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Hey guys!! So this is the description of how I see everything! Unfortunately, I couldn't get the pictures to upload so the link will be attached below... I tested it out and it should take you directly to the pictures but at the chance that it doesn't, just click on the fashion tab. Below will be the description-- I will put in bold the title of each picture, if you roll over the picture on the other website it will show you the title and then you will know which to refer to, and look out for an update in Thursday!!


Hey, so I just wanted to explain how I see everything in this story so that I don’t need to have an author’s note at the end of every chapter that is longer than the chapter itself. So, every part of the underground resistance living space I guess is all maximum security. It would be very hard for someone to get to you in their own with no inside help. The first floor of the underground area is already 30 feet below ground. There are 15 levels to the underground are, each at 10 foot intervals resulting in 180 feet underground, thats where the bottom floor would be. Now, as I said before there are mile long tunnels placed sporadically across the world, each with about 20 slides inside. Each slide leads to a different cavern. There is only one slide per cavern, you can never take the same slide to multiple different caverns. In a cavern there is an opening where the slide would drop you out and a tube that hold 5 people, thats how you get to the surface. There is a series of high speed trains that connect the caverns and the sectors. Trains will only stop at sectors unless you get on and enter a certain code, then they will drop you off at the nearest cavern. The same goes for coming home, once you are in the cavern you need to press a call button, then enter the code. This code changes every day and only the 5 leaders assigned to every group know what the code is. Once you get to you get to your sector you are dropped off in a circular room about 20 feet in diameter. The train runs through the middle of the room with metal doors at each entrance that open and close as it comes. There is a door at the north location of the room and the south location. If you go to the northern room you will be taken to the training facilities, you will only ever see these is you are in field work. The south door takes you down about a 40 foot hallway then there is another door. This door drops you off into what is called control. It is called control for two reasons. 1) You can get anywhere from that room. 2) It holds the control room for the entire sector. Keep in mind that you are 30 feet below ground already, the bottom of control is an additional 70 feet down, otherwise it is just a space of catwalks.


These are visual aids. In the rainbow type thing, the brown is the first 30 feet of ground, the red section is the section that ‘you’ are currently in that is the top ‘floor’ of control. The weird picture full of colorful lines is what the catwalks on every floor look like, except the bottom floor which is of course a floor. The blue lines are the main lines. The pink lines branches off of them, the pink catwalks don’t actually lead anywhere, they just help cut everything down and make the catwalks more efficient. The green catwalks connect the blue and the pink so that you don’t always need to walk in the center, therefore it is less crowded. Now where it gets complicated. The black lines that branch off of the ‘north’ wall all lead to various types of labs or other stuff. You know how I said earlier that you had a job assigned to you when you were born, well each black line leads to a different job. There are 6 along the north wall and 7 walls, and there are 42 places that need job spaces to work… if that makes sense. These jobs are on every single floor. If you walk through the blue catwalk to the north wall you get taken to a hallway that will lead to all the jobs on that floor, but the black catwalks will take you directly there. If you were to take the west blue catwalk it would lead you to a couple things depending on the floor you are on. The red floor west blue catwalk would lead you to clothing shop and hair shops… kinda like a giant target almost but with other necessities. The orange and yellow floor east blue catwalks you take you to a bunch of meeting rooms and presentation rooms or battle rooms.. you get the idea. If you were to take the red floor, orange floor, or yellow floor east blue catwalk it would take you to a place where you keep farm animals and grow food, basically like a 3 floor farm. The green floor is where it starts to get fun. The green, light blue, blue and purple floors east blue catwalk will talk you to the top four floors of the apartments, although there are 15 floors of apartments, only the top 4 are accessible through control. The green and light blue floors of the west blue catwalk are for dining. The light blue is the kitchen and the food is sent up to the green floor which is the dining room. The blue floor is a giant laundromat basically, you can go and do your laundry whenever. The purple floor on the west is a giant control room that controls everything in that sector. Now for the apartments. The apartments are organized by the first letter of your last name, the floor you are on then the room number. There are 8 floors. Floor 0 which is technically floor 4 or the green floor has only single rooms. Floors 1, 2 and 3 or 5, 6 and 7/light blue, blue, purple, have two bedrooms each. Floor 4, 5 and 6 have 3 rooms each, floor 7 has 4 rooms each, and floor 8 has 5 rooms each. You walk through the catwalk door that goes east, say you are on floor 0 of the apartments. There is a small sitting area or room and two hallways to your left and right. The hallways have other hallways branching off of them, to the left it’s halls A-M and to the right is N-Z.


