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Moving To England

Chapter Sixty-Nine

*Destiny’s POV*

* Another life/July 20th/Bermuda Island*

I quickly rushed out the front door of a large castle, to be met with a grand carriage stationed in front of the castle, and Liam waiting at the front door.

“Your family is waiting for you.” Liam laughed, leaning against the doorway, startling Princess Aurora.

“Oh god, Liam! Would you stop terrifying me like that!” I exclaimed, catching my breath.

“Opsiee. I’m terribly sorry, my majesty.” Liam teased, bowing down to me.

“Oh, would you get up. You know I don’t like being called that. I am a friend and sister to everyone. Nothing more, nothing less.” I say, honourably, making sure it is clearly understood by my best friend, as I positioned him upwards, so he wasn’t bowing down to her.

“Of course. Despite the fact, I am neither.” Liam smirked, as the two of us quickly descending the staircase.

“Yes, that is because you’re my best friend, and don’t you dare forget that.” I smiled, giving Liam a quick hug. “Also, you are looking lovely today.”

“Oh, thank you for noticing. It’s new! You’re looking fantastic, yourself.” Liam smiled, as the two friends entered the carriage.

*Same life/2 years later/December 25/Bermuda Island*

“Aurora, let’s go! Hurry! I think they are coming!” Liam urged me, from his hiding spot.

“Hold on! I’m almost done! Just … a … few … more- Ouf!” I say, screaming out as I fell off the stool that I had been standing on.

“Gotch you!” Liam exclaimed, catching me in his arms.

“My hero.” I laughed, as I clutched the jar of cookies to my chest.

“You love me, shut up.” Liam huffed, letting me down.

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s get these outside before someone catches us.” I say. Liam nods in reply, as we begun sneaking out of the kitchen.

“Someone like me?” Says a voice from behind us. Slowly we turned around to see Elizabeth looking down at us, with her hands on her hip.

“Mhmm? What are you talking about?” I say, trying to act innocent, as I held the jar of cookies behind my back and slowly transferred it to Liam, so now the both of us had our hands behind our backs.

“Your mouth says your super innocent, but your eyes speak a different story,” Elizabeth smirks as she takes off the sunglasses she was wearing and looks closely into my eyes.

Liam turned to look at my eyes, as well.

“Black eyes, Aurora,” Liam whispers into my ears.

“Shoot,” I say, under my breath.

“Black eyes represent mischievous children,” Elizabeth says, plucking the cookie jar out from Liam’s hands, which were behind his back.

“No! Urgh. Those weren’t for us. We promise.” Liam pleadingly says, reaching for the cookie jar.

“Who are they for then?” Elizabeth questions us, lifting the cookie jar higher in the air, out of our reach.

“The needy at the Fields of the Fallen,” I say, my black eyes now switching to white, innocent, eyes.

“Fine, but this little won’t do. Let me give you some more.” Elizabeth says, laughing at our innocence, shaking her head, as she dumped in a couple more of the chocolate chip cookies into the jar.

“Thanks!” Liam and I say in unison, as she handed Liam the cookie jar back.

“Now scurry along, children. Make sure you don’t get your outfits dirty, the grand Christmas party is in one hour.” Elizabeth reminds us, as she gently pushes us out the kitchen.

“We know! Don’t worry!” I nodded.

“Oh! Merry Christmas!” Liam exclaimed, waving to Elizabeth.

“Merry Christmas, children! 10 years old. They grow much too fast and much to mischievous.” Elizabeth says to herself, chuckling at our expense.

“Merry Christmas, to you too, Elizabeth! Thanks again! Bye Elizabeth!” I exclaimed, waving to Elizabeth as we ran out the front door.

Liam and I raced one another to the alley of homes belonging to all the unfortunate families.

“Hey, guys! Merry Christmas! We got the cookies!” Liam and I exclaim as we made it to the area.

*Same life/Christmas Morning/Bermuda Island*

It was Christmas night, everyone went to sleep, hoping to wake up to many presents underneath the big Christmas tree.

Unfortunately, the next morning, the village didn’t wake up to presents and happiness. Instead, they wore to a big shock; the island’s Christmas tree had been burned to the ground, and their presents were stolen.

After hearing this news, I ran to Liam’s home to tell him the horrible news.

“Who would burn down a Christmas tree?” Liam questioned me, wearing a puzzled expression.

“I have no clue. Let’s go to the tree, there may be some evidence.” I say.

“Okay.” Liam nodded, running out of the house, everyone was still in their pyjamas. “It couldn’t be an accident if the presents were stolen as well.”

“True.” I nodded, in agreement.

“Let’s look around for that clue,” Liam suggested. I nodded, as we both begun to look around the tree for any evidence of who might’ve done this horrible deed.

We continued to search but weren’t successful at finding anything for about the first five minutes of our quest, until Liam discovered a slightly burned note in the ashes.

“Aurora! I think I found something.” Liam exclaimed, picking out the note.

“What is it?” I questioned, as Liam gave me the paper.

“I think it's a message,” Liam says as he unfolded the note.

“A message?” Queen Mackenzie questioned, as she, King Zack - my parents - and Liam’s parents rushed to our side.

“Yeah.” I nodded, “From Aunt Miranda.”

