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A Party With A Twist

“And then he fucking kissed me,” Melissa spits out, mouth pulled back in anger.

Things are slow at the moment. There hasn’t been any costumers looking for a pastry to buy for over fifteen minutes. Melissa has all the time to tell Natasha just how pissed off she is.

Natasha turns around and leans up against the counter, face now turned towards her friend. Like Melissa, she crosses her arms. There’s a small smile playing on her lips. “And was he good?”

“I don’t know. I was too busy trying to shove him off,” Melissa scoffs. She narrows her eyes and glares at her friend. “”I didn’t want to kiss him. He forced me. He assaulted me.”

The smile immediately disappears from Natasha’s lips. She furrows her eyebrows. “Mel, he only kissed you. You can hardly call it assault.”

“I can because it is,” Melissa barks. How can Natasha say that? He forced her to kiss him, he touched her under her skirt. Of course it was assault, even if he didn’t touch her there. “He forced me up against a wall, so I couldn’t get away. And then he kissed me and put his hand under my uniform.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry,” Natasha apologizes as her face goes soft. “Are you okay?”

“I’m alright. I’m not scared. Not anymore. I’m just angry. I just really want to hit him. In the nuts.” Melissa runs a hand through her hair, eliviating the headache that has been plaguing her ever since she started telling Natasha about the vacation. “I think that would really help. Hurting him.”

“I don’t really think that would be a good idea,” Natasha tells her friend. She shifts from one foot to the other. “He’ll take revenge. Set the school on you again. I think avoiding him is your best bet. If he doesn’t see you, he can’t assault you.”

Even though Melissa would like to say that Natasha’s advice is bad – it’s the coward’s way out – Melissa knows her friend is right. She can’t take revenge on Louis, not if she wants to survive. Attacking him is a death sentence, only worth risking in dire circumstances.

“You’re right,” Melissa admits with a sigh. “Avoiding him is the best idea.”

Melissa uncrosses her arms, allows them to dangle at her side. She lowers her head, lets her eyes wonder to her shoes. Now that Melissa has vented her anger, she feels frustration creeping up. She can feel it in her chest, gnawing away at her. “I just don’t get him. What does he want from me? Why did he kiss me?”

She doesn’t really understand why she cares, why she’s asking Natasha these questions. Why would she care why Louis kissed her? Why he was nice one moment and murderous the next. But most of all, why he had looked at her the way he had done. Does he want her?

No, that could not be it. He is Louis Tomlinson – the heir to a vast fortune and of noble blood – and she is Melissa Bewick – a girl whose parents can barely afford to pay the rent of their apartment. He looked down on her, hated her guts. He was not attracted to her.

“Maybe he thinks your fit?” Natasha suggest – unaware that Melissa has just come to the conclusion that it had to be anything but that.

“Highly unlikely,” Melissa scoffs. She lets out another sigh and lifts her head. Natasha is looking at her, her head cocked. “It’s just another attempt of him to get me to quite school. He probably hopes it’ll make me scared enough to give up.”

“And you’re not.” It is not a question. Natasha knows Melissa does not back down. Not ever.
“No, I’m not,” Melissa aggress and she nods her head. Her lips morph into a smile. “Can’t wait to see his face when he sees his little plan didn’t work.”

“Just remember to avoid him, alright?” Natasha reminds her friend. “Gloat all you want, but don’t be near him when you do.”

“I won’t,” Melissa promises.

Suddenly, the little bel above the door chimes. Someone has entered the shop.

Melissa looks past Natasha and her eyes grow big when she sees who it is. Looking as painfully perfect as she always does, Suzanne is walking towards the counter, a smile on her face.

She’s looks stunning, dressed in a tight-fitting red dress, the golden bracelets on her wrists rattling as she moves. Sunglasses are pushed back over her long shiny hair.

Seeing the surprise on her friend’s face, Natasha turns around and lets out a gasp when she sees who their costumer is.

