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Temporary home

Chapter 7

Louis p.o.v

Fire is everywhere, burning down the hospital, as my eyes scan the room, I see Vanessa's carefree demeanor has vanished; her face is filled with pain and her eyes with fear. I want to rush over to the other side of the room and run outside with her, or even just hold her and make her feel safe. But the red walls that surrounded her, traps me also. As the flames rise and devour Vanessa, they block my vision. I scream out her name at the top of my lungs as I lose her.

The building is like a labyrinth, I don't know where I am or how to get out, it becomes harder to fight as my vision blacks out around the corners. The smoke has filled my lungs and everything starts burning down.

I have nowhere to run, and no way of getting out. I can't stop thinking about what it must be like to die like this, burnt alive with all of your memories and nerves. It must be the worst thing in the world.

Vanessa's voice plays in my ears "Louis,Louis!"

"Stop it!" I scream as flashes of Vanessa becoming ash go through my mind. Before I could stop anything, I break down, sobs throw my body to the ground as I scream and cry, waiting for my death.

Vanessa's voice rings in my ears calling me and telling my i'm fine, the whole building shakes snapping my body into a bright, white light. Vanessa's face is hovering inches above mine, relieved I let out a sigh and pull Vanessa into me inhaling her fruity scented hair. I note I am drenched in sweat and panting, but surprisingly all Vanessa does is frantically try and see if I'm okay, or if she needs to call a nurse.

As she examines me and decides I am physically okay, she then lays at an angle where she is slightly sitting up. Her arm wraps around my shoulder pulling me down on her chest plate stroking my hair.

"Shhh, it was just a dream" Vanessa whispers, soothing me. Just seeing her alive calms me, and plays down the vivid effects.

"It was all an illusion, you're safe baby"

I feel like shit. I need to stop worrying Vanessa. Like every other kid, she's probably at the school because her parents don't have time for her.Yet she is still such loving person even though she's most likely never been loved by any family. Vanessa has to be the most amazing person ever. She still shows me love. While I am selfish, first I walked into the forest and almost got myself killed , secondly I just about tore my stitches, third, I woke her up and scared her half-to-death.

I look at how long we slept in and I feel even worse. I deserve to be hit, and beat by her. She is a fricken medical student, which means her time would be better spent studying or doing school work. But instead I am wasting her time, making her baby me.

"I'm fine, you don't HAVE to stay Ness, you can do whatever else you had planned today."

"I didn't have anything planned, would you like me to leave?"

Vanessa's eyes are tender saying this, but I can see the hurt behind them, God I am such rude, time consuming, waste of space. I wish that wolf had just killed me and saved me the trouble.

I feel light-headed and burry my face into her neck, Vanessa is still trying to comfort me and it makes me want to drop on my knees and cry for this girl because I will never do anything to deserve her; and I have no idea why she is wasting her time on me, I am just a fuck-up.

Vanessa isn't even an adult yet , yet she has a future ahead if her, while I haven't accomplished anything. She's in the honours role, and I don't know anything. Well I mean I know how to play football, but I don't know anything other than that.

Vanessa makes me forget about all of my troubles, I mean Liam's my best mate, and would of helped me if I told him I was suicidal, but Vanessa didn't need a reason to be kind and love me the way she does.

All I ever wanted was to be happy, but some people just won't allow it, they say I am a womanizer, walking STD's, she should stay away from me because I'm a player, I'm not smart enough to be at the school, everyone else got in on talents but I had to buy my way in, no one likes me, to go home, that I am a joke, I am a useless wannabe football star,etc.

I just want to live a happy life, but these people won't allow it. The worst part is, I don't have any control over what Vanessa will hear about me, or what people will tell her about me. I already know how badly it'll hurt to see the false rumors about me, I wish people would be more sympathetic than cruel.

I hope Vanessa will never hear what some of the guys say about her. I make a silent pact to myself I will always treat Vanessa the way I want others to treat her.

I don't know what I ever did to deserve her, but I chose her and she chose me back, and I will make sure to let her know just how much it means to me. I will make her my everything, even though her goals of becoming a doctor are so successful and independent, she'll be able to spoil herself and go see the world, and do everything she wants to do; I won't hold her back, I will follow her anywhere, and when she calls for me I'll run.

My tears have stopped, before I face Vanessa and I start brainstorming ideas to show her how much I love her.

I could give her piggy backs like in the movies to make her smile from her eyes, remind her she's beautiful everyday, open doors, pull out chairs, carry things. Thats enough for this minute I decide, I will come up with more later.

I take my head off her chest and brush my lips against hers, looking into her eyes I never thought i'd fall in love again after Eleanor, but here I am ready to take this slow and make her feel safe and secure about me.

"Vanessa I love you, be with me"

Vanessa face turns from calm and compassionate to shocked, her jaw hangs open...and I start to worry.


Sorry for any mistakes, english isn't my first language, and I came back from my trip less than 48hrs ago so I have a ton of homework from teachers and I just got over my jet leg. I'm so tired and thank you for 1,000+ views its amazing:) Comment, VOTE, subscribe<3


Sure just don't take over the whole story because I have an ending planned aha


paradise paradise

Can I co-author? I could help you come up with ideas whenever you have writers block:)

lovespell lovespell

Thank you xx


paradise paradise

Great update, loved the Louis POV.

sugarcube. sugarcube.

@Ransom girl
I just updated the Louis P.O.V, I hope I didn't let the story quality drop

paradise paradise