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They Don't Know About Us

What A Mess.

Liam's POV

Days past and the media had gotten everything in a knot. From me and Jillian being 'engaged' to me cheating on her with Danielle. It was all a terrible mess. I've continued to be with the band, for the sake of Niall, poor lad has been down since court a week ago. Even though I was with Jillian she was still for-bitten from anyone else in the band. The band had split in two sides now. There was me and Niall and Harry and Louis, Zayn didn't wanna pick sides simply because he was the bigger person and told us we were being children. He had become me, daddy direction. Danielle and I haven't spoken since the day I asked for that ridiculous favor, I was beginning to worry. Danielle had been my best friend since the day she was born. "Liam! Now!" Louis annoying voice called. We were getting interviewed at the today show just to clarify a few things. I walked up and put my arm around Niall's shoulder and tickled his side. His loud laugh filled the small room.

"You're a meanie!" The blond Irish lad pushed me away. I chuckled a bit before heading out on stage we the rest of the boys.

"Welcome boys." The interviewer said.

"Pleasure to be here." I smiled as I took my seat.

"So I hear you guys are getting ready to go on tour in a couple of weeks, pretty pumped?" I nodded.

"Oh, absolutely, can't wait to set foot on stage and see all our beautiful fans." Niall smiled.

"I'm really excited as well, to be performing in different states around America. 'Ts a dream come true." Zayn smiled.

"I'm not looking forward to it." Louis spat. "I don't really wanna be near Liam for six months." The crowd laughed as they thought he was joking, but I knew he wasn't.

"Yeah neither am I." I spat right back. The interviewer laughed and looked at me.

"So I hear there's a special someone in your life." I smiled and nodded as they showed a beautiful picture of Jillian and me.

"She's beautiful." Zayn said. I gave him a glare and he raised his hands. "She's yours man." He chuckled and so did I.

"Yeah, Jillian's something really special to me. And just to clarify things, we aren't engaged." I chuckled as I saw Louis roll his eyes. "I love her, I do. But it's way to early for me and her to be thinking about getting married." I nodded.

"What about Danielle?" I sighed.

"She's my best friend. Nothing's going on with her, I promise." I smiled to the interviewer and she nodded.


"Good job boys, now I want you guys to take the week off, do whatever you guys do. But be together at all times. We can't have the media know you all hate each other." Simon said as we got into our security truck. "Liam, I expect you there as well." I looked at him.

"I'm bringing Jillian, no matter what you say." He sighed.

"Liam." I shook my head.

"No Simon, I get a word in this as well, wither you let me bring Jillian or I'm not going at all." Simon sighed and Niall looked straight at him.

"Alright. I have better see the other girls with you guys as well." I smiled and so did Niall. Louis scoffed and Harry shook his head.

"Well with that settled, club tonight. Meet there at 7 boys." Zayn smiled as he got out of the truck. This should be good.


Jillian's POV

"Are you sure this is a good idea Liam?" I said unsure as we pulled up to the club.

"It's a great idea." He smiled and kissed me before getting off of the car. I got off with a big sigh. He came to my side and took a hold of my hand. "It'll be alright baby." He kissed my lips and smiled. "I know you're dying to see Niall." I smiled at the sound of his name. He's become my best friend. And even though nothing interesting happens in my life, he tells me everything.

"Let's just make thing night about us, yeah?" He smiled and gave me yet another gentle kiss.

"I love the sound of that." I smiled and gripped his hand tighter.

"Now, let's do this." I started walking but stopped as his hand pulled me back to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled.

"I just wanted to tell you I love you." He pulled me close to him kissing my neck. "And that you look extremely sexy in that tight dress." He whispered in my ear. I bit my lip and look into his eyes. His big brown eyes pierced into mine as he leaned in. I felt his warm lips on mine and in an instant they were pulled away.

"Save it for later!" I heard the familiar Irish voice.

"Cockblock." Liam snarled out. I laughed and gave Niall a tight hug.

"I've missed you." He frowned.

"It's been a week Niall." Liam pushed him off of me. "She's mine." I giggled and took his hand.

"You see her everyday! No fair!" Liam chuckled as we walked into the loud club.

"How about I go get us some drinks?" I yelled over the music. I saw Liam nod to the VIP area he and the boys would be. I walked to the bar and ordered two shots. I quickly drowned them and ordered three vodka drinks.

"You've got a lot of nerve coming here you know that?" I looked to my left and saw the one the only, Louis Tomlinson.

"Look Louis, don't do this." I sighed and looked at the drinks. "Why can't you just let it go?" He huffed.

"You turned one of my best mates into a complete tool and you expect me to let it go?" He laughed. "You're delusional." I sighed and grabbed the drinks in my hand. I tried to move past him but he shoved my shoulder causing the drinks to spill on my dress.

"Thanks Louis, thanks!" I shouted and slammed the glass cups on the bar. I walked into the restroom where I found Eleanor.

"What happened?" She said sincerely.

"You're boyfriend." I snarled as I tried to dry my dress with paper towels.

"I'm sorry, he's taking all this out of proportion." She handed me a paper towel.

"Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong." I gave her a warm smile.

"How about we just go have fun tonight, forget about the boys." She smiled and I nodded. I walked out of the restroom behind her as we made our way towards the boys. "Don't let them ruin the night." She smiled at me as we entered the VIP area.

"There you are!" Liam came to my side and kissed me. "Why are you wet?" I shook my head.

"I got clumsy with the drinks and they spilled on me." I smiled and looked at Louis who was smirking. I snarled and Liam looked at me.

"What's wrong?" He looked over to where my eyes were glued to and huffed. "He did this didn't he?" I sighed.

"Just let it go, please." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Please babe." I placed my hands on each side of his face and made him look me in the eyes. "Let it go." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Only for you." He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck and I giggled.


Many, many drinks later I was on the table top dancing with Eleanor. Louis would frequently give me death glares but I did what Eleanor told me to do and ignored him. "You're such an amazing dancer!" She laughed as we both slipped off the table.

"Okay, that's enough Jillian." I looked over to Liam.

"No, I'm just getting started." I pouted.

"Jillian, it's time to go." I shook my head and grabbed Eleanor's arm.

"I'm staying with her," She smiled and we both laughed as we fell on the floor.

"Baby, please." Liam's eyes pleaded. "Let's go home." He stretched out his arm for me. I felt someone yank me up by my arm and push me into Liam.

"Leave already!" Louis yelled.

"Louis." Eleanor said calmly. "Stop this." He shook his head and pushed me again.

"I said leave!" Liam stepped in front of me and pushed him back.

"Don't fucking touch her asshole!" I wrapped my arms around Liam's waist and attempted to pull him back.

"No, Liam. Don't do this." I sighed as he gently shrugged me off.

"What the hell are you going to do about it?" Louis stepped to his face.

"Guys, quit it now." Zayn placed his arm in between them. Louis stepped back and Liam smiled.

"That's what I thought." And just then I saw Liam duck as Louis fist came flying towards me. I looked at him horrified, I saw everything pass in slow motion as his face turned from mad to madder. His fist connect with my jaw and in a matter of seconds I was on the floor in a deep sleep.


updaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! xxxxxxxxxxx
JulienneJames JulienneJames
onelovebaby onelovebaby
Are you done:(
onelovebaby onelovebaby
OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG THIS IS THE BEST FANFICTION EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!