So as you can see above.. the picture is a little cut off and the letters aren’t quite on center but I tried my best. The light pink lines are representative of the halls and the blue in between would be where the rooms are, keep in mind this is out of proportion. This is how I picture the apartments do be organized. You are assigned a floor based on the size of your family or if you have roommates that kind of stuff. Say for example I have 3 roommates plus me, we would be in a 4 bedroom apartment which is floor 7. The I would be randomly assigned a room number. Say, 15. My room number would be 715. My last name last name say is Smith, then I would go to hall S then at the beginning of each hall is an elevator, I would take the elevator to floor 7 then go to my room 15. When it comes to roommates, you all don’t have the same last name, you would randomly pick someone and that’s the last name you use. Each apartment has the same format.


So this is a very rough cut of what I imagine an apartment to look like, with 4 rooms. The room stay the exact same size so even if there are only 2 bedrooms they are the same size just more wall space between them. Essentially the green is a hallway with a small bathroom leading off of it. The dark blue is a living room and all the rooms go off the back of the living room, unless there are 5 rooms then one goes through the kitchen. The kitchen is the red. The bedrooms also have their own personal bathrooms but the light blue bathroom is the largest.The training room is next. I imagine the training room to be it’s own separate little thing. It is completely removed from control and the rest of the underground and it is huge. I imagine a small square, almost like a miniature control except it’s one floor and there are no catwalks… and it’s more of an octagon. There are 8 doors, one for each side of the octagon. Obviously one door leads out to where the train drops you off then to control but every other door leads to something else.


Let’s say that the red section is where you come in from the train area or control. You walk through to the grey octagon and thats like the mini control. The light blue section is where the training gear is kept for each person. You have a thin glass locker and you put your stuff in it each day, fill out a survey for whee equipment you still have then it gets whisked away for the night and appears again in the morning all the equipment that you lost or broke has been fixed and replaced for your next use. Every other section is where you train. The orange is like a cardio gym, it has spin bikes, ellipticals, treadmills, ergometers, etc. The yellow is a weights and ‘movement’ gym. There are weighted machines as well as free lift weights. The movement part would be to do bodyweight exercises as well as stretching or any other thing that doesn’t require a machine to do. The green section is like a survival escape gym. It’s set up to assess your skills, you can test yourself on if you would be able to survive a night alone above ground, you can test yourself on what to do if you are surrounded by infected, if you get captured by the, you get the point. The dark blue is a gun range. It can be set up for practice shooting with hand guns, assault rifles, sniping, anything really. The purple is and archery range and a knife throwing range. Depending on your skill set, (you are evaluated before each trip to above ground) but depending on your skills at the time you will be equipped with numerous weapons and it is important to practice with all of them. The pink section is like learn how to survive, so that if you do get stuck for the night by yourself or with other people you know how to stay alive, what foods you can eat, fire building, losing the infected’s trails, hiding from the, weapons you can make or how to use your surroundings in nature as weapons. Finally here is a ‘blueprint’ of how i see everything in a sector, this does not include tunnels, slides, and caverns. I couldn’t color code each section but of the control area so the trapezoids in it are just so I can refer to them. The red is nothing, thats just the connecting from training to control. The dark blue is the apartments, green are the jobs and yellow is meetings, dining, laundry, and control room. Hopefully this all makes sense to everyone. :)





Thank you so much!

forever_young1D forever_young1D

I love this story so far

DancerKim DancerKim