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Give Me Love

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

*Nialls p.o.v*

Darcy ... I never did catch her last name . Might as well ask ....

We were driving to the nearest Nandos . Yes Nandos. That's my favorite food... Man, I just can't stress that enough . Anyways, I noticed she was really quiet . She looked even amused and impressed with how fast the roads were going past us. Like if she'd never been in a car before...

" Darcy ? " I started.

" Yes ? " she looked at me and smiled in awe.

" What's your last name ? " I finished, occasionally glancing over at her from my vision on the road. She looked like she had to think about it . Then finally she answered.


" Oh.. Nice " I smiled.

" Mhm ... " she continued her gaze out the window .

We pulled up to the car park and got down. We had an hour lunch, which was pretty cool. My old school was only 30 minutes . This school we even had a break between 2nd and 3rd period.

I ran over to Darcy's door and opened it for her. She mumbled a Thanks and got out.

" Do you want to eat here, or take it to go ? " I wondered .

" Here's fine."


We were at our table laughing about the napkins . They read 'Now erase all evidence'. I don't really think she gets out much because of how easily everything fascinated her.

We had already ordered our food, and were just making small talk about random things. Then I started thinking about the song from music class.

"Darcy, about the song... I think we should keep working on it. Do you think maybe today after school we can hang out and work some more on it ? "

"Uhm, yea that's fine." She smiled honestly.

"Cool! Could we go to your house maybe ?"

" Ohhhh, u-uhm," she stuttered, "I don't think that's such a good idea.. I mean, cos uhm, I-I- my family and my, uhm I - my house is - " she avoided eye contact. She suddenly looked down and just stopped, nervously.

"Uhm, it's fine if we can't... We can just go to my flat if anything. " I assured her, so she didn't have to worry so much. I don't know why she looked so nervous, but I made a mental note to ask her about her family and home later.

"Ok." She almost whispered.

"Hey guys ! You ordered the chicken and potatoes and ... Whoa this is a lot of food. Haha" the waitress asked scanning trays of food she was holding .

"Oh, yes." I smiled sitting up straight, excited to eat considering I haven't eaten in a few hours.

"Alright." She smiled setting everything around the table. "Here ya go! Doyouneed anything else ?"

"No,I think we're fine for now." I looked over to Darcy for confirmation. She smiled and nodded in agreement. The waitress looked at each of us and smiled, and with that she was off.

"mhmmmm." I mumbled, licking my lips rubbing my hands together and eyeballing the food . I could eat for days on end if I had the choice. I heard Darcy laughing. I looked up and met her eyes .

" What's so funny, huh ?" I asked her teasingly.

" You. You look like you haven't eaten in years from the way your looking at everything ." She laughed even more, slightly leaning in. I noticed she did that when she laughed . It was; cute .

" I FEEL LIKE I HAVEN'T EATEN IN YEARS. " I whisper shouted, grabbing my cutlery . I slid a plate in front of me and started on it . I heard her giggling again . I continued eating the food without looking up . Boy, was she gonna have a sight to see right now ....


*Darcy's p.o.v*

" I can't believe you ate every single thing you ordered !!! " I laughed, looking on at the empty plates laying around the table.

" I told you Darc, 'Niall doesn't fuck around when it comes to food'” he mocked himself in 3rd person like he had when he ordered everything . I laughed at him, once again. He had that hint of a child in his features; which was no-doubt totally adorable .

Ugh, Darcy, stop swooning !

I brought myself down to Earth and stuck my tongue out at Niall noticing that I left an awkward silence. This turned into a big fight of silly faces .

I lost when he was cross eyed, mouth open all the way, tongue out, arms in bird wing position . I was laughing so hard, I was nearly in tears .

" Would you guys like your cheque ? " the waitress asked. She was quite busty and obnoxious in my opinion . Niall was totally oblivious to the fact she was flirting with him. He just brushed it off like it was nothing . Maybe he's used to it ? Cos he sure is attractive, so I wouldn't doubt it .

" I think," he started, " Darcy ? Are we done, or would you care for anything else ?" His sweetness made me smile .

"No, I think we're good ." I flashed a real smile to Niall and then looked up at the waitress .

"Alright, I'll bring it right over." I thought she was done but then she hesitated to turn around again. "By the way, you guys are a cute couple," She said hesitantly said, as if looking to see if we were dating .

"Uh-Uhmm," I stuttered and laughed a bit in disbelief. Had she really mistaken this outing for a date ?

"Thanks." Niall smiled . She smiled again and walked away .

"Ahah, uhm, Niall ? We're not dating ? "

" I kno, but she kept giving me creepy looks and I don't need another stalker." I laughed, thinking it was a joke. But his smile faded and he continued. " I'm not kidding." My smile also disappeared after that, and turned into a look of confusion.


