since his dad left us. " Your welcome Harry, just be careful. Be good to that girl. I'm trusting you Harry." I told him sternly, and he nodded. He looked back at the house and I saw Ashley looking outt her window. She had a smile on her face. She stuck her tongue out at him, and closed the blinds. I watched as Harry chuckled to himself, looking at his shoes and smiling. For the first time in a long time, I think putting my trust in my son was the right decision.
Hey guys it's Lindzey! Sorry it took me so long to update, I've been having a lot of issues at home. But to make it up to you guys, I decided to make it interesting! Chanel and I love your comments, and appreciate them, You guys are great keep commenting! If you like the story so far vote and subscribe! We love your input and any suggestions you have!
Love you, beautiful reader's of this story,
~ Lindzey Clark
P.S. If you have and question, comments, or concerns message me or Chanel. You can also get in contact with us on our facebook page. Look up Littledevildownthestreet it should pop up. You can also message me on Twitter @Lindzeyluvs1d
Yay gald your back!!!