“Melissa,” Suzanne exclaims. She leans one perfectly manicured hand on the counter and grins at Melissa, like they’re old friends. “How are you?”

It hurts seeing Suzanne. Like there’s a knife sticking into her chest, into her heart. This is who Zayn loves, this perfect creature. She’s fit, successful, rich - all the things Melissa is not - and she’s also really nice.

“I’m alright,” Melissa replies with a shrug of her shoulders. “Bit tired. My shift is almost over.”
Suzanne perfectly shaped eyebrows pull into a frown. “Well, I hope you’re not too tired for a party.”

“What?” Melissa furrows her own bushy eyebrows in confusion.

A grin suddenly splits Suzanne face in two and her eyes seem to dance under the artificial lights. “I’m throwing a party tonight and you and your friends are invited.”

What! Why the hell would Suzanne invited Melissa to a party? Maybe it’s another set up, like the invitation of the three monster to go clubbing with them. But Suzanne wouldn’t pull shit like that, right? Suzanne has always been nice to her. She had given Melissa a make-over, had made her pretty so she wouldn’t look a fool at the boat party.

“Today’s my birthday. I‘m celebrating tonight,” Suzanne explains. “I’m here to invite you. And buy a pretty cupcake of course.”

Suzanne dips her head and lets her eyes roam over the pastries that are displayed behind the glass of the counter. “So, are you coming?”

Melissa would’ve liked to say no. If she wouldn’t mind lying, she would tell Suzanne that she has other plans tonight. Even if this part isn’t a set-up, it’s still going to be embarrassing for Melissa, not to mention painful. Both Louis and Zayn are going to be there and seeing them is going to be painful, each for their own reason. Melissa going to have to watch Zayn and Suzanne be all lovey-dovey all night, if she isn’t too busy trying to dodge Louis. She should say she’s not going to come.

But instead of refusing the invitation, she asks, “How many friends can come with me?”
Suzanne lifts her head and pushes her sunglasses back up, they’ve slipped down her forehead. “As many as you like. It’s a big party. There’s going to be enough food.”

Support is going to be important tonight. Melissa’s going to need her friends in order to survive the party. Maybe Suzanne knows and that’s why she’s allowing Melissa to invite her friends.

Thank God she and Niall have made up. He’d spend all last night comforting Melissa after she had called him up in tears.

Suzanne lowers her head again and presses one perfectly manicured finger nail up against the glass behind which the pastries are displayed. “I want to buy that one. With the rainbow on it.”

After Melissa has put the cupcake in a small box and Suzanne has paid for it, she grabs it from the counter. She looks at Melissa with a warm smile. “I’m really happy you’re coming. I really like you.”

And with that, she turns around and walks out of the shop, moving like she’s on a catwalk.


“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” Niall asks, voice careful.

Melissa is sitting slumped on a chair, fourth bottle of beer in her hand. Niall is sitting on the chair next to hers, Cola in his own bottle. The brown liquid sloshes every time he moves.
Natasha is standing next to Niall’s chair, hands on the backrest. She’s dressed in a short black dress and her hair is pulled back by a black hairband. Golden earrings are dangling from her earlobes. Both she and Melissa have been dressed and made-up by Natasha’s older sister, who does some modeling on the side while she finishes her undergraduate degree.

Natasha has known Niall as long as Melissa. Like Melissa, she lost contact with Niall. She’s been a lot more enthusiastic when she was reunited with their lost friend then Melissa had been. As soon as he’d walked into her house, she’d thrown herself at him. She’d wrapped both arms around his neck and kissed him on both cheeks. He’d blushed at her display of affection.

The cold night wind nips at Melissa’s bare legs, shaking her from her reverie. Like her friend, she’s dressed in a short dress but hers is green. The color fits much better with her black hair and olive skin then black would. Melissa’s hair is curled and frozen into place by hairspray. There’s a silver necklace around her neck.

