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Starting Over

What Did I Do?

I got home from Liam’s house a few hours ago and I’ve been unpacking and organizing the apartment ever since. It’s insanely frustrating. I’m such an OCD person sometimes. I need to have everything just right or I go crazy. I finish unpacking the kitchen and start working on the living room before remembering my date with Liam tonight. Guess I need to start getting ready.
I’m tearing things out of my closet trying to find something suitable to wear for my date with Liam tonight when I hear my phone ring. I grab it off the nightstand and look in frustration and anger at the name flashing on the screen. Mark.
“What the hell do you want?” I ask angrily and completely out of character for me, as I press the answer button.
“What’s your problem?” he responds… like he doesn’t know. He can’t possibly be calling me for any good reason. This has to be about money. “I got the last joint credit card bill and you owe $2406.45. Oh and I want the ring back. Now.” He states angrily.
“I already gave the ring to your mom when I left and as far as the credit card goes, send me a copy of the statement. I don’t trust you about how much I owe and since you changed the password to online account I can’t exactly go on and look at it myself now can I?” I answer with far too much attitude.
“Fine, I’ll mail it to you. Hey…” he starts to speak again but I end the call throw the phone across the room before he has a chance to finish his thought. I feel like crying. Not because I’m not over him, believe me, I am. Just because he has this incredible ability to make me feel like everything is 1000x more stressful than it needs to be. I fight back my urge to cry in an attempt to save my make-up. I’d actually put effort into it this time. I push my emotions aside and return to the task at hand, outfit picking. This is too difficult. I can’t do it. I pick up the computer and call Stephanie on Skype. She doesn’t answer. I decide to call Raven instead. He answers immediately.
“Hey! What’s wrong?” he asks instantly. Damn, he’s good. I run through the conversation with Mark and quickly move on to the issue of my date. “What a dick. Forget him. Point me at your closet; your fashionable surrogate big bro is here to save the day.”
“Ugh, fine, but I’m telling you that I’ve been staring at this closet forever and there” I say as I turn the computer. It takes him all of two seconds to remember an outfit that I’ve worn many times. An outfit that he has always loved on me. It’s perfect. I thank him a million times. He wishes me luck with a bit of hesitation. I close the laptop lid, just to be sure Skype is really off (we all know if can be slow to disconnect sometimes) and start getting dressed. (http://www.google.com/imgres?newwindow=1&sa=X&tbm=isch&tbnid=kDJuCItKqjreSM:&imgrefurl=http://www.collegefashion.net/college-life/what-to-wear-to-parties-5-cute-going-out-outfits/&docid=SYbnhL3V5lP0hM&imgurl=http://www.collegefashion.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/keg-party-outfit.jpg&w=436&h=421&ei=DydgUrbCNIa29gTW5IHIAw&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:9,s:0,i:117&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=179&tbnw=182&start=0&ndsp=29&tx=69&ty=84&biw=1600&bih=809)
I zip up my shoes just in time too because there was a sudden knock on the door. I opened it to find Liam standing there looking handsome as always. He looks better in person than in the pictures, believe me.
“Wow” he said looking me up and down politely “you look amazing, thank you so much for agreeing to go out with me tonight, I know that I didn’t exactly make a great first impression” he said nervously.
“Don’t worry about it, I think we both could have behaved better and you look nice too” I replied suddenly becoming nervous myself. “So, what’s the plan?” I asked.
“I thought we could go somewhere for dinner and then bowling? I kind of wanted to keep it more casual if that’s ok. I’m still a bit tired and I honestly just want to be able to talk to you more without the pressure of a fancy evening” he said.
“That sounds perfect actually” I say, and it does. Bowling is one of my favorite things to do, even though I’m terrible at it. We head towards the car and Liam opens to door for me. I slide into the passenger seat as he rounds the car to the driver’s side. Once we’re all settled he starts the car and we officially make our way to the restaurant.
