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Distinction *ON HOLD*

✧Chapter One✧

Reese's P.O.V

I'm sure it was called depression but i refused to believe that i was depressed,i did however know that i needed to get out the house more,but with todays society whatever i did or went it always felt like people were looking at me like i didn't fit in.

Maybe it's just me,i don't have a problem with being different but when it feels like people are looking at you like you've got three heads or something,thats when i wish i had somewhere that i felt at home,where i can just be me.

I know what you're thinking this girl is just being over dramatic or she has something wrong with her but i don't sure i'm not like the average teenage girl but i am just a normal person.

Maybe it's because i don't go to school as often as everybody else my age,maybe it's because i don't wear skanky clothes and go out getting drunk at parties or do drugs.

It could be the fact that-

"Reese,what are you doing up here?"My thoughts were cut short when i heard my name being called.

"Just thinking"

Zayn sat down next to me"are you okay?"His simple question had me thinking a lot harder than what it should have,Was i okay?.

"I don't know-"I wasn't what is was but in that moment i swear i saw something flash in his eyes,just the way he looked at me,it had been raining when i came up here an hour ago and the rain hadn't stopped since.

"Come on let's get you inside it's freezing out here and you're soaking wet"Zayn nudged my arm,silently pleading me to go inside with him.

I was sure I'd be getting a cold but with the warm smile zayn had on his face convinced me to follow him back downstairs to his flat "okay"i agreed and quickly got up from the spot i'd been at on being careful not to fall of the edge of the building.

I silently followed Zayn down the stairs and into his flat"Go get in the shower and put some clean clothes on and i'll make you some hot chocolate"I nodded my head as Zayn opened the front door,i gave him a quick hug before going into the bathroom.

I've been living with Zayn for two years now,and no he's not my boyfriend or my brother he's just my friend.

I like living with him,he's a very kind person,he's always helping me with stuff and he's really funny,i honesty don't know how he doesn't have a girlfriend,he has an amazing personality and he's attractive,i know he's always busy with work and when he's not at work he's with me but i'm old enough to look after myself and i think he would be a great boyfriend.

After my shower i put a pair on grey tracksuit bottoms on with a plain white T-Shirt and a pair of fluffy socks.

I walked into the kitchen and found Zayn sitting on the counter doing something on his phone "Hey,whatta doing?"i walked up to him and tapped his leg,i picked up my hot chocolate he'd made me and smiled contently.

"Do you wanna go shopping tomorrow,you could pick something out for your birthday?"I rolled my eyes while zayn put his phone in his pocket and looked at me with a cheeky smile.

I didn't like celebrating my birthday,i don't really see how anyone would want to celebrate the fact they're a year older,last year me and Zayn went to see a new film that came out but this year he wants me to have a party or something since it's my 18th birthday.

"You know i don't want anything,so what's the point of walking around for hours for no reason"

"Don't be silly there has to be something you want-"Zayn stopped when i gave him a 'the look'
normally i would talk to Zayn about anything but there were certain things i couldn't talk about like my family or my past.

"Okay,fine"Zayn let out a breath knowing not to continue with the conversation,i blew on my drink before talking a sip "Do you wanna watch a film?"I changed the subject not liking the silence that set between us.

"Yeah,sure"He agreed,so we got our drinks and went into the living room where we watched films for the rest of the night.


Hi,so i'm sorry if anyone liked the story before but i've had to change it and hopefully it'll be less confusing and a better story!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter,and the next chapter will be continued from this one..

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I love it please update

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