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Why Me

Chapter One

Tazia’s P.O.V.

I woke up at 7 and began to get ready for school. I didn’t bother with much effort because nobody paid me any attention but my bullies. I shuddered just thinking about them. Throwing on my favorite sweater and pulling on my Keds, I went down stairs to get breakfast before school.

“Mom, can I please stay home today?” I pleaded with my mom, hoping she’d agree because I wasn’t in the mood to deal with Louis’ and his gang today.
“Hell no, you lazy bum.” She replied with unmasked disgust. Bitch, I thought to myself.

I opened the cabinet in hopes of getting some Froot Loops, but found there were none. I pouted for a moment, then grabbed my bag and went out to the car to wait on her.

When we got to the school she saw the boys waiting for me. “Look slut, it’s your new customers.” I gasped at her in shock and shook my head getting out of the car before she could see my tears forming. I walked past the gates hoping they wouldn’t notice me, but my attempts were futile.

“Oh look the bitch has arrived.” Louis said, nudging his friends. Deciding to be brave, or maybe stupid, I looked him directly in the eye and smirked. “I was about to say the same thing.” Immediately I regretted my words as I was pinned to the wall.
“WHAT did you fucking say to me?” Louis spit out, looking down at me. I whimpered and I opened my mouth to respond. “Forget it,” he said “I heard you.”
He looked at the guys then back to me. Before I could apologize I felt a punch to my stomach. I gasped for breath and doubled over, crying out apologies. “Those aren’t going to help you now you dumb cunt!” He shouted, kicking me in the side. I feel a blow to my head and I pass out.

When I wake up I’m alone, and I struggle to stand, wanting to get away before I’m noticed. I stumble to the bathroom and wash my hands then examine my injuries. I’m only bleeding from a gash on my forehead, scraped on the back of my neck, and a busted lip. I quickly wash them off and stop the bleeding. I step into a stall and lock it. The need has become uncontrollable. I pull out the Xacto knife I keep in my bag and bring it to my wrist. I close my eyes and drag it across my wrist. I gasp as I feel the cut open. I see the blood bleeding up and smile meekly. I quickly wash my arm off and cover it up before someone comes in. If anyone knew I cut, the bullying would only get worse. It wasn’t until then I notice Tiana wasn’t there. Normally she’d be the one to help me as I helped her, after our beating from the boys.

At the beginning of math class when the teacher takes role, I find out Tiana isn’t here at all today. Lucky bitch, I think to myself. At least her family cares about her. The boys sat behind me and shot spit balls at the back of my head. I heard the chair behind me move as someone sat in it. I brushed it off until I felt something cool against the back of my neck. It took me a moment to realize what it was, but when I felt the lemon juice get in my scrapes I had to bite back tears. Those sick bastards. I wish I could tell on them but they threatened to kill me if I did. Sometimes I think I wouldn’t mind dying.


Rewriting the first few chapters.
Sooo I'm one of the co-authors. Hi, I'm Silver (mcalanna22) and I like One Direction. Haha, also I enjoy reading and writing. I take alot of hard classes so when school starts up I'll probably be less active. Toodaloos.


Please do


Louis1story Louis1story

i wouldnt mind helping

mcalanna22 mcalanna22

one comment. bully not bullie. otherwise good

mcalanna22 mcalanna22