The date flies by with very few awkward moments. Dinner is fun and we talk and laugh the entire time. I totally kick his butt at bowling (who knew there was someone on earth worse at it than I am?) and he and I spend more time doing random funny victory dances when we knock over pins and talking smack to each other than we do actually bowling. It’s completely fun and casual just as Liam promised. Liam drives me home and walks me up to the stairs hesitating to say goodnight. I look at him curiously wondering why he’s so nervous. That’s when he gently takes his hand and places it on my cheek, brushing some hair behind my ear. He gently lifts my face up to meet his, not an easy task to accomplish given that I’m a good 5 inches shorter than he is, and gently kisses me. I kiss back without hesitation. This seems to surprise him but I feel him smile into the kiss as he pulls away. As he starts to walk away, I quickly grab his arm, refusing the let the night end. No, I didn’t want to sleep with him; I’m not that kind of girl.
“Do you want to come in for some tea?” I ask.
“Sure” he says, a little weary and a cheeky grin playing at the corner of his mouth.
After fixing us both some tea, we sit on my couch and talk for hours. We talk about everything from our childhoods and families to past relationships (my marriage included) and my work and his busy career. When we finally look at the clock again it’s almost 2am. Liam decides it’s time to go home. I honestly don’t like the idea of him driving this late.
“Are you sure you don’t want to just stay here? You can have the couch or my bed” I offer.
“No, it’s ok. I’ll be fine. I promise” he says gathering his things. I frown slightly, unwilling to accept his answer.
“Ok, well I guess I’ll talk to you later?” I say, clearly displeased but trying my “best” to hide it.
“You really dislike the idea of my driving this late at night don’t you? Regardless of the fact that it’s only 10 minutes away?” he asks looking deep into my eyes in search of the truth.
“I really do. I worry about people that I care for. Friends or otherwise, I need everyone to be safe. Please stay?” I almost plead. God I’m pathetic!
“Ok, if it will make you feel better, I’ll stay. But I need to make sure I’m up early so the paps don’t see. I’m not quite ready to share our… whatever this is… with the papers yet” he says, waiting for my reaction to the idea of keeping us secret.
“No problem! I’ll set an alarm for 6 if that’s ok” I say grabbing my phone.
“Perfect, thanks love” he says with a sleepy grin.
Liam grabs some blankets and heads towards the couch to get some sleep. After seeing him cuddle in, I turn off the living room lights and head to my bedroom, leaving the door open.
*Liam’s POV*
I wake up a few hours later in need of a restroom. I stretch out before throwing the blankets off and heading towards the bathroom door. I notice Samy’s door open and the site before me takes my breath away. She’s curled up beneath the covers, facing towards the door with her hair flowing around her face. She looks so peaceful and angelic like nothing in the world can hurt her or make her sad; completely and utterly relaxed. My heart flutters and my stomach turns over and over. This is crazy. I’ve never fallen this hard this quickly. I’m not even sure what she’s looking for out of this. For all I know she’s looking for friends and nothing more. That kiss we had tonight was not a friendship kiss though. She kissed me back. I know she did. Maybe things will be clearer in the morning. I turn around a head back to sleep on the couch completely forgetting about my restroom urge. I pull the blankets up around my neck and snuggle into the couch. Sleep takes me instantly into a place of happiness, where I can dream of what could be.
(Several hours later)
Sunlight beats on my head and I throw my eyes open and sit up suddenly. It shouldn’t be this bright out at 6am. I peak at my phone and see 10:23 on the screen. SHIT. I’m not sure how I’m going to get out of this one. There’s no way that the paps will not notice that I left my house wearing the same thing that I reappear in after a night out. Hopefully they didn’t follow me to the restaurant or bowling or here and catch me in the act of leaving her place. Samy appears out of nowhere at that moment in a panic saying something in Spanish that I can’t understand.
“I’m so sorry, Liam! I don’t know what happened! I must have set the alarm wrong or slept through it or… I don’t know! No excuses, I messed up and I’m sorry” she blurts out frantically.
“It’s ok. If I was that concerned, I really should have set my own alarm as well. You’re not the only one to blame. I am going to have to head out now though, we’ve got a meeting in a few hours so I need to get myself ready for that” I answer with a grin. She’s so cute when she’s flustered.
“Ok. I’m sooo sorry again. I guess I’ll talk to you later though, if you want. You don’t have to, I know you’re busy so please don’t feel obligated to call me” she says quickly, clearly nervous.
“You certainly will. If it’s ok with you, I would like to go out with you again. Maybe we can double with Louis and El?” I suggest.
“I’d love that! But Liam, please don’t feel like you have to date me just because I’m friends with El.” she says.