“What makes you think that?” Melissa asks, her voice slurring, answer her own question. “It’s because I’m drunk? Do you think I’m too drunk? I don’t think I’m drunk enough.”

Coming to the party has been a mistake, a very big one. It’s every bit as painful as she had feared and her friends being here doesn’t help at all. Zayn is still following Suzanne around like a lost puppy, being only one step behind her wherever she goes.

Melissa supposes she should be happy that they’re not acting all loved up. She doesn’t understand why they don’t. Could it be that they’re keeping their relationship a secret for some reason? Suzanne doesn’t treat Zayn with more affection then she does the other F4, paying all four of them equal amount of attention but Zayn doesn’t seem able to hide that he wants her to. His yearning looks are hard to miss, or how close to her he’s always standing .

And then there’s Louis, who’s walking around like it’s his party and not his friend’s. Melissa can’t help but look at him when he enters her field of vision, heart beating rapidly in fear whenever she does. He acts like he always does, like he hasn’t forced a girl to kiss him the day before.

Up until now she’s managed to keep him from noticing her too. Whenever he comes close, she flees the other way, friends following behind her. But after two hours of dodging Louis, she finally had enough and had sat down on the chair she’s now sitting on. At the time, she had started on her second beer.

One hour and many beers later, Niall decided that she had enough alcohol for the night. Of course, Melisa doesn’t agree.

“Yeah, I think you’re too drunk. You’re almost falling out of your chair,” Niall replies dryly. He grabs for her when she tilts to the side but he’s too late. She falls off of the chair, bottle of beer still in hand. The brown liquid spills all over her green dress. Natasha’s sister is going to kill her.

“Fuck,” she curses as a stab of pain runs through her hip as she lands on the grass.
“Mel,” Natasha exclaims and she runs to Melissa’s side. With trembling hands and with Niall’s help she pulls Melissa up off the grass and back on the chair.

At that moment, a man walks by, an arm wrapped around a young girl. She’s around Melissa’s age and the man’s hands are all over her.

“Please, sir,” the girl pleads, voice soft and head lowered in fear.

It sends a bold of adrenaline through Melissa. Suddenly she’s angry, her body rearing to punch the bloody pervert.

Why wouldn’t she?

She springs to her feet, stalks towards the old man and punches him in the jaw. The girl is freed as he falls to the ground, eyes wide with surprise.

“Mel,” Natasha exclaims. She and Niall are right behind Melissa. Both of them grab her arms and pull her back, preventing her from attacking again.

“I’m okay. I’m okay,” Melissa assures her friends. She doesn’t struggle, just glares at the man lying on the ground as her chest heaves. “You can let me go now.”

After a beat, Niall and Natasha let go of their hold on Melissa.

As soon as the two friends take a step back, the girl Melissa has just rescued hides behind Melissa. Her hands tremble as she grabs the back of the other girl’s green dress and she starts to cry.

“Keep your bloody paws off of her,” Melissa growls, glaring at the man that’s still lying on his back on the ground.

“What the fuck is wrong with you,” he shouts, looking angrily at Melissa. “I’m not forcing myself on her. Tell her, Karen.”

But the girl, Karen, too afraid to say anything, presses her head up against Melissa’s back and shakes her head slowly.

“Don’t fucking lie. You disgust me,” Melissa spits out.

“Melissa, what are you doing?”

It’s Suzanne and she’s looking at Melissa like she’s gone mad. Zayn is of course right behind her, a look of surprise on his face. If she wasn’t so drunk, Melissa would probably be mortified that Zayn has seen her attack someone.

And standing next to him is Louis and he’s glaring at Melissa. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I invited her,” Suzanne tells Louis. Her eyebrows furrow in confusion as her eyes remain on Melissa, who’s swaying on her feet. “Melissa. What’s going on?”

“That pervert had his hands all over this girl,” Melissa leans her head sideways so Suzanne and the boys can see the girl skulking behind her. “I hate guys like him, so I kicked his arse.”

