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Behind Closed Doors

Chapter 6

Chapter 6
Harry POV
“Hey Harry” Isabella says while getting into the back of the car to sit next to me.
“Hey Is, HI MUFFIN” I scream rubbing her belly “ Did you get the crib yet?” I asked still rubbing her belly she looked like she was going to punch me so I stopped, but I know only the doctor and I can touch her belly.
“It’s here, but I can’t set it up its to hard.” She laughed while making a pouting face. “Well I can help tonight” we pulled up to McDonalds. Isabella’s eyes got wide. I laughed at her until she winced.
“Isabella Oh My God are you ok?” She gave me the look that says give me a second. After about a minutes she looked at me.
“Yeah I’m fine, just a contraction.” Isabella said giving me the look that said I’m fine.
“Okay lets get food.” We went in and ordered Isabella and Jane went and sat down while we ordered for them. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Louis.
“Hey I just thought Isabella hasn’t seen Niall in person since the hospital, and you two have been arguing since then.I don’t know why he doesn’t know you talk to her.” just as I was about to say something Niall walks in.

Isabella POV
“I was thinking Jane.” I say to her after we sat down.
“Oh no thats never good” She joked.
“Well I haven’t seen Niall since that day and what am I going to do if Muffin want to meet the dad.” I was really worried about it honestly, but I looked up at Jane and seen her looking at the door. Then hoping I didn’t see her look she looked back at me, but I turned to look to see The one and only Niall Horan walk in and Muffin kicked me.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” I get up and waddle/run to the restroom. Just my luck before I can get their I run into him Keeping my head down I continue walking and get my phone out and call Harry.
“Hey where are you. Nialls here i’m sorry I didn’t know he would be here.” He ranted on.
“Hey It’s fine I did hit him with my belly waddling to the bathroom.”I try to laugh but start crying instead everything in me want to be by him for us to be together. I loved him it’s stupid, but I wanted him.
“Who are you talking to Harry?” I hear that unmistakable Irish accents and continue to cry until I hear someone come into the bathroom. It was Harry. Well this is awkward I think, but instantly go hug him and cry my eyes.
“Can we go home please?” I ask through the tears.
“Yeah I will get you in the car they I will get the rest ok.” I just nod. He helped me and and we walked out to the car. Harry ran inside to get the rest, but sitting on my phone checking twitter I wasn’t paying attention someone knocked on my window. It of course was Niall. I put on sunglasses and roll the window down.
“hello love sorry for bumping into you.” He didn’t even recognize me, but I just smiled and then Harry, Louis and Jane came out. I signed when I seen them. Hoping they would make Niall leave. I knew I was going to cry myself to sleep, every time I see an interview on the tv i usually do. Harry and Louis said their goodbyes and got in and we drove home.
“Well I will see you guys later… Oh wait Harry I still need help with the crib.”
“ Oh yeah I’m coming let’s go.” he followed me in and into muffins room. I grabbed my iPod and started playing my favorite playlist. Recognizing the song Harry got up and start to sing along… at the top of his lungs.
“MAYBE ITS THE WAY THAT SHE WALKED STRAIGHT INTO MY HEART AND STOLE IT.” I just sat there and laughed until he got up and grabbed me and made me dance with him. He screamed the rest of the lyrics to me and I laughed so hard i almost peed my pants.
“I love you Harry.” Before I realized what was going on His lips meet mine and it seemed perfect the movement. the only thing that brought me back to reality was muffin kicking Harry. I think he felt it because he started laughing, and pulled away.
“Well then.” I said looking into his eyes and I laugh. The rest of the night went by easy We finished the crib and fell asleep in muffins room.

I woke up to Harrys face by mine and thought wow I love this guys I gently got up and woke him up. He had to record today, so did Zayn and Liam. But Niall and louis had today off they would go in tomorrow.
“Mom five more minutes please.” Harry murmured.
“Harry I’m a mom just not yours.” He sat up and looked at his watch and with wide eyes got up and ran to the bathroom. I waddled there and He kissed me on the cheek.
“ I will not be able to see you until tomorrow I will be busy all day so yeah.”
“It’s fine, I will see you tomorrow ok love.” I laugh and wave him off. I would have most of the day to myself. I decided to go to my room with it directly across from muffins, and go to sleep. When I finally woke up I woke up screaming out in pain. I looked at my phone to see it said 5:00 p.m. “Damn” I mutter to myself. Food. I need you come to me. I think then get out of bed and head to the kitchen. I was searching through the fridge and then I had another contraction. It was 6 minutes apart and thats not good. After I ate my noodles and orange chicken. I look to see it was 6:23 p.m. I was really bored than I thought I wonder what harry is doing I go to text him, but dropped my phone because of a contraction.They were three minutes about. My mind went into panic mode and I called Harry, Louis and Jane none of them answered. I looked through my phone and my eyes landed on Nialls number and I called. It rang three times before he answered.
“Hello who is this?” His irish accent filled my head.
“Niall, its me I need he..Ahhhhhhh” I screamed cutting myself off. “I need to go to the hospital.”
“Oh My God what’s your address I’m in my car.”
“ok” I told him my address and hung up. In about 10 minutes someone burst through my front door and picked me up and ran me to his car.
“I’m here Isabella it’s going to be okay.” I smiled man I missed that irish accent.
“I missed you too you thought that out loud love.”
“ Whatever Niall just get me to the hospital please.” After about five minutes we were there. Niall carried me inside.
“Do you need help?” A nurse asked. as sarcastically as I could replied
“No I’m just giving birth, Yes I need help.” She left and came back with a wheelchair and wheeled me into the back. They lied me down on a bed.
“The baby is coming now.” There were soon like 10 doctors around me.
“Niall go see.” I say trying not to laugh. He did and the look on his face almost made me laugh until I had to push.
“EWWWWWWWWWW that is so gross.” About 30 minutes later a beautiful little girl was placed in to my arms. I started to cry.
“She is beautiful.” I say.
“What is her name?” The nurse asked
“It’s Darcy Rose-Marie Horan-Stowe.” I say and look at Niall clearly he recognized the name. “Harry asked me if I liked that name.” He told me before I could reply my phone went off.
“ISABELLA ARE YOU OKAY” Harry screamed through the phone.
“Yeah the Muffin is here. I’m At Mercy Grace hospital come down now.” before he hung up He replied “Told you Muffin would be bor on my birthday.” I just laughed and looked at Niall. “You don’t have to stay I have Family on the way.” He got up and walked over to me and kissed my head. I glared at him kind of pissed I didn’t want him here I was pissed that he left me in the first place.
“I made a promise 8 months and 2 weeks ago that I would be there for you and Darcy I am not leaving you or her I..” Just then Harry, Louis, Liam, and Jane Burst the door.
“Where is muffin?” They all yelled at the same time.
“SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH shut up you guys we have explaining to do.” i reply and look at niall. So Harry explained everything to Niall out in the hallway. I just sat her and played with Darcy. She is so pretty, and looks a lot like her dad.


AWWWWW just awwwwwww


Can do

CarterMarie CarterMarie

It's a good story, but I would suggest that you add a cover to catch more viewers! :) ~brianna

CallMeBri CallMeBri