“Why would you think that? I’m asking you because I want to, not because I feel like I have to. Don’t worry love, you’re safe with me” I answer honestly. I can’t believe she thinks that I’m only acting like this towards her because she knows El. After another simple kiss goodbye, I head home and begin getting ready for the day.
*Samy’s POV*
“Don’t worry love, you’re safe with me” he says looking into my eyes. I can tell he means it. After another quick kiss, he’s off and I’m left to my own work and organizing. A few minutes later my phone vibrates letting me know that I have a new text message.
Liam: I’m home. I had the most amazing time last night. I talked to Louis and
he said that he and El would love to go out with us. Tomorrow night
work for you? Dinner maybe? Movies? We’ll talk.
I smiled at the phone:
Me: I had the perfect night too. I’m good with whatever you guys want
to do J
*Liam’s POV*
Samy: I had the perfect night too. I’m good with whatever you guys want
to do J
Wow. The perfect night? What kind of dates has this woman been on? That was barely even a date. I thought she said she has been married before, clearly that guy was not a romantic if bowling and dinner followed by my drinking all her tea and crashing on her couch is perfection in her mind. Oh well. She’s mine now and I’m going to make sure that she knows just how amazing that she is. Wait, what am I saying? She’s not mine. We went out on one date. I mean yeh, it was a great date and we kissed but that doesn’t make her my girlfriend or mine in any way. Why am I already feeling so possessive over this woman? She’s just so different from all the others. Everything with her is so effortless. I can completely let my guards down. We talked about things last night that I never talk about with Danielle or even the boys. I hear my phone beep and see that I have a new twitter update from a Pap that I follow, you know, so I can keep tabs on the lies that they are spreading about us boys. I glance through the link quickly only to see several pictures of me with Samy from various times throughout the night, including me leaving her house this morning. Shit. It’s one thing to stalk me. I get it. It comes with the job but the pap has taken a picture of the front of Samy’s flat with the address clear as day. Fans everywhere now have her address. The entire world has her address. This is not good. Not good at all. I pick up the phone to call Samy and warn her. I know she’s probably busy but she needs to know what’s happened. I need to make sure that she’s ok and safe.
“Liam? What the hell is going on?” she sounds terrified, great
“A pap took a picture of me leaving your flat tonight and posted it on twitter with your address in clear view” I say, trying to be as calm as possible. In truth, all I want to do is beat the shit out of that pap.
“Oh, well that explains the hang up calls I’ve been getting. They must have looked up my home number from my address. People have been calling for the last hour and threatening me or hanging up. It’s scary and a bit annoying” she says clearly flustered.
“I’ll be right over” I say.
“No, it’s ok. I already called the phone company and they changed the number and made it unlisted” she says.
“What about your address, people are bound to show up there eventually” I say still concerned.
“I’ll be ok. I’m not here too much and as of tomorrow everyone will need a key to get into the building. I’ll be fine. Besides, they want to see you, not me” she says nonchalantly.
“You sure?”
“Yeh, I’ll see ya tomorrow night” she asserts.
“You make sure that you call me if you need ANYTHING! I mean it, Paddy lives with me now so if anyone shows up or makes threats, you call and I’ll send him over.” I say
“Liam, I promise. I’m fine. I can take care of myself. It’s ok. I’ll be ok. But yes, I’ll call you if I need you” she says. I can tell she’s trying to placate me but it’s ok.
“I’ll talk to you later, Samy, please me careful” I say as we hang up. I don’t care what she says. This is not ok, and this ends NOW. I grab my phone and send out a quick tweet
@Real_Liam_Payne: Paps need to stop harassing people I care about. You’re

risking an innocent person’s safety. I am begging all my fans to please respect
her privacy. Thanks guys. I love you all!
I hope that works or at least helps. If not, I may have to insist on other living arrangements, one with a doorman or security for Samy. Especially if I’m going pursue her further, which I have every intention of doing.




LivinLikeLarry LivinLikeLarry


Thank you so much! <3

Maybe. I think you did a wonderful job regardless and if I had of known you needed a co-author I would have asked to help. I think your writing is wonderful.

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I honestly didn't know what else to write and I needed a co-owner. I still stand by the ending but I think there could have been a lot more to the story if I had had help.

I just spent the last hour and a half reading through all this! You had me hooked. I can't believe it's over :(

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