Little Devil Down The Street [Harry Styles]
Chapter 11
I quickly scrambled out of my room and down the stairs, mumbling a quick goodbye to Gemma and Mum before bursting through the front door and over to Ashley. She must have been caught off guard because her eyes were wide.
"Hey," I smiled and proceeded to walk down the sidewalk.
"Hey, sorry if you didn't want to walk with me"
"No no no! I didn't know you were going to be waiting for me so I literally had to get out of bed, chuck some clothes on and run out the door. I'm still wearing the same boxers from yesterday"
I expected her to laugh at my joke, but instead she blushed a deep crimson colour and looked down at her feet. I was about to ask her what was wrong but then I remembered.
She saw me in my boxers.
I smirked like an idiot and bumped my elbow with her arm, "Are you remembering what they look like?"
She looked up frantically, "N-no!" She tried to sound fierce but I knew what she was doing... God I have to stop thinking about her or my pants will give away something.
The short walk to school was over and we went our separate ways, not before I could pull her in secretly behind the bushes and press a soft kiss to her cheek. She blushed again and jogged over to the school entrance. I was feeling content about my whole relationship with Ashley, I knew she liked me, I could tell, but it people found out what we had going on, it would be a disaster , and I don't think I could let Ashley go through that.
I made my way through the doors of the school entrance and went to my first class; English.
I sat down at a desk and pulled out my book. Yes, I only have one book for every subject.
"So, how is it being neighbours with a sex god like Harry Styles?" Mia pulled her lunch onto the table and picked at her food.
I shrugged, "It's alright, my Dad absolutely hates him, so we don't talk much" Complete lie. He had texted me about eight times in the past thirty minutes, all of which were inappropriate and made me question my morals.
"Really? I've heard he's got a thing for you" She scoffed, "Can you imagine that? "Harry Styles, the total sex god of a Sophomore is dating a Freshman" wow, people would be on your ass Ashley"
"Plus it's just weird" Finn butted in. Finn was Mia's boyfriend and they went everywhere together. Sure Finn had his own friends, but Mia kept him on a leash at all times.
Mia and Finn sat across me, resulting in me being the third wheel.
"I don't like him anyway, he wears shoes with no socks and sunglasses at night" Finn said again, I gave him a roll of my eyes.
"Harry doesn't wear sunglasses at night, Niall does. And Louis wears shoes without socks" I huffed.
"And how do you know that?" Mia raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to answer, "U-um because I see them over at Harry's house all the time"
Before any of them could answer, a loud and ignorant group of people stormed into the lunch area, "Ashleeeeeeyyyy" a deep, husky voice called from behind me and I knew exactly who it was.
"Go away, Harry"
He plopped himself down on the seat beside me, not touching me or anything, just smirking and he had that glint in his eyes like he was up to something stupid.
"I wanna talk about something"
I quickly scrambled out of my room and down the stairs, mumbling a quick goodbye to Gemma and Mum before bursting through the front door and over to Ashley. She must have been caught off guard because her eyes were wide.
"Hey," I smiled and proceeded to walk down the sidewalk.
"Hey, sorry if you didn't want to walk with me"
"No no no! I didn't know you were going to be waiting for me so I literally had to get out of bed, chuck some clothes on and run out the door. I'm still wearing the same boxers from yesterday"
I expected her to laugh at my joke, but instead she blushed a deep crimson colour and looked down at her feet. I was about to ask her what was wrong but then I remembered.
She saw me in my boxers.
I smirked like an idiot and bumped my elbow with her arm, "Are you remembering what they look like?"
She looked up frantically, "N-no!" She tried to sound fierce but I knew what she was doing... God I have to stop thinking about her or my pants will give away something.
The short walk to school was over and we went our separate ways, not before I could pull her in secretly behind the bushes and press a soft kiss to her cheek. She blushed again and jogged over to the school entrance. I was feeling content about my whole relationship with Ashley, I knew she liked me, I could tell, but it people found out what we had going on, it would be a disaster , and I don't think I could let Ashley go through that.
I made my way through the doors of the school entrance and went to my first class; English.
I sat down at a desk and pulled out my book. Yes, I only have one book for every subject.
"So, how is it being neighbours with a sex god like Harry Styles?" Mia pulled her lunch onto the table and picked at her food.
I shrugged, "It's alright, my Dad absolutely hates him, so we don't talk much" Complete lie. He had texted me about eight times in the past thirty minutes, all of which were inappropriate and made me question my morals.
"Really? I've heard he's got a thing for you" She scoffed, "Can you imagine that? "Harry Styles, the total sex god of a Sophomore is dating a Freshman" wow, people would be on your ass Ashley"
"Plus it's just weird" Finn butted in. Finn was Mia's boyfriend and they went everywhere together. Sure Finn had his own friends, but Mia kept him on a leash at all times.
Mia and Finn sat across me, resulting in me being the third wheel.
"I don't like him anyway, he wears shoes with no socks and sunglasses at night" Finn said again, I gave him a roll of my eyes.
"Harry doesn't wear sunglasses at night, Niall does. And Louis wears shoes without socks" I huffed.
"And how do you know that?" Mia raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to answer, "U-um because I see them over at Harry's house all the time"
Before any of them could answer, a loud and ignorant group of people stormed into the lunch area, "Ashleeeeeeyyyy" a deep, husky voice called from behind me and I knew exactly who it was.
"Go away, Harry"
He plopped himself down on the seat beside me, not touching me or anything, just smirking and he had that glint in his eyes like he was up to something stupid.
"I wanna talk about something"
WOW GUYS HEYSo I'm so sorry we haven't updated in legit WEEKS but I'm back and yeah (: Sorry this is so short, I'm having writers block for this story and I'm about to go shopping because I'm going to ENGLAND IN LIKE 20 SOMETHING DAYS WOO
And yeah, I haven't heard from Chanel in like years, does anyone know if she's okay or?
please tell me! I haven't heard from her in agesss I hope she's okay!
- Hanna x
Yay gald your back!!!