“What?” Queen Mackenzie, as her mind was surging perplexity and anxiety, staring at the note in my hand in dismay.

“It says …” I began reading the message, out loud for all of the villages to hear.

Miranda’s Message:

*Back to ordinary life/Current story time*
*Destiny’s POV*

“Ahhh. Destiny, please wake up. Seeing you like this scares me. It’s been like 8 hours. How much sleep do you need? I tried the ‘true love kiss thing’, but it doesn’t work with coma.” I hear Harry whine, with his hand wrapped around my own.

“How do you know it doesn’t work on a coma? Maybe it’s because this may not be true love …?” I hear Niall tease him.

“Do you want a beating, Horan?” Harry sternly says to him.

“Chill! Chill! I’m only joking.” Niall laughed. I desperately wished to speak to them, but I struggled to move my body, open my eyes or even make words - or even sounds - come out of my mouth.

“Seriously though … 8 hours. Come on, Destiny.” I hear Mabel voice, next to me.

“Is this normal?” June asked someone, probably the doctors.

“Yes. Actually, the deepest level of actual coma lasts from two to four weeks.” The doctor explained.

‘No need to worry for me then. I’m not in a coma, I just cannot move or speak or no anything but think and hear.’ I thought to myself.

“Oh God … two to four weeks!” Elizabeth exclaimed I could hear the fury in her voice.

“Mhmm … yes. Fun fact actually … the longest coma survivor was in a coma for 19 years. The man woke up 19 years later, and then turned to his bedside and said: ‘Mum.” and then said the words ‘Pepsi’ and then ‘milk’” The doctor continued with the coma length.

His story was followed by dead silence.

“What if I have to get married to a coma patient!” Harry exclaimed, breaking the silence.

I giggled in my head, at the thought of Harry marrying me in the hospital while I was asleep.

“Don’t tell her I said that when she wakes up …” Harry quickly adds.

“Actually, there is a 27% chance she would die or forever remain in a coma. While there is a 68% that she’ll wake up with a disability or even a real recovery.” The doctor added.

“Listen, man, you aren’t doing anything good about your health if you keep this nonsense talk up. We don’t exactly care about the law.” I hear Zayn threaten him.

“I’ll just be, um, outside. Call me, or the nurse, if anything changes in her condition.” The doctor quickly spat out stuttering and shuffling out of the room.

“Why do you guys always do that?” Mabel laughed.

“Because that’s what we’re best at,” Niall says with a smirk.

“Hey, kids!” I hear my mum exclaimed, coming into the room.

“Hello, Ms Baker.” Elizabeth greets her.

“I brought you children, some food. Thought you would all be starving.” Mom says.

“Thanks,” Louis said.

“Bless you! I’m starving …” Ally whined.

“You children can go for awhile, I can take over,” Mum said. Moments after, I hear feet shuffling out of the room,

I felt Harry lean over and plant a gentle kiss on my forehead, before leaving. I didn’t want him to leave my side, I struggled to tighten my hand around his own. Finally, after one or two failed attempts, the feelings began to return to my arms, and I tightened my grip on him, startling him.

“Destiny?” Harry questioned, as I tried to open up my eyes, as I continued to squeeze his hand.

“Is she awake?” Louis asked, who seemed to have stayed behind with Harry, as the rest left.

“She squeezed my hand,” Harry replied. Soon the feelings returned to my whole body, as I fluttered my eyes open.

“She’s awake!” Harry exclaimed as I shot a weak smile at him.

“I’m so tired,” I whined, like my Mum, Louis and Harry chuckled at my comment.

*2 days later*

The sunlight pours into the room, the air becomes sweeter; birds soften the dawn with their chorus. I turned to my side to face Harry. I smiled at his sleeping position, to only realised he wasn’t actually asleep, as he ran his hand through my hair,

“Morning, Destiny,” Harry mumbled.

“Morning, Harry. How was your sleep?” I asked.

“Great actually. Are you leaving better?” Harry asked.

“A lot more! I missed sleeping in my bed.” I moaned, tightly squeezing my comfy pillow.

“Alright then. We are going out today, so come on get up!” Harry exclaimed, jumping out of bed as he struggled to pull me with him.

“Yes, going out, to school. It’s Monday.” Mum said as she burst into the room, parting the curtains.

“But … but … the weekend?” I whined.

“You spent the whole weekend, in the hospital,” Mum informed me, with a smirk.

“Urgh,” I whined, hiding my face into my pillow.

“Today’s a half day don’t worry. Going to the beach afterwards, so get your things ready.” Harry says, pulling me off the bed.

“Why am I only hearing this now?” I asked as Harry guided the half-sleeping me to the washroom.

“Because you were dead all weekend,” Harry says.

“Argh,” I whined.

“I’m going to go home to get dressed,” Harry says, kissing my cheek as he was about to leave my room,.

“Harry …?” I called him back.


“You’re are only wearing shorts, at the moment …”

“So?” Harry shrugged.

“Okay then … see you later.” I rolled my eyes laughing, as Harry left.



Woah! I just finished reading the whole story. I absolutely love it! Can't wait to start on your second story. Keep up the great work!

BlackoutSilence BlackoutSilence

Thank you so much!!

Loved it! You're an amazing writer!

Amazing update ! Keep updating it!

Please update it!!!!!!