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For Your Eyes Only

Chapter 32

I jerked awake to the sound of my phone ringing off the hook across the room. It was hanging half off the TV stand in the hotel room where I’d left it yesterday. I stumbled not-so-gracefully out of bed, my foot catching in the big fluffy comforter. I went flying to the floor and landed on my face, my hand grazing the phone.
“Hello?” I mumbled, refusing to pull myself up from the floor.
“Hey, Annie! How are you?” came the chirpy reply. I pulled the phone away from my ear to check the time. Why is Kally calling me at 1:00 A.M.?
“Kally? Why are you calling me so late?”
“What do you mean? It’s only 8!”
“Oh, right. I forgot. The timey-wimey thing about earth…” That sounded right in my head…
“Oh, sorry! I forgot! It’s like 1 there isn’t it.” That’s Kally, always the smart one, always good at math.
“So… um… how are you?” I asked. I hadn’t spoken to her in a while. She used to be my best friend, back in the states. We were inseparable. We were until I left.
“Oh, I’m great. That’s why I called. I’m getting married, Annie-Bear!”
“Oh, that’s fan-awesome, or something…” My brain struggled to form coherent words.
“I’m really sorry, Annie. I forgot about the time zones completely.” Time zones, that’s the word…
“No, it’s good. Who is he?” I asked. I really was happy for her, it was just difficult to express at this hour.
“He’s so perfect, Ann. Remember the place we used to go for pizza with the boys back in grade school?”
“Remember the kid that we made fun of who sat in the corner booth and practically had a different girl every week?”
“No you didn’t.”
“Yes I did,” she giggled. I remembered him. Little did she know, he tried to kiss me once. I’d slapped him and then run away. “His name is Mark Davis. He’s so perfect!”
“You mentioned that.”
“So, I wanted to call and ask… Annie, I haven’t really gotten particularly close to anyone else since you left. Other than Mark, of course. So I was wondering if, um… I was just wondering if you’d be my Maid of Honor.”
“Really? Wow, Kally, I don’t know what to say. I’d love to,” I replied quietly.
“Yay! Ok, I’ll call you tomorrow when we’re both able to function properly,” she giggled. We said our quick goodbyes and I hung up, laying my head down in my arms. Now I had to get back into bed…
“Annie?” I turned to see Niall sitting up, staring at me in confusion. I realized then what a train wreck I probably looked like. I was twisted up in sheets and comforter in a tank-top and pj shorts, sprawled out on my stomach on the floor, holding my phone at 1 in the morning. “What’re you doing?” he muttered. I could have died right then and there at the sound of his deep, gravelly morning voice slurring through my mind.
“I, erm, fell.”
“I see that,” he said in an amused voice. I groaned as I pushed myself up and back into bed, laying on my side. I yelped in quiet surprise, feeling his arm wrap around my waist and pull my back flush to his front. “Why were you out of bed? I got cold,” he whispered.
“A friend called on the phone and it was over there.”
“At this time?”
“She’s in the states. She forgot.”
“Mm.” He nuzzled into my hair and inhaled deeply. We laid in silence, just warming one another. I was amazed at how perfectly we fit together, with his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me to him. I felt him push his leg in between mine and happily accepted the foreign intrusion. He hummed against me and pulled me closer, if at all possible.
Four hours later we were being shaken awake and shouted at to get up and get ready for the first interviews of the day. The boys were first to head to GNC 102, a popular German news station, around 8, and then to a signing after.
Niall climbed out of bed and before I knew it, he was wrapping me in the comforter and lifting me into his arms. I was still half asleep and utterly confused as he made his way downstairs to the breakfast bar.
“Oi, Oi!” greeted Louis as Niall entered lazily with me, a fluffy roll of person, bridal style in his arms. The room erupted in laughter, which definitely woke me up.
“Niiiiii,” I whined, blushing in embarrassment. He laughed deeply, immediately bring a smile to my face despite the awkwardness of the situation. He brought me to a couch in the corner and laid me down, obviously drawing out the part where he had to slide his hands from beneath me.
“Your Highness,” he winked, turning away. “Stay exactly where you are, and I’ll get whatever you need.” The corners of his mouth turned up in a sly grin, telling me that even if I tried to run away, he’d only chase me down and further my embarrassment.
“Niall,” I complained again. He instantly organized the other lads and began delivering orders, which they promptly carried out. I was handed a cup of coffee with cream and sugar, just how I liked it, as well as a plate of pancakes with blueberries and grapes on the side. I spent most of the ten minutes giggling my head off, until Niall sat down on the edge of the couch and promptly began to feed me.
After two bites I snatched the fork away and fed myself, too embarrassed to continue. He threw his head back and laughed, childishly pleased with himself. I glanced away, suddenly catching my eye on a top-heavy blonde across the room. She held a coffee mug in her long, manicured fingers and was eyeing Niall shamelessly. I watched in disgust as she bit her lip, then dragged her tongue across it. This was not going to happen. I leaned forward quite suddenly and grabbed Niall by his shirt, crashing my lips dramatically to his. He let out a surprised gaspy-moan and combed his fingers through my hair before pulling me back.
“What was that for?” he asked with a boyish grin. I angled my head toward the offender.
“She couldn’t keep her eyes off you. I wanted her to know you’re mine,” I muttered with a shrug.
“I quite like it when you’re demanding like that,” he whispered in my ear, so the others, who had already been a bit startled at our sudden kissing session, wouldn’t hear.
“Well, we both have to go get ready now, so try and keep your hands off me until then,” I smarted back. He waggled his eyebrows and followed me closely up the stairs to our room. I gasped as I felt his hand on my bum, squeezing tightly. I batted his hand away and ran into the bathroom, quickly locking the door. I could hear him laughing through the door.
Ok, let’s tackle the make-up job.


NOTE: GNC 102 is not real. I just made it up :)



Thank you! Sadly, some trolls killed my ratings for this story and my other one, Flat 51.

PianoWriter PianoWriter

I'm enjoying this so far, good characterization of Niall :)

hockeyfan16 hockeyfan16


SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT! The story is technically finished, but once in a while I'll throw another update on here.

PianoWriter PianoWriter

Great update!<3

xo_caitlin_xo xo_caitlin_xo


I'm trying to keep it current/ As a reader, I know how annoying it can be when updates are few and far between!

PianoWriter PianoWriter