We still have 15 minutes left and the school is less than 5 minutes away . I don't exactly know what Niall had in mind, but he was driving with a mischievous grin.

"You like ice cream, right ?" He looked over at me. His eyes sparkled more than usual .

"Of course I do. But I haven't had it in, like, foreeeeveeerrr." I laughed, thinking of the last time I had ice cream. I was getting ready to go to some guys house I met at the park and had a few dollars. I was at McDonalds, and they were having a sale. 99¢ cones. So I decided, might as well treat myself for once, right ?

"Well, there's an ice cream place around the corner, wanna go grab some ?"

"Sure !" I suddenly got very excited.


We pulled into the parking lot and hopped out the car . Niall let out his arm for me to take. I accepted, taking it as a kind gesture .

"What's your favorite flavour ?" He looked down with a warm smile.

"Mmm, I don't really know ? I've only ever had chocolate and vanilla. " he gasped and stopped in his tracks. He over dramatically placed a hand over his mouth. I giggled.

"You haaaaaave to try Sweet Cream !!!!!" He yelled excitedly and ran into the ice cream place; Cold Stone. I laughed and followed his lead . He was waiting at the door, holding it open for me.

"Hello! Welcome to Cold Stone ! How may I help you? " the young guy behind the counter cheerily said. He looked about our age.

"It's okay, you don't have to pretend your super excited." Niall laughed.

"Thank you." The guy sighed and smiled. "I'm Derek. " The guy said as he put out his hand for each of us to shake.

"I'm Niall, and this is Darcy." Niall smiled, gesturing to me. I took Derek's hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled at me. He seemed nice, but he also seemed like he had another side to him...

"Hey... Where have I seen you before ?" He asked me, eyebrows creased.

"Uhm. I'm not sure ?" I don't think I remembered seeing him anywhere .

"Wait! Now I know! You came to my house once for a sha-"

"OH DID I??" I rudely interrupted, not wanting him to continue his sentence. I know he was going to say for a 'shag' and I didn't need Niall knowing about my past. Speaking of Niall, he had a rather confused look on his face.

"Right.... Are you two together? " he asked, pointing towards me and Niall from behind the ice cream counter. I looked to Niall cos I wasn't quite sure of what he was going to say.

"No..." Niall said, hesitantly. "Uhm, can we just get the ice cream?" Niall seemed rather annoyed at this point.

" 'Course ". Derek said, winking at me. I shifted uncomfortably and moved closer to Niall. "What would you like?"

"Uhm, to small cups of Sweet Cream please." Niall smiled.

"Alright." Derek started scooping ice cream into cups and getting spoons. I looked over to Niall, he was looking at Derek rather harshly.

"Here ya go." We were handed our ice cream from across the counter. "Wait.. What school do you go to ?" Derek asked me .

Ugh leavee mee aloneeeeee.

"Hallcross High." I emotionlessly said without making eye contact.

"No way!! Me too!! " he was pretty excited. I don't care tho, it's not like I ever wanted to see him again. And I'm ashamed to think that I did a guy that goes to my school.

"Nice, I go there too now." Niall said handing Derek the money, mad dogging him.

"See you later." He winked at me. He shamelessly checked me out right in front of my face, keeping his gaze on my breasts for a longer amount of time.

"U-Uh-Uhh.." I uncomfortably stuttered. I looked to Niall who was red. He looked like he was going to explode at any minute and just yell at Derek at the top of his lungs.

"Excuse me, but you have no right to just check her out like that in front of me. That's no way to treat a girl; she deserves respect." He started.


"Respect wasn't what she was looking for when-" fucking smart ass bitch omg. I had to lead Niall out of the parlour quickly.

"We're done here." I cut off Derek. And put my forearms against Niall's chest and walked straight making him back his way through the door.

"He shouldn't be like that. That's very disrespectful." Niall said, grabbing my arm.

"It's fine, we're done with him." I tried reassuring him. "I promise, okay? Please, just- just let it go?" I was trying to get Niall back to Earth.

"Alright... Now eat your ice cream before I do." He playfully teased. I laughed in the realization that he's back.



I had a lot of debating right now and today with people at school with either Anderson or Cooper ugh Darcy , why are you making things difficult ._. Lol comment & vote ! .x


Please update! I love this story and the thought of it getting trashed makes me want to cry! Honestly if someone finishes it or if you give me clarinets to write it then I will be like the happiest person ever! I love this story and it's too good for it to go away!
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D
Please, Please, Please Update!!!!! I love this story so much I'd hate for it to go out the window!
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D
Holly_G_1D Holly_G_1D
Plz update this really good :)
N.J.H.1292 N.J.H.1292
I am such an idiot LMFAO I thought a Mustang was a horse :P
Clojoe1 Clojoe1