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Kill Me


Within a few seconds I black out...

I wake up tied up in a chair. I try to move my wrists but there stuck in the tape. I can't see a thing. I sigh and close my eyes.
This is no use, I'll have to wait and see it for myself...

A little later lights go on. I blink with my eyes, trying to get used to the lights. I shake with my head, trying to wake up, and look up to the person who came in.
"Not so big now, huh?" Emily smirks.
She takes the tape off my mouth.
"Fuck off." I spat.
"Sure, let Dylan go and we'll let you go."
"How am I supposed to do that? I'm sitting tied up in a chair."
"You're gonna call Calum. Tell him that he needs to come here, we'll take him for you, We'll rescue Dylan, and you're back in our gang. Simple right?"
"I rather kill myself."
"L, we're not going to kill you. We're going to do a lot worse. Now. Let's Call Calum."
She grabs my phone, which she probably took earlier, out of her pocket.
She dials the Calum's number and waits until he picks up.
"Babe, where the hell are you?!?! I've looked for you everywhere! Please tell me that you're okay." He begins to ramble.
"She's fine. For now at least." Emily answers.
"Emily, let her go."
"Sure, but we want you to take her place."
"I want to know sure that she's okay."
"Here you have her." She puts the phone against my ear.
"Calum, whatever you do, don't you fucking dare to come back for me." I spat.
"Awh, Calum. It's her. Or you." Emily takes the phone back to her.
"Okay, but I wanna make sure that she actually makes it back to my gang. I'm prepared to exchange me for her, but I want that the rest of my gang can take her back."
"Great. Where should we meet?"
"The parking lot."
"Good, when?"
"Tomorrow 3pm."
"Hmm, I need to check if I can schedule that.."
"It's that or nothing."
"I'll work something out."
"Calum, Don't you fucking dare!" I yell.
Tears appear in my eyes as Emily hangs up the phone.
"Awh, do you need to cry? Don't worry L, we'll torture him so much that he wished he died the night of the attack."
"No..." I let a tear slip.
"Why are you doing this? We did nothing bad since you attacked us!"
"You captured Dyl!"
"He was on our territory. We had all right to!"
"Please Em. Calum did nothing wrong! It was Luke who captured him and me who wanted him locked up in the basement! Calum has nothing to do with this."
"He's your gang leader, so technically he does."
"Please, just take me instead of him.. He doesn't deserve this.."
"It's a unfair world we live in..."
"Why are you even here? Can't you just leave me alone?"
"Lana, you're trained by Dean and The girlfriend of the leader of our rival gang."
"So you're taking me because I'm having something with Calum?"
She nods her head.
"I've been doing my homework and know that he would do about anything for you."
"So what?! Charlie had a huge crush on Ashton, but you didn't kill her for that, did you?!"
"Because I didn't know until now."
"Would you seriously kill Charlie because of that? Charlie, the most lovable person we know.."
She sighs.
"If Dean gave me the orders..."
"You would?!?!." I yell.

Then I realize something.. A few months ago I would've done the same.
"I've been such an asshole all these years.." I mumble.
"Yeah, not so long ago, I would do everything for Dean. Everything to make him proud of me. I've been such a brat..."
She shrugs.
"Can't change the past."
I nod my head and zone out.

After a few hours after Emily left I hear someone come down again.
"Lana." I hear Dean.
"Asshole." I reply.
"You should show me some respect." He spats.
"Why would I?"
"Because I'm the one who has control over your boyfriends life now."
"Please, you're not gonna kill him. You're gonna torture him."
"Well.. I'm prepared to torture him, but eventually let him go..."
I look up to him.
"If you're prepared to come back."
"Why is that such a big deal to you?! Why do you want me back?!"
"I have my reasons."
"Dean, I love Calum.. A lot... Why is he such a problem to you? Why can't we forget this and just move on?"
"Because we can't Lana."
I sigh.

"Why not? Why can't you just leave us alone?!"
"You were the one who captured Dylan."
"Because he was on our territory."
"I want Dylan back."
"Well, boohoo, go cry somewhere else but leave me alone."
"What? Am I overstepping the line? Well, I don't give two fucks about it."
"Awh, do I need to stop? Go away then you don't have to Listen or see me anymore."
He doesn't leave though. He walks to me and hits me hard across my face.
I'm shocked for a moment but quickly my attitude returns.
"Awh, hitting girls again? Aren't you suppose to torture some innocent people?"
Again, he hits me.
"Stop it." He spats.
I feel the famous warmth of blood streaming off my lip.
"Can't you go any harder?" I pout.
Again, he hits me. This time harder than first.
"Happy?" He spats.
"Are you?" I shoot back.
"Super happy."
He turns around and walks away without looking at me again.

After a few hours I see Alex coming down with some water.
I always kinda liked him. He was easy going and not so stressed. I kinda got scared when Dylan yelled that he would call him for a threesome, but I know now that he would never do that.
"Here." He says while hands it to me.
I look at him.
"I'm tied up. How am I supposed to grab that?"
"Sorry, forgot." He smiles and brings it to my mouth.
I take a few sips.
"Thanks." I mumble
"No problem." He looks at me and zones out.

I look at myself and see that I'm a mess.
Dirty clothes, sweaty hair hanging across my face, dirt all over my body.
I feel Disgust.

"You know, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but they're gonna let Dylan free when Calum leaves his home."
He nods his head.
"You probably will be back here soon. Dylan went totally crazy after you broke up with him."
"But why?"
"He's crazy L. Just crazy in his head."
"What is he going to do with me?"
"I don't know, but I'm sure that you won't like it."
"You're thinking about raping?"
"If Dean is around not, but if Dean's gone..."
"L, it's not because of you. He just can't handle that Calum got you."
"Do you know what they're going to do to Calum?"
"No, I don't.. But whatever it is.. It won't be pretty..."


Hey guys

So it's been 3 days since my last update, which is pretty normal, or bc of school it's pretty normal. I kinda wrote this instead of making homework >:)




@Five seconds of one direction




No probleeemmmsss bub!❤️❤️

Yay!! Thanks love!!
