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Harry's eyes snapped open when a small piece of glass fell on his lap. He signed and took a glance at his brother beside him, who was still not awake. His head was hurting damn hard and he couldn't figure out what was going on until he saw the front mirror of the car, most of it broken and some pieces were covered with some red liquid. What the fuck? What's going on? he thought. His mind was overflowing with a plethora of questions. He couldn't remember anything clearly because he was drunk when it all happened. He quickly got out of the car leaving Liam alone, to decipher what was going on. There was no other car nearby on the road where their car was standing.

Harry moved further and further away from the car. He saw something at rest on ground far away. He couldn't clearly see what it was since his vision was a blur. He slowly walked closer to that thing. As he marched closer and closer to it, his eyes widened and he became breathless.

Harry rubbed his eyes several times at the sight of a man's body. He swallowed harshly when realization hit him: this man was hit by THEIR car! He ran his hand through his hair and ran to that side of the car where Liam was. He immediately opened the car's door.

Harry shakes Liam for the nth time and yelled,' Liam! Come on wake up!'. Eventually his brother slowly opened his eyes and at once remembered everything that had happened after seeing the broked window with blood on it.

Liam rushed to the man's body that Harry had pointed to. His took deep breaths as he grabbed that man's arm and checked for pulse. No pulse! But he didn't gave up he put his ear on his chest to listen any heartbeat. No sound! Nothing at all!

His heart sank as tears rushed down his eyes. He coulnt believe it, he just killed a man!
Harry found the courage to ask,' A..a...isss h..ee dddead?' though he had figured out the answer after watching his brother's facial expressions. Liam didn't respond, he was just breathing hard and was in a deep thought.

'Liam?' Harry muttered,' look ever thing is gonna be okay... Just calm-'
'NO!' Liam yelled cutting Harry, ' This is all your fault! I... No you did it!' He finished with these words that shocked Harry.

'Liam, what are you saying?' Harry mumbled clearly not believing his brother's words.
'This is all your fucking fault!' Liam yelled again,' if I wouldn't have come to get a drunk you, none of this would have happened.'
Harry's jaw dropped and he felt afraid, sure he has felt fear before but this was different, this was terror. He ignored every comment his brother gave because at the moment it wasn't important. He picked his phone from his jeans pocket and dialled 911.

Harry fiddled with his fingers which he always did when he was nervous. He was sitting on a couch looking at his fingers. The police had traced Harry's number and were outside the Bennet's house, examining the broken car.

'This is all your fault!' May yelled at Harry,'if I just wouldn't have sent Liam to get you, none of this would have happened!!'
She spoke the same words his son had said a while ago.
'Liam has his exam tomorrow and now this has happened...' She yelled again. Harry's eyes were filled with tears, this was the worst day of his life, so much had happened today; Alaska broke his heart, he encountered an accident and now this! How could some one blame his crime on the other person! Liam was driving the car, he killed the man! How can he just blame it on his brother.

'My son is destroyed!' May cried,' his future is destroyed! All because of his lazy, arrogant, good for nothing Brother!'

These words completely broke Harry, his heart had already broke into zillion of pieces and now his own mother was scolding him.

Ray was standing under the doorframe, watching this scene quietly.

A knock on the door moved Ray but not just him, everyone especially Liam. 'Please don't open the door, please they are goona take me', Liam pleaded. The police harshly knocked on the door, shouting to open it.

Eventually Ray got downstairs to open the door. The door opened revealing to officers with angry looks. They just asked one question clear enough to be heard by everyone in the house:

"Who is responsible for this?"

Ray didn't respond but looked down. The officer repeated the question:

"Who is responsible for the death of this man?!?!"

Without thinking again, Harry rushed downstairs his face pure red, tears in his eyes.

" I'm responsible for this." He said, looking down.

Ray's mouth dropped in awe. Not just him but Liam and May were shocked too, they ran towards the stairs.

The officer narrowed his eyes at Harry before asking,

"Are you sure, son?"

Harry nodded once and forwarded hands for the handcuffs, a tear escaping his eye. The officers put the handcuffs around his wrists pulled him with them to the police car.

By now, every person in the neighbour hood had come out of their house including Alaska.

Liam tried to get out of the house for his brother but his mother stopped him by tightly grabbing his wrist.
The officer pushed Harry into the car making him groan a little but still he was looking down.

Alaska ran to a side of the car accompanied by Niall who was confused about the situation.

'Harry? No... No.no no no. I don't believe this!' He cried as the officers settled in the car seats.

Alaska was still staring at the depressed Harry. Something's wrong she thought. This is not true!

Harry looked up and made eye contact with the girl he loved, a tear slipped from his eyes and he purses his lips before the police car drove off.


Check out my new story iChat...

xx Lyn


Heyyy i luv this story sooo mych
Plzzzzz updateeee

coffeebean coffeebean

Thank you so much... I will try :)

merilynpaige merilynpaige

it is a very gud story!!!!
plz update more often

coffeebean coffeebean

Yup that's the mystery! ;))

merilynpaige merilynpaige

I don't find it boring I find it intriguing. Like why Harry was in jail in the first place. I know it will get better!