“Like I already told this maniac, Karen is my date. She doesn’t mind me touching her,” the guy in questions defends himself. He hasn’t tried to get up yet. He glares at Melissa before he turns his head again to look at Suzanne.

“Is this true?” Suzanne asks. Her eyes find Karen’s over Melissa’s shoulder.

“No,” Karen denies, her voice soft. It’s a miracle it’s audible over the music and the clamor of the party. “I told him to stop. He wouldn’t listen.”

“You lying slut,” the guy screams, voicer high-pitched. He jumps to his feet and moves to attack either Karen or Melissa, Melissa isn’t sure.

“That’s enough.” Suzanne’s voice is sharp and cold. “If you would be so kind to leave my party. I don’t want any of my guests to feel uncomfortable.

“What,” the guy squeaks, clearly not used to being shown the door. He’d stopped dead in his tracks as soon as Suzanne had opened her mouth. Now he turns to Suzanne. His eyes are narrowed in anger as he turns his head to look at Suzanne. “I was invited, she wasn’t. If she feels uncomfortable, she should leave, not I.”

“Seeing as you’re the one who molested her, not the other way around I’m asking you to leave. Now, please leave the premises or I will have to call security.” Suzanne’s eyes are cold, all the usual warmth gone from them.

The guy grumbles, but he does walk away, throwing a poisonous look in Melissa and Karen’s direction.

“I’ll follow him to make sure he actually leaves,” Suzanne announces. She turns around and walks away in the direction of where the crowd has swallowed the sleazer.

“Thank you so much for helping me,” the girl Karen still hiding behind tells Melissa in a fragile voice. She wraps her arms around the other girl’s waist and squeezes it. Her hold is strong, making it for a moment impossible for Melissa to breath.

“No problem,” Melissa squeaks.

Zayn has of course followed Suzanne in pursuit of the sleaze but Louis is still there, staring at Melissa with angry eyes. And then he’s suddenly stalking in her direction.

Melissa takes a step back, pushing Karen back as well, who lets out a yelp of surprise. Melissa turns around. Karen looks at her with big eyes, taken aback by the other girl’s behavior.

“I have to go. Are you going to be alright?”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Louis barks from behind Melissa and suddenly, his hand grabs her wrist and he turns her around.

Louis is looking at her, eyes narrowed as they shine with anger. He’s standing close, his expansive aftershave suddenly all Melissa can smell. Suddenly, she’s back on the fire escape, Louis forcing her against a wall, leaning in to kiss her.

“I want to talk to you.”

“No,” Melissa exclaims in panic. She yanks her wrist free from Louis’s grip. The look on his face changes from anger to confusion. “I’m not going anywhere with you. You’re as bad as that guy.”

“No, I’m not. What the hell are you talking about,” Louis growls, face clouding over once again.

“You know what I’m talking about,” Melissa barks. She narrows her eyes at Louis.
And then suddenly, she’s bending over, throwing up all over Louis’s expensive black shoes.


So here it is guys, a new chapter. I hope you guys liked it. You guys now have met Karen. She's going to play a big part in the rest of the story.

There are only 10 chapters left. But don't fear. There will be a sequel. And if you can't get enough of Loulissa, (you guys like the ship name?) I just posted a drabble on my Tumblr that may become canon in the future. https://sellway1djb.tumblr.com/post/184393770787/you-belong-to-me

Please, let me know your thoughts about the chapter.


I cannot wait to read about their date! It’s gonna be sooo good! I wonder how Niall is gonna feel about it though...

Couchpotato Couchpotato

LOVE THIS STORY! but i weirdly just want louis and melissa together even after what hes done! he just wants to be loved :(((

Allforbrits Allforbrits

Thank you so much for your enthousiasm. I'm going to post the next chapter this Saturday.

sellway sellway

please update!!

Allforbrits Allforbrits


Syden17Jade